Monday, November 07, 2005

Do our leaders still want Turkey to be admitted to the EU?

The situation in France is grave. Last night saw its worst night of violence since the riots started eleven days ago. The unrest has spread to Marseille, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Metz and Lille. 1400 cars went up in flames. The first man - Jean-Jacques Le Chenedec, a 60 year old, according to Le Parisien - has died. He is the first victim of the riots. 395 people were arrested.

This is a serious situation indeed; it could well lead to civil war if the authorities do not manage to quosh the unrest very soon. The great fear is that this unrest could spill over into other European countries. There is no end to the damage that these riots could wreak on Europe, and the European psyche.

If anyone was in any doubt about the workability of multiculturalism, then these recent events in France should put an end to it! Multiculturalism does not work. It is an unrealistic idea, dreamt up by the liberals and academics. It should be considered dead!

There is only one way for a nation to function, and that is for all its citizens to accept the characteristics and way of life of that nation. People should be made to assimilate. If they do not wish to do so, then they should be made to leave; they should be shown the door!

Many Muslims are already talking of re-establishing the caliphate to replace our civilized democratic institutions. Such talk is dangerous; and it should, under no circumstances, be tolerated. These people should not be locked up (why waste our tax dollars/pound/euros?); rather they should be deported, for they are taking advantage of the hospitality that our free countries have extended to them, and they have taken advantage of us as people, too, of our kindness, our tolerance, our sense of fair play. They have overstepped the mark: they are using the free system for subversive activities. This should be tolerated no longer. These people are a menace to society.

The clamps need to be placed on Muslims. Yes, Muslims! These people - though it has to be said not all of them - are the ones causing these problems for the French, and they will soon be causing such problems for us all. The old saying, a stitch in time... is as pertinent in this situation today as it ever was.

Muslims in general do not wish to integrate; rather, they wish to take us over. This is as plain as the nose on your face. It should be plain to our politicians also.

It is unfair to the indigenous population to subject them to this unrest and violence in the name of multiculturalism. It is time to put a stop to the commercial world calling the shots, too! They want cheap labour; Muslim immigrants have filled the bill. Look what's happened!

When governing a country, there is far more to consider than mere commercial gain. If this is the price we have to pay for cheap labour; then it is unacceptable.

People have to be safe in their own homes, people have to be safe on the streets, people need to know that the way of life they have grown accustomed to, and the freedoms they cherish, will not be put in jeopardy.

If our politicians, after all this unrest and all these problems in France over the past eleven days, still want Turkey, with its great Muslim population, to be admitted to the EU, then they are irresponsible fools!

There are some things in life which we just have to accept: water is wet, sugar is sweet, oil and water do not mix, and nor do Islam and democracy and freedom. They are immiscible!

Recent events in France show the verity of this statement. QED!

©Mark Alexander


Mark said...

Wouldn't it, though!

Anonymous said...

Did you see the post on Dhimmi Watch from the president of Turkey?

"Turkey's Erdogan links French head scarf ban to riots

And he had the audacity, in a country in which persecution of Christians has been an art form and is on the rise again, to scold the French for being intolerant. From Zaman, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

The riots in France, said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prove the importance of the project of the alliance of civilizations.

Paying a visit to Germany to attend the opening ceremony of the European Turkish Democrats Union Headquarters, Erdogan spoke with the reporters during the flight over.

"We shape our relationships with the European Union from the perspective of the cooperation of civilizations," asserted Erdogan, during the conversation attended by Zaman correspondent Bulent Korucu.

"We explain that Turkey is very important from this point of view. We are having difficulty in explaining this to some of our friends, especially to France. We want to undertake one of the important roles in terms of the alliance of civilizations," the prime minister said.

The headscarf ban at French public schools is one of the triggers causing the disturbances that have taken place, according to Erdogan."

Excuse me while I gag........

Mark said...

Yes. Isn't it pathetic!