Friday, November 03, 2006

BNP leader in the dock
BBC: British National Party leader Nick Griffin told a crowd that Islam was a "wicked, vicious faith" a court heard.

Mr Griffin, 47, from mid-Wales, is charged with using words or behaviour intended to stir up racial hatred in Keighley, West Yorkshire, in 2004.

BNP activist Mark Collett, 25, of Leicestershire, also faces four similar charges at Leeds Crown Court.

The charges arose out of speeches filmed by BBC journalist Jason Gwynne for a documentary on the party.

The jury heard Mr Griffin, of Llanerfyl, Powys, urged the gathering to vote BNP to ensure "the British people really realise the evil of what these people have done to our country". BNP leader 'said Islam is wicked'
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

There is something I fail to understand about this situation. How can it be that this man is accused of stirring up 'racial hatred' given the fact that Islam is NOT a race?

Mark said...


You tell me!

mirrorman said...

Forgive me folks, but I thought they were using the "religious hatred" angle to trip him up.

Whatever, does this mean that Mr. Griffin is solely responsible for the volumes of hatred spewed by the religion of piece on the internet and on the streets of London and other European cities?
Could it be that the blame may lay partly with those of that religion that hate non-muslims already.

A local newspaper has quoted a Liberal Democrat local politician as saying the BNP is "evil" and many other nasty things.
Does this mean he will be charged with a crime for stirring up hatred?

I doubt it somehow.
I read the police have admitted that they are reluctant to prosecute Muslims for racial crimes.
What does that tell us?

This is a witch hunt. The fate of Mr. Griffin and his co-defendant are now in the hands of a jury of Britons and the outcome will speak volumes.

Mark said...

What I lament in all of this is the loss of our FREEDOM OF SPEECH! It is clear to me, if it isn't clear to others, that our freedom of speech has been eroded directly because of the Muslims living in the United Kingdom.

The country I grew up in was quite, quite different. Now, we have to watch each and every word we utter.

I thought that we had extended a welcome to Muslims; I didn't think that they were the ones who had extended a welcome to us!

Mark said...


Let's hope Nick will take the opportunity to amply quote the Quran in his defence, It's about time this odious book was put under the spotlight!


Eleanor © said...

Islam is not a race. Here is a report to dispel that myth.

mirrorman said...

eleanor@, many thanks for the interesting link.

Pastorius said...

You know, I don't like the BNP, but I dislike Dhimmi Fascists even more.