Monday, November 13, 2006

Neo-Nazis in "the capital of the German Reich": "One day we will control this country"
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Image courtesy of YNET NEWS
"Skin heads and uniform-wearers are already a minority. The convention participants were well-kept, well-dressed people from all levels of German society." - Eldad Beck
YNET: BERLIN - Decades after World War II, Germany isn't the same Germany, but whoever came across the neo-Nazi convention Saturday in Berlin couldn't help but sense a slight chill crawl up his back.

And yet, just as the hall in Munich in the 20s of the previous century was too small to contain the ambitions of a former corporal, the venue in the worker's quarter of Berlin is seen as just a starting point for the former paratrooper and current chairman of the neo-Nazi party.

"One day we will control this country, and not from some remote town, but from Berlin," declared National Democratic Party (NPD) Chairman Udo Voigt at the convention. The declaration received roaring applause from those in attendance. NeoNazis: One day we'll control Germany by Eldad Back
Mark Alexander


Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

The United States voters by boosting the number of Democrats in congress certainly does give an appearance that those who hate Jews like the nazi's and the religion of peace is on the ascendancy.

But since i have confidence in the Bible's statements of what events will occur in human history, i hope i can report it says that they will not succeed because the Jewish nation of Israel is permenantly in their land so the Jews can live in peace. [Jerimiah chapter 30]

scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...

Fredistar, the pendulum always swings back and forth. We may be experiencing the pendulum swinging back to the right. The fact is that there is very little that the politicians can do about it. The more people like Brown meddle, the more damage they are likely to do.

Mark said...


I am glad you have confidence in this. Persoanlly, I am not so sure about it. Yours is a fundamentalist Christian's approach, I guess.

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

Yes Mark i have been brought up as an evangelical protestant. Here is one event that is stated will occur that appears to have been confirmed of many i know about. It is stated that everynation will gather their armies against Jerusalem. [Zechariah chapters 12 and 14] Look at the newspapers: The united nations always has lopsided votes in the general assembly against Israel. The bias of the press against Israel in the war the summer of 2006. In October 2006 France decided to give to Lebanon Aster surface to air missles to use against the Israeli Air Force doing surveillance missions against hezbollah. The conclusion of Zechariah 14 is the coming of the Jewish Messiah with the resulting destruction of all evil forever.

I have a 3 year old daughter, and my concern for her, my husband and our family and friends lie in the violence that proceeds the Messiah's destroying evil for ever. But i have absolute conficence in the final permenant destruction of evil.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...


Yes Mark i have been brought up as an evangelical protestant. Here is one event that is stated will occur that appears to have been confirmed of many i know about. It is stated that everynation will gather their armies against Jerusalem. [Zechariah chapters 12 and 14] Look at the newspapers: The united nations always has lopsided votes in the general assembly against Israel. The bias of the press against Israel in the war the summer of 2006. In October 2006 France decided to give to Lebanon Aster surface to air missles to use against the Israeli Air Force doing surveillance missions against hezbollah. The conclusion of Zechariah 14 is the coming of the Jewish Messiah with the resulting destruction of all evil forever.

Very interesting! I don't interpret things in that kind of light myself, but I know that evangelical Christians often do. I am not an evangelical Christian myself.

I have a 3 year old daughter, and my concern for her, my husband and our family and friends lie in the violence that proceeds the Messiah's destroying evil for ever. But i have absolute conficence in the final permenant destruction of evil.

It's interesting to note that evangelicals interpret things so differently from the established C of E.

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

Hello Mark

I would be happy to give you the website that discusses Bible prophecy and how current events is evolving if you would like hosted by an evangelical protestant. If you are interested please tell me.

This morning in Boston the news mentioned that someone or some organization in Germany want to have Donald Rumsfeld held for war crimes. I don't know if you heard about that - but the information here in America is minimal at this time.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...


Here's a link to the Rumsfeld story: Rumsfeld faces German legal test

Due to time constraints, I'll pass on that link for now, thank you. Maybe sometime later. It's all go here at the moment.

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

Thank you Mark for the link to the Rumsfeld story.

Can your book be found in America at Border books?

Have a nice thanksgiving!

Scary Sexy Chocolate Thing

Mark said...


Thank you Mark for the link to the Rumsfeld story.

You're welcome!

Can your book be found in America at Border books?

As I live this side of the Pond, I'm not sure, to be honest. It would also depend on which branch, I should imagine. They would be able to order it for you, I feel sure. In any case, it is widely available online.

I have seen it on the shelves of Barnes and Noble when I was in the States on vacation. Why don't you get it from Barnes and Noble online? You can find it here: The Dawning of a New Dark Age?

I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you.

Have a nice thanksgiving!

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!