Thursday, November 16, 2006

NICK GRIFFIN (BNP leader) in combat on the BBC's 'MORAL MAZE'


Mark Alexander


Unknown said...

Aww, the poor muslims.

That wasn't a debate, that was a hatchet job, BBC style. about heads in the sand. The impression I got from all the male memebers of the panel was, "we are the great and the good, now you should listen to us, and only us." Talk of a condescending, sneering attitude, the programme reeked of it. Their antipathy was on display from the outset, it really didn't matter what Nick Griffin said. Mental masturbation in full public view, those panelists should have listened more attentively to their fathers', when they got the birds and the bees speech, you know, the one that ended with..."and if you don't cut it out now, you'll go blind you know." Truer words were never spoken.

Well, events will shortly overtake that attitude, I wonder then what moral verbiage will spew forth. Actually the only panelist I was at all impressed with was Clare the Marxist (or former Marxist, what ever she was), for at least she actually made some sense, unlike the rest of the authoritarians. Though I did catch Nick Griffin's rejoinder about her and her associates throwing bricks at the BNP demonstrators, a credible point as those so called anti fascist groups have quite a violent reputation, quite telling really. The two ladies who were among the guests, struck me as much more democratic in principle than any or all of the panel. No wonder Britain is in such a sorry state.

Much more of that smug condescention from the great and the good, together with their willfull denial of reality and they'll hand the BNP victory on a golden platter. Old Nick wont even have to open his mouth.

It strikes me as the same hachet job they smeared Enoch Powell with, and events would seem to be leading towards vindicating much of what he said. Would that the fools will one day choke upon their smears. The two ladies were quite right, the supression of speech and free opinion will lead to ferment resistance and rebellion, and therefore absolutely no good will come of it.

What the fools fail to realize is that by their continuos denial of reality on the ground, by their mendacious manipulation of information, by their willfull supression of speech, they will be the architects and ushers of the very chaos they claim to abhor; their adherence to the rigidities of PC guarranty this. The longer that this question is suppressed, the worse will be the outcome. What they can't see is that when the blood really starts to flow in the streets then it will be too late to resolve this in any humane and civil way, and they will be as covered in the blood of the innocent as any bomber.

Eleanor © said...

Disgusting. What was said that "incites violence?" In other words the makers of the law expect SILENCE.

Expressing and opinion isn't necessarily inciting violence. If so, ordinary Britons are easily led.

Curtailment of speech, the squelching of controversial opinions, won't stop people from thinking what they want. You will only get further resentment.

mirrorman said...

The Catholic lady in the discussion afterwards was very much the sanest person in the studio.

mirrorman said...

j.a.r. great commentary, was spot on as usual. You never disappoint with your arrows of sharp analysis.
With regard to Marxists in UK.
Do you recall Tariq Ali?
Famous now as author and pundit. Great crower of anti-Western thought. Just published a book about the joys of the emerging Socialist/Marxist governments in South America (Axis of Hope) ha ha.
As a young lad. I recall him leading charges agaist the police outside the US Embassy in London in the "Light up an Embassy" demo.
He and his campaneros had a huge telegraph pole they used as a battering ram aginst the coppers. He was like a general giving orders on the battlefield. Actually, all that radical Sixties demo stuff makes the modern day uk Muslim protesters look like a bunch of pansies. Nevertheless, today's agitators are backed by the silent bombers waiting in the wings to strike with callous abandon.
Given the choice I prefer the Marxists, they are more predictable.

Unknown said...

Hey mirrorman

Yes, I remember Ali the mouth; best buddies with Peter Hain, if I recall, a right pair of rabble rousers. Though between the two of them, I'd say Tariq was the more honorable of the pair, though that is of course doing grave injury to the word honor, for at least with Tariq, you always knew you were dealing with an out and out marxist piece of merde, Hain on the other hand, has all the attributes of that brilliant quote from antiquity..."a snake lurks in the grass"; (I believe that was from Virgil).

Interesting, for someone who evidently despises British society, that he chose to make his home amongst them all, but then again, even your average marxist knows, that to live in Utopia, where ever that can be found upon this mortal coil, can be very detrimental to the health and wellbeing of those who suffer from verbal diarrhea in the cause of marxist agitprop.

The whole programm struck me as an exercise in denial on the part of the panel. But then if you consider that to accept even a part of the premiss of Nick Griffin and the BNP, then the whole world view of their utopian philosophy and indeed the very essence of who and what they are, comes tumbling down around their self-righteous ears. They simply have to deny everything, for as they are well aware, from little cracks, do mighty fissures grow. And once their utopian vision comes crashing down, then they are no longer the guardians of moral virtue, the keepers of the faith; they dissolve into shallow worms, self serving parrasites, the corrupt and corrupting little venal souls that they are in reality. For then they would be stripped of the cloak of respectability conferred upon them by their present station in the political hierarchy, and their prognostications of piety must then stand in the light of the reality of events.

I really don't think I would like to be in their shoes right now, events overtaking them daily, the general populace growing restless, the invaders creating mayhem, the evidence of fiscal missmanagement beginning to strain the political fabric, social order descending into chaos; the deplorable track record of marxist achievement laid bare once again. Yes, yes, I know, they aren't marxists, they're socialists, sorry, same difference, just a different name, kind of like Liberals (in the American definition). Just how many of them out there are spouting marxist dogma, while totally oblivious to the source of their core beliefs.

In that programm, their superior compassion was laid bare for the fallacy that it is, their concern was solely about getting Nick Griffin, couched in the language of protecting the poor innocent muslims, all the while by sneering at the ignorant masses they could ignore the plight of the indigenous population and the position which they have been placed in, for of course to admit that, then they would have to conceed that they themselves were the very architects of that plight.

When the shit hits the fan on this one, as it surely will, then we can be assured that they will do the only honorable thing any marxist/socialist ever away, and leave it all for others to clean up.

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

That wasn't a debate, that was a hatchet job ...

It would seem so, wouldn't it?

There was one guy who sounded so arrogant. I forget his name now. He got on my nerves. Mary Kenny, towards the end, spoke a lot of sense, I thought.

By the way folks, I'm sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you on this, but I have been in the process of changing my ISP.

Mark said...

Perfectly stated, Eleanor!

Mark said...


The Catholic lady in the discussion afterwards was very much the sanest person in the studio.

Here, here!