Monday, April 11, 2011

Defying France's Full Veil Ban

After more than a year of controversy, the ban on full face veil in France has just come into effect.

But some women are already vowing to defy the restriction, Al Jazeera's Tim Friend reports from Paris.

As the extreme right wing gains increasing popularity in France, President Sarkozy has been accused of trying to win back votes ahead of next year's presidential election by deliberately stigmatising Muslims.

The government vehemently denies this, and argues that the full veil is a symbol of male oppression.

LE FIGARO: Voile, signes religieux : ce qui est interdit en France : FOCUS [–] La loi sur le voile intégral qui entre en vigueur ce lundi vient s'ajouter à celle déjà existante sur les signes religieux dans les écoles. Récapitulatif des pratiques non-autorisées. » | Par Pauline Fréour | Lundi 11 Avril 2011