Monday, June 26, 2006

France Commemorates Muslim War Dead
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
French President Jacques Chirac has marked 90 years since the Battle of Verdun by unveiling a monument to Muslims who fell in the key WWI battle.

The memorial is the first to Muslims who died in 300 days of clashes over the strategically located French town and in other World War I battles.

Mr Chirac hailed the French army in Verdun as "France in its diversity". France marks Muslim dead of WWI
Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

From the article: Dalil Boubakeur, the head of the French Muslim Council, said he hoped the new memorial would help close old wounds.

"I hope [this provides] an impulse for the future for a closer integration of all of France's Muslim communities which are also ... completely French communities, thanks in no small part to the blood they have shed," he said.

Assimilation? It's not happening because the Koran teaches that Muslims should not be friends with infidels.

Always On Watch said...

Of course there will be no reciprocation!

Mark said...


You have expressed some very good, colourful sentiments there! I have to agree with your words. Ignorance does indeed NOT make bliss with Islam. By the way: What a wonderful line!

Mark said...


As you rightly say: There will be no reciprocation from Islam. First of all they feel superior to us, secondly Islam will dominate the world if we let them, and thirdly we don't demand that they reciprocate. We should - forthwith! But for that, it takes politicians and leaders with balls. That's exactly what we don't have - neither side of the Pond!