Sunday, April 30, 2006

Muslims in Europe

As we all know, the BBC has a special love of Muslims. This is the BBC's take on Muslims in Europe:

Muslims in Europe



Always On Watch said...

(I apologize in advance for the length of this comment)

That is a very comprehensive page from the BBC and an obvious pr mechanism! Everything I read there seems designed to put Islam in a better light than it truly is. By that, I mean that I detect a conscious attempt to make sure that the reader doesn't see any clash between Islamic and Western values. One would think that, in the interest of fairness, the BBC would make an effort to present both sides. Guess I'm being naive in that hope, huh?

From the article "Dutch Reconsider Islamic Values":

Rather than isolating these groups, it argues, the Netherlands and the European Union should reach out to them to encourage progress towards democracy.

Excuse me, but Hamas was elected to political office by means of a democratic election. Bringing democracy to Muslims, who believe that shari'ah law is the only way and that Allah has commanded the annihilation of Jews, can lead only to disaster. Furthermore, it is not poverty which propels Muslim youth to acts of violence. According to Walid Shoebat, who used to be a terrorist but who is now a Christian, poverty doesn't drive these young Muslim males to jihad nor are they recruited to jihad; rather, they beg to acquire explosives because the Koran commands them to pursue the higher jihad (what we call terrorism and murder). And research bears out what Shoebat says: many of the jihadists come from the upper classes, those who have attending "the best Muslim schools." I think we know what's being taught in those schools!

Another case in point...Remember when Lebanon was "the Paris of the Middle East"? For ages, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived there in relative peace? But what happened to turn Lebanon into a wartorn land? According to Brigitte Gabriel, Lebanon let in many Muslim refugees and immigrants, and they stirred up all the trouble and turned Lebanon upside down. Ms. Gabriel says that this same pattern is happening all over Europe and even to the United States. I was privileged to hear Ms. Gabriel speak at the symposium. Her story was enough to cause goosebumps.

From Ms. Gabriel's web site American Congress for Truth:

We are faced with a war that has been declared on Christians and Jews in America and the world. Citizens of the most powerful country on earth watched in horror on 9/11, 2001 as a handful of men brought the United States of America to its knees. Wall Street froze, the stock market tumbled, and national air traffic ground to a halt. The West faces a threat more menacing today than the past goals of communist world domination.

We are facing an enemy that uses children as human bombs, mothers as suicide bombers, and men driven by the glory of death and the promise of eternal sexual bliss in heaven. We are fighting an enemy that loves death more than we love life. I am a victim of the Lebanese civil war, which was the first front in the worldwide Jihad of militant Islam against the only Christian country in the Middle East. My family’s home was shelled and destroyed leaving me wounded. I lived underground in a bomb shelter from age 10 to 17 without electricity and very little food. I had to crawl under sniper bullets to a spring to fetch water for my elderly parents. I was betrayed by my country, rescued by my enemy Israel, the Jewish State that is under attack for its existence today.

At the symposium, Ms. Gabriel was the first speaker. No pc or multi-culti from this fine lady! And she clearly explicated the disaster which "Islamic democracy" causes--it happened in Lebanon and in Gaza/West Bank. And Europe will become Eurabia. God help us.

Always On Watch said...

Ms. Gabriel says the key to preventing cultural destruction is to curb immigration from Muslim countries.

Is it already too late? What a depressing thought.

Always On Watch said...

Off topic here...Check out Warren's avatar on my blog. Rosie has Axeman as her protector!

Mark said...


What a fine - nay fantastic - post! Thank you!

Mark said...



Ms. Gabriel says the key to preventing cultural destruction is to curb immigration from Muslim countries.

Here! Here!

Mark said...

I shall look out for the avatar, Always.

leelion said...

Mark - the BBC... it must be great to have a job where you can write, film and think whatever you like with no consequences and have other people pay for it.

To diverge from Islam for a minute, I recently saw a "shock-horror-fly-on-the-wall-expose" BBC documentary in a run-down British housing estate.

After watching it I wondered if maybe the BBC is in fact a gigantic taxpayer funded job creation scheme.

Think about it. You're a collectivist thinking, socialist promoting, anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-western, anti-American, big government loving journalist.

Your ideas and love of government social programs (that don't work) produce disastrous social consequences that promote anti- social, irresponsible behaviour, increase crime and family breakdown.

So you get a job at the BBC where you report on this "shock-horror" social breakdown (as in the documentary above) and say "tutt-tutt", what could be causing this?
Doesn't society care anymore? We need MORE taxation and MORE big government social programs to fix it, and MORE BBC funded documentaries to let the public know how bad things really are. (Tutt, tutt, shock horror).

And the best thing is, the crusading BBC journos fighting for "social justice" for the disaffected can feel good about themselves - all at taxpayer expense of course.

Mark said...

You make quite a pair, Always! Warren and Always. Walways! :-)

Mark said...


Mark - the BBC... it must be great to have a job where you can write, film and think whatever you like with no consequences and have other people pay for it.

Mustn't it, though? And if there is any criticism, then they can just slough it off.

After watching it I wondered if maybe the BBC is in fact a gigantic taxpayer funded job creation scheme.

Maybe it is. Tax-funded job creation schemes don't come much bigger, do they?


And the best thing is, the crusading BBC journos fighting for "social justice" for the disaffected can feel good about themselves - all at taxpayer expense of course.

Isn't that how screaming liberals like to feel?

But I'd like to change one word there: "crusading". Let's change that into "crescading". (I came up with that word in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age .)

Mark said...


A have been waiting for some time to see the BBC brought to task for it's slanted apologies for islam?

Yes, that would be good to see. But who is going to do it? The Blair government is as slanted as the Beeb itself. So it falls on the likes of you and me to do it.

Your idea of "disgruntled BBC employees" spilling the beans is a great one. They could use blogs to air their views, and to let the world know what is going on behind the scenes there.

Have you ever tried to post a comment up on the BBC website? If you haven't, don't bother! What a rigmarole that is! With their old system, you'd have to send it in, then they would monitor it first. If they thought your comment passed the PC test, then they might deign to put it up. If it didn't pass the PC test, then you'd have had your chips!

The new system - though I have never tried to post a comment since they changed the procedure (I wouldn't want to waste my time) - is even more overtly monitored. They state, up front, that this thread is fully moderated, or partially moderated, etc. You can guess which threads are fully moderated, can't you? Yes, you guessed it: Threads on Islam, among a few others.

What I want to know is, Why when we are told that islam only represents less than five percent of UK population, do they get so much pandering attention from the BRITISH Broadcasting Corps.

That's a damn good question. If they get this much attention when they are in the minority, imagine the kind of attention they'll get if we allow them to procreate to the point of being in the majority! It will be unbearable.

Thanks Mark, Always and Lee for kicking the bvall rolling.

You're welcome.

By the way, if the BBC were truly multi-culti, then they would share their time and space EQUALLY with other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism, Animism, etc. They wouldn't get stuck on Muhammadanism.