Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Cartoon Controversy from the Jews' Perspective
In the Mohammed-cartoon controversy, the Western world faced fundamental questions that will continue to evolve in the coming years. These include: the nature of Western identity; the internal solidarity of the Western world; to what extent Western societies can be intimidated; how Muslim violence should be confronted; whether a Western Islam can evolve; to what extent some of the Muslims living in the West are a fifth column for a violent non-Western culture; and whether right-wing trends in the West will increase.

Israel and the Jews were drawn - almost inevitably - into the controversy between Muslims and the West once the violent protests against the cartoons rapidly accelerated in the first week of February 2006. This was yet another manifestation of the hard core of anti-Semitism that portrays the Jews as responsible for all evil in the world.

Western media contrasted Muslims' sensitivity about the cartoons with the stream of far more offensive anti-Semitic cartoons published in Muslim media. The Middle Eastern boycott of Danish firms also raised some questions about Danish boycotts of Israel.

Israel faces a serious risk of Western scapegoating as the Muslim-Western controversy develops over the coming years. In an increasingly unpredictable world, Israel may need to establish a rapid-analysis force to assess emerging global events. The Mohammed-Cartoon Controversy, Israel, and the Jews: A Case Study by Manfred Gerstenfeld
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

The present West deserves what is coming.

I'm afraid so, Mussolini. I'm afraid so.

Mark said...


It does indeed seem like many innocents will have to die in the name of "good society". Then, and perhaps only then, will people awaken to the monster facing them!

Unknown said...

The death of those innocents will be upon the heads of our political elites and their cheering section in the media, just as much as on the Islamic assault troops. I hope that we have the resolve to hold them to account.

Mark said...

Just Another Richard:

I hope that we have the resolve to hold them to account.

So do I!

cybercrusader said...

truthman, give me a break. this is pure horsefeathers...

cybercrusader said...

mussolini, BINGO!