Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Dialogue and mutual understanding"

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The delectable and extremely elegant Ursula Plassnik, the Foreign Minister for Austria, the European nation which holds the European Presidency for the next six months, has said that the EU will seek "dialogue and mutual understanding" with the Islamic world.

How, pray, can one hold dialogue with a people which is out to destroy Western civilization? How, too, can one have any form of meaningful mutual understanding with a people so sure of its destiny to bring Islam to every corner of the world?

Ursula, it's time to be more realistic and realize that these people are on a mission: The mission of Islamizing the world! So it's time to get tough with them, not go soft on them, as you seem to wish to do. Only recently, you put up a good fight to try and stop Turkey's accession to the EU. You showed your feisty side. Ursula, it's time to show that feisty side again.

These people are not interested in dialogue and mutual understanding; rather, they're interested in having their own way. Muslims must have everything on their terms. If you need proof, read this from the Secretary General of the 'The Organisation of Islamic Countries', (OIC), Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu:
"What we are looking for is that you take our sensitivities in your definition [of freedom of expression]. If you fail to do that... it will be a problem of credibility and a problem of universality of European values."

(Source: The BBC)
©Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Puts me in mind of John Kerry's idiotic remark, something like "We need to sit down with Osama bin Laden and see what he wants."

Muslims have told us over and over again as to what they want. Why does the West choose to ignore what the enemy is saying?

I feel like banging my head against the wall. Frustration!

Politicians seeking "dialogue and mutual understanding" and Christian churches, which have lost their way, calling for "interfaith" meetings--it's all appeasement because the Muslims are committed to their cause and will not compromise. I see sweet-little commitment from the West!

Mark said...


Muslims have told us over and over again as to what they want. Why does the West choose to ignore what the enemy is saying?

Fear, perhaps?

I feel like banging my head against the wall. Frustration!

You are not alone!

Politicians seeking "dialogue and mutual understanding" and Christian churches, which have lost their way, calling for "interfaith" meetings--it's all appeasement because the Muslims are committed to their cause and will not compromise. I see sweet-little commitment from the West!

There is "sweet-little" commitment from the West, that's why!

Maybe, just maybe, this war will be won by the side with the greatest commitment, not the greatest technology. That's the great worry. And it really is a plausible scenario. Especially with their swelling numbers.

cybercrusader said...

The notion that we enter into dialogue with the Islamic world appears to be totally one-sided. Who has heard any Muslim -- even a single one -- call for "dialogue and mutual understanding"????? Rather, they talk of jihad and beheading of their enemies. Alas, western politicians seem to be so weak, so cowardly, and so ineffectual that all they can think of as a strategy is appeasement. The whole bloody lot is following in the footsteps of Neville Chamberlain; I trust that history will treat them equally unkindly!

Mark said...

US Iconoclastic Patriot:

Yes, in medical terms, it's called the Chamberlain syndrome! And it's very contageous!