THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE: JHAWARIAN – An informal survey by media reporters and the district administration revealed that a vast majority of residents condemned Valentines Day [sic] celebrations in the area. Several administrators and clerics have threatened public floggings for anyone seen selling or purchasing a red rose on February 14.
“Islam condemns Valentine’s Day and boys presenting flowers to young girls is vulgar and goes against the norms of Islam,” said Maulvi Ibrahim, adding that clerics in the district had made announcements stating that anyone seen purchasing or selling red roses should be punished in public.
“There is no reason for such holidays to be celebrated in Pakistan as they go against our culture and cause ‘moral corruption,” he said. A conference was called by clerics to discuss the ‘problems’ associated with celebrating Valentines [sic] Day in Pakistan. “We should put a ban on selling anything red (roses, chocolates, heart shaped balloons) on February 14th,” said Mufti Nadeem Tabish.
A dispute reportedly broke out between the clerics regarding the origins of Valentines [sic] Day. Several clerics maintained that Valentines Day was a Jewish holiday and others stated that the custom of handing out roses had been derived from Hindu culture. “I see no harm in celebrating Valentines [sic]. Everyone here has been debating where the day comes from even though it is named after a Christian saint. The clerics are trying to paint Valentines Day [sic] as an Israeli conspiracy,” said a high school student Karim.
“Young boys and girls do not interact let alone hand each other presents in our culture and Valentine’s Day has become an excuse for such reprehensible behaviour,” said a district officer Mumtaz Haroon. >>> | Monday, February 14, 2011
INQUIRER GLOBAL NATION: OFWs warned against celebrating Valentine’s Day in Saudi Arabia: MANILA, Philippines—"Don’t wear anything red or be seen in public carrying red roses or heart-shaped balloons and other items symbolizing Valentine's Day." >>> Jerry E. Esplanada | Moonday, February 14, 2011
OFW = Overseas Filipino Workers >>>
VOICE OF AMERICA: Valentine's Day Not Loved in Many Areas of the World: Monday marks the celebration of Valentine’s Day by much of the world. But it is a celebration that is drawing protests in some areas. >>> | Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saudi Arabia's religious enforcers, backed by the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, have started their annual purge of anything Valentine-related, including flowers, gifts, candy and the color red. >>> Meris Lutz in Beirut | Saturday, February 12, 2011
THE WASHINGTON POST: Indonesian Muslims warned against Valentine's Day: JAKARTA, Indonesia -- An Indonesian Muslic cleric has warned his young followers against celebrating Valentine's Day, saying it is the same as promoting faiths other than Islam and could lead to forbidden sex. >>> nk-kjj, The Associated Press | Monday, February 14, 2011