Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mass Exodus of Christians from the Middle East

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Photo grâce à Figaro
En Egypte, en Irak, en Palestine ou en Syrie, leur nombre ne cesse de diminuer en raison des départs en exil. Pour les héritiers des premiers croyants, l'avenir est opaque.

LA SEMAINE PROCHAINE, dix patriarches et archevêques catholiques orientaux viennent célébrer en France le 150e anniversaire de l'Oeuvre d'Orient, qui aide les Eglises orientales liées à Rome. Mais les festivités marquent une période de doute et d'angoisse. Partout, les descendants des premiers chrétiens, qu'ils soient ou non liés à Rome, craignent pour leur avenir. Leur exode s'accentue. Beaucoup quittent leur pays avec peu ou pas d'espoir de retour, vers l'Europe, les Etats-Unis ou l'Australie. «Le départ des chrétiens d'Orient n'est pas un phénomène nouveau, dit Christian Lochon, universitaire spécialiste des Eglises d'Orient. Déjà, au XIXe siècle, les habitants de Bethléem et de ses environs ont fondé des colonies en Argentine, au Chili ou au Brésil. Plus généralement, toutes les crises de l'Empire ottoman ont déclenché des vagues d'émigration. Récemment, la guerre en Irak et la montée des islamismes ont accentué cette tendance.»

Combien sont-ils à vivre encore sur les terres qui virent naître le christianisme ? Les données sont aléatoires et les chiffres souvent politiques. Les statistiques varient du simple au double selon l'auteur du décompte, communautés ou gouvernements. Le grand exode des chrétiens d'Orient par Pierre Prier
Mark Alexander

1 comment:

Mark said...

Yes, if only our dear representatives could unclog their synapses.

Fair is fair. One for one. One mosque here, one Kirk there.

With at least a thousand mosques in Britain, there is a lot of catching up to do, building those thousand churches in Saudi!

Well, yes. This is how it should be. And this is how our politicians should proceed. Reciprocity is key. But will our spineless politicians do this? Short answer: No! Short reason: There's too much money involved. Too many contracts by you know whom, for you know what!

I listened to "Question Time" on the BBC, today, and in answer to a question, the whole of the panel, cheered by most of the audience, proceeded to apologise for the July seventh bombers.

They blamed it all on the "illegal" war, (what war relies on legality, twits,) and fell over themselves backwards, forwards and every position of the Kama Sutra, to say sorry, not to the dead and wounded, but to the f*ckers that did the heinous deed.
What d*ckheads we have got in positions of influence.

What appeasers, apologists for murderers, bootlicking cowards and dhim-witted morons these fools are.

I couldn't have said it better myself! It's no wonder people don't want to vote. Who is there to vote for? This dickhead or that twerp? It's disgusting!

These blockheads are going to get such a rude awakening when the shit does hit the fan.

And it's already started doing so! But they're turning a blind eye. They'll only be able to do that for so long, though. The chickens will come home to roost.

The nature of British society has been spoilt through their weakness. Can we really call this home anymore? I mean: Is it really home with all these mosques about the place? Is it really home when they have taken the Gideon Bibles away from our hospital wards for fear of offending Muslims? Etc.

It almost makes one ashamed to call oneself British now!

We need some real leader to come along and put the 'Great' back into Great Britain!

Blair has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he CANNOT do this.

How long can our security forces keep on top of all the cells of young would be "martyrs?"

Good question! And who is going to pay for all the policing and security services? The costs will just escalate and escalate and escalate! Until in the end the costs will be unpayable. Then, they will have won.

When will the voices of reason and patriotism be heard?

That's what I would like to know, too.