Thursday, November 02, 2006

As I stated in my book, that New Dark Age Is Dawning
THE BRUSSELS JOURNAL: Europe’s current problems are entirely self-inflicted. This does not mean, however, that the result will be less catastrophic. By subverting the roots of its own Judeo-Christian culture – a process that started with the French Enlightenment (as opposed to the Scottish Enlightenment, which was not anti-religious) – a religious and cultural vacuum was created at the heart of European civilization. The collapse of faith in its own values has, not surprisingly, led to a demographic collapse because a civilization that no longer believes in its own future also rejects procreation. Today, a new religion and culture is supplanting the old one. There is little one can do about it, but hope for a miracle. The Closing Civilization of Europe by Paul Belien
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

This is a bone-chilling post. Unfortunately, I fear it is 'spot on'. Where has the Church gone?

Mark said...


Where has the Church gone?

That's a damn good question! Playing footsie under the table with the people out to annihilate it, in all probability!

Mark said...


Great comment.

Law is NOT divorced from morality and morality is NOT divorced from religious world-viewpoints.

This is generally true. But in an increasingly secular world, many laws bear little, or no, relation to any religious underpinnings.

Mark said...

Great comment, Paracelsus. Alas, it's all true!