Wednesday, November 30, 2005

This, with thanks to my guest writer, Eleanor:

The Freedoms We Fight For

Islam hates individual freedoms and Islamists are moving quickly and violently to hasten the demise of any and all freedoms we cherish in the West.

Free speech has never been allowed by Islam. Freedom of speech is under attack because the dissemination of information and opinion that is unfavorable to Islam could not be possible without the unimpeded access we have to get and give information. Today's world is shrunk by technology that allows groups and individuals greater access than ever before to information and to each other.

Will technology force us to adopt the kind of self-censorship that has been imposed on Muslims since the beginning. If we in the West allow Muslims to force and enforce our silence. it will only be a matter of time before our other precious freedoms will be lost forever and Islam will have won.

Ironically Islam is becoming very successful in silencing speech in the West. Everyone remembers the plight of Salmon Rushdie, the novelist against whom a death sentence has been issued and Theo Van Gogh, the filmmaker against whom a death sentence has been carried out. But they aren't alone.

Omar Sharif has been threatened because he gave credence to Christianity while playing St. Peter in an Italian film. Ali Hirsi, a member of the Dutch Parliament, must live in hiding due to her death sentence. Khalid Duran produced a book called Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews for the American Jewish Committee that caused an escalating furor in the Muslim world that, according to the scholar Daniel Pipes, resulted in a fatwa that "religiously condones Duran's death." Ironically CAIR did not condemn Duran but the American Jewish Committee for publicizing the remarks to Abu Zant, a powerful Islamist leader in Jordan.

Read the rest for additional chilling examples of death threats and other intimidation against those that have the courage to expose themselves by criticism or by even giving information about Islam that has not been given the seal of approval by Muslim leaders, mullahs, and scholars.



Always On Watch said...

The media's whitewash of Islam, by omission or reduced coverage, helps to keep the public ignorant of the truth about Islam. I think of this as interfering with freedom of knowledge, another way of my saying "dhimmitude."

Mark said...

Islam uses bullying tactics to silence its opponents. The media are but playing into the hands of Muslims by aiding and abetting the 'crime of whitewashing'! For it really should be regarded as a crime against western human values. Millions of people have lost their lives in two world wars for these freedoms we are now putting on the roulette table. Our leaders should be ashamed of themselves for staying silent; the media should be ashamed of playing along with it!

If to be educated means anything at all, it means searching for the truth. So much for the 'educated types' leading us; so much for the 'educated types' in the media.

One of these days, they'll come to rue the fact that they have been instrumental in the downfall of the West.