Friday, October 28, 2005

Can this really be the religion of peace our leaders talk about?

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent outburst that Israel should be wiped off the face of the map was as outrageous as it was dangerous.

Can these really be the utterings of a man of faith? Can these really be the utterings, indeed, of a Muslim - an adherent of the so-called religion of love and peace and tolerance our leaders have been ramming down our throats ever since 9/11? Or could they simply be the utterings of a rabid Muslim - a man of faith dedicated to the real Islam, a man dedicated to bringing the West to its knees, and conquering and Islamizing the whole world?

President Bush and Tony Blair's statements that Al-Qaeda has warped and twisted and distorted the wonderfully peaceful and tolerant religion of Islam are sounding increasingly vacuous and empty and devoid of any truth.

No, Mr President! No, Mr Prime Minister! This is the real Islam, unvarnished and without sugar-coating. Uncandied! This is the religion whose adherents wish to conquer the world. You know, the religion which wishes to establish the caliphate!

If anyone ever had any doubt about the real Islam, then he need doubt no longer. This is the real thing! Not Islam-lite, not Islam varnished, not Islam candied or sugar-coated. But Islam, the real thing. Islam unveiled!

Prepare yourselves for a rough ride!

©Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

It is very uplifting that at last a person such as Mark is willing to tell the truth about the threat of Islam. PC is the greatest enemy of free people for it forbids the telling of the truth about our enemies. Unfortunately, only the courageous are willing to "tell it like it is" about Islam. Keep up the good work, Mark. Our free speech, our free society, our tolerant life depends upon those who will defend our way of life to the cowaradly politicians who are in process of giving our freedoms away in the interest of pandering for votes. Let all free people of good will defeat these traitors to freedom and democracy....

Eleanor © said...

The practice of politcal correctness is the unfortunate by-product of multiculturalism that Inhabitants of the world of diplomacy, politics, and, unfortunately, almost other leadership position, must use in order not to be labeled "racist" or an "Islamophobe."

Sometimes it is necessary to call a spade a spade.

We are all feeling the hot breath of a predatory enemy that cloaks itself in the guise of a religion: Islam.

The enemy is not "terrorism," nor "political Islam." The enemy is Islam, for the tenents of this ideology REQUIRE that true believers prey upon non-Muslims and passive Muslims. This predatory mode is called Jihad.

Jihad takes many forms. "Fast" Jihad is the violence that is viewed everyday on the news in the bombings, murders, beatings, and intimidations that are seen throughout the world and in areas of the UK. Slow Jihad takes other forms.

An example of "Slow" Jihad is the cutting-edge, all-Muslim housing development that excludes non-Muslims. "Slow" Jihad is the transformation of the banking system as it begins to offer loans based on Sharia Law. "Slow" Jihad is the justice sytem looking the other way when violence occurs in Muslim families. Slow Jihad is the degrading of British life, the loss rights and privilges because certain behaviors might "offend" a Muslim. "Slow" Jihad is the possibility that Parliament is considering passing a law that will curb free speech because such speech "offends" Muslims.

What constitutes this speech? Are the speakes racists? Do they object to the "blackness of their faces?" No, they don't.

Islam is not a racial distinction. Islam is a pattern of thought and behavior. Those that critique Islam do not do so because many Muslims have black faces; rather they criticize the "blackness of the heart of Islam."

This is not an original thought. Harry Cummins was recently fired for expressing this sentiment in the London Sunday Telegraph.

The UK is on the downside of the slippery slope into dhimmitude. Perhaps the name of the capital should be changed from London to "Londonstan" as Muslim rule appears in force.

Always On Watch said...

I recall reading that Ahmadinejad also implied the destruction of the United States. I believe that I saw that information at Jihad Watch.

Along the lines of what Eleanor said, I've also been hearing about "political jihad," a term used by one of the militant jihadists.

Step by step Western civilization going through the process of Islamification (aka multiculturalism).