Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The 'Iron Veil' comes into existence!

In my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, I suggested that an iron veil might be our only protection against the onslaught of Islam on Western values and our Western, liberal-democratic way of life. Some thought I was proposing a solution that could never be in our politically-correct, multicultural world.

However, only this morning, I read an article in The Times that such an 'iron veil' is already coming into existence! It has been reported that India is erecting one on its very long border with Bangladesh. (To read the article, please click on the heading above.)

The Indians have a great deal of experience with Islam. Far more experience with the religion than the vast majority of Westerners. Our Western political and business leaders have, in recent years, struck many commercial deals with the nouveau riche princes, princelings and sheikhs of the Middle East, so now they think they know it all, know all there is to know about their new-found Muslim 'friends'. To them, 'the deal' is all important; they pay only lip service to the furtherance of our civilization. As long as they can strike a few oil and gas deals, with a goodly few aerospace deals thrown in, they think that all will be well. Ladies and gentlemen! Our problems with Islam are only just beginning!

Before the Western liberal press start villifying the Indians for a erecting a barrier to rival the Great Wall of China in order to "keep out Islamic militants, thwart cross-border smuggling and stop human trafficking" as they have the Israelis for erecting a far smaller one, we need to take a long, hard look at the Indians' long experience of difficulties with the Islamic world. We are mere novices at this game of survival!

©Mark Alexander


Papa Ray said...

Well, their double fence comes in a lot cheaper than the one proposed for the US southern border. I believe the estimates range from 1.2 to 2.0 million dollars a mile.

Of course, India has thousands of workers willing to work for next to nothing...right?

I am sure that the people that are serious about getting across the fence will figure out how to do it with minimum trouble. The amount of troops that they say they are going to devote to the border is a good thing, but I can see that it might not be enough.

The US southern border will take as many or more and I think that they are forcasting something like under ten thousand total in a few years.

Fences are never going to keep someone in or out.

Unless there are more harsh methods incorporated, such as mine fields and electrified wires both above and below ground.

But I guess none of that matters much to the farmers or ranchers in India or Texas, they just know that their livelyhood will be impacted.

Papa Ray
West Texas

cybercrusader said...

The folks in India are obviously not given to political correctness. They would rather surivive as a distinguished culture and as a people than "fall on the sword" of pc and thus inevitably be done in by the forces of Jihad. Only those with a suicide wish would be so stupid as to do the latter. Rather, let us follow the good example of the Indians who obviously "get it."

Always On Watch said...

The Indians are doing what they have to--for their own survival. I don't see the fence as 100% effective, but at least the building of such a barrier is a sign that the Indians understand what's at stake.

Meanwhile, the West is embracing the enemy, apologizing to the enemy, pandering to the enemy, allowing Saudi to buy into major universities such as Harvard and Georgetown. Need I go on? It's depressing!

The Truth Teller said...

First, we at Truth wish you a Happy New Year! This is a very busy time of year on a personal level, but we all must make time to wish each other the best in 2006.

Now to matters of infidel resistance...You said, "The Indians have a great deal of experience with Islam."

Yes, indeed. On the left sidebar and in the book list is some information from the Hindu-Sikh community, which contacted Truth shortly after the site went up.

On the left sidebar:
1) "The Violent Truth Behind the Sufi Mask"
2) "More on Sufism"
3) "Sufi Shah Wali-Ullah's Views on Hindus"

From the main page, go to the book list article, and scroll down to the the section "From the Hindu-Sikh Perspective." Many of the books in this section are available online, and all are in English.

While we at Truth are not experts on the Islamic conflict in India and in Pakistan, a Truth reader sent us the information, which we, of course, immediately posted.

No wonder there is talk of a fence going up! I hope that the above information at Truth is of use to you. Feel free to use it in any way you see fit.