Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Immigration Issue: A Barometer of the Strength of the West

That the West is bedevilled by the problem of immigration is an understatement indeed. Yesterday, the States witnessed the biggest demonstration ever in its history staged by illegal immigrants. Europe has yet to witness such a large demonstration; but it might well come to that if the authorities suddenly turned to rather more Draconian measures to control the borders. The immigration problem in Britain and Europe is simply simmering under the surface.

The numbers of protesters in the streets of cities such as Chicago and New York yesterday were mind-boggling. It just shows how weak the States has become vis-à-vis such a pressing issue. George W. Bush’s handling of this issue, again, has been singularly unimpressive. He has shown no resolve in tackling the issue. Ultimately, this reveals his weakness as a President of the most powerful nation on earth, and the weakness of the authorities in enforcing the law. President Bush is beginning to resemble putty more and more!

Hasn’t the US got itself into this fix because it has failed to act decisively from the start? Procrastination has only made matters worse. It always does. However has America allowed eleven million illegal immigrants into the country anyway? This is an absurd figure! Quite absurd, too! It shows how little control the authorities have on the borders. But more than that: It sets a very dangerous precedent for the future. If these people are afforded an amnesty, then it will be a signal to the Mexicans that they can cross the border with impunity.

Laws are not there to be broken; they are there to be enforced. However harsh that may sound, it is true. Unless laws are enforced, then there is little point in wasting time passing the laws in the first place. It is the authorities’ responsibility to enforce the laws that have already been enacted. It is not good enough not to do so, since not only will it send the wrong message, but it is also unfair to all those people – American and foreign – who abide by the laws of the land. Why should Mexicans get away with breaking the law when others cannot?

For example, when I, as a Brit, visit the States, I have to be very careful that I do not stay a day longer than I am allowed to by law. For some inexplicable reason, people entering the States from the old country are very carefully controlled. I dread to think of what would happen to me if I stayed even a day longer than I am legally entitled to do. One thing is certain: The next time I would try to enter the States, I might well be turned away. Why, then, are the Mexicans treated preferentially? The same laws should apply to all!

The fact of the matter is clear: These Mexicans have entered the States illegally. They knew what the score was before they entered. They did so at their own risk. They should now be made to face the consequences of their illegal entry. To say, as some people have, that all Americans are immigrants is to miss the point entirely. Yes, all Americans might well be immigrants; but the vast majority of them entered that country legally. Therein lies the difference! The people who should be rewarded are the people who abide by the law, not the people who break it!

To say that the presence of these illegal immigrants makes life easier for the Americans themselves is also to miss the point. So, these people’s labour comes cheap, and they do the work that Americans do not want to do. So what? That is no reason to allow them to get away with breaking the law and stay.

Often times, people use the argument that it is difficult, if not well nigh impossible, to find people to do the menial work. That is utter rubbish! Nonsense! Balderdash! Everything has a price in a free market economy. If you pay enough, you’ll get everything you want done. You simply have to pay enough.

In any case, to utter such sentiments shows just how decadent people have become. It seems that many now would prefer cheap labour to having the laws of the land enforced. This sets a new and dangerous precedent. It might also mark the beginning of the end for the US as a superpower. After all, if the authorities cannot control the borders, what else can’t they control? This is no good sign for the future of the free world.

Here in Europe, we have a similar problem. Just look at the number of immigrants coming into Europe illegally. Usually, it has to be said, Muslim immigrants at that. This is also not a good sign for the stability of Europe.

Muslim immigrants in Europe and Mexican immigrants in the US share one thing in common: They are unwilling to assimilate. In the States, there has recently been a rumpus over the national anthem. The Mexican immigrants want to sing it in Spanish! Now that’s a nerve if ever there was one! They enter the States illegally and then re-write the national anthem in their own language. That would be enough for a strong American President to show them the door. I mean: How much nonsense must Western governments tolerate?

It is hard for me to imagine how a President of the United States of America can be so weak on this most important of matters. This should not be about a ready supply of cheap labour; rather, it should be about ensuring that the law is abided by, that the laws are enforced. It is also about the strength of the nation.

At a time when the US wants to show its strong face to Iran, it behoves the US government show that it is in total control. This fiasco sends all the wrong messages to Iran and the rest of the world. People in the rest of the world will look on: Those who love the Americans will sympathize, the rest will laugh gleefully at the government's lack of firm control and weakness. In short, they will delight in America’s problems; and they will also delight in Bush’s lack of firm control.

The immigration issue is a problem for most of the free world. The West has allowed itself, out of weakness, to be infiltrated. Getting immigration under control is a barometer of the strength of the West; it is a barometer of the determination of the West to survive.

The way things are going, it is looking increasingly doubtful that our civilization will make it into the next century!

©Mark Alexander

The Power of Immigrants

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Building sites fell silent, fruit was left unpicked, restaurant tables were not served and conveyor belts stood still.

The strike by immigrants across America was hugely impressive even if not observed by all of the estimated 12 million illegal workers.

Sympathisers also joined the protests and responded to calls to stay away from work, to keep their children out of school and to boycott stores in order to show their economic power.

Television pictures of the people who humbly do America's toughest and worst-paid jobs demanding a better life struck a chord in a country built on immigration. Marchers show America the power of immigrants

The British Problem

Yesterday's "Day without Immigrants" - Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes - in the United States was a protest mounted on behalf of recent immigrants, mostly Hispanic and many illegal. The idea was to show that the world's greatest economy could be crippled by a strike by people who, largely, are not supposed to be there in the first place.

The American government did not support the strike - but one significant fact should be noted. The protest was aimed at hardline anti-immigration legislation passed by the House of Representatives that the President does not fully support. He favours a guest-worker programme that would open up a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants.

It is worth contrasting George Bush's attitude with the slogan coined by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French interior minister: "Love France or leave it." Mr Sarkozy, himself from an immigrant background, is hardly a Front National rabble-rouser; but he vigorously supports the deportation of illegal immigrants - the sans papiers - who have turned the outer suburbs into dystopian ghettos. We can no longer dodge the immigration issue


Always On Watch said...

the West is bedevilled by the problem of immigration

You have an excellent article here, and I must read it thoroughly. But I have to dash off to work right now! Back later.

Mark said...


That may well be so, but they are still illegal immigrants. And there eleven million of them!

Why should there be a law for Mexicans and another one for other people?

Furthermore, as Mussolini points out, Islam is making quite some headway in Mexico. Beware!

Mark said...


Please see my comment to Forrest Shalom. I agree with you.

Jason Pappas said...

I agree the illegal immigration and unsecured borders is a scandal and a stain on the President’s record. We have a crisis in leadership that includes both political parties. Quite simply, there is no leadership!

cybercrusader said...

jason pappas, BINGO! We have NO leadership worth speaking about... Alas! I fear the West is in for a rough ride.

Mark said...


The British have given the world 'roast beef and Yorkshire pudding' and whisky (Scotch) - I love them both! Are these reasons for allowing the British into the States illegally? Perhaps there should be an amnesty for the British if what you say holds water!

Mark said...

Jason Pappas & US Iconoclastic Patriot:

GWB is NO leader!

Always On Watch said...

If ever there were a comprehensive posting on immigration, this is it!

I refuse to call these illegal immigrants "undocumented workers." Rather, I refer to them as "illegal invaders" because that is what they are.

At the Symposium, Brigitte Gabriel laid it on the line and explained the dangers of immigrants who come into a country in order to change that country. Among the illegal invaders here in the States is a sizeable group which is determined to "reconquer" the Southwest--never mind the Treaty of Hidalgo of nearly two centuries ago. Furthermore, these "Reconquistas" are preaching genocide. Genocide!

Mussolini said, Islam is making very serious headway in Mexico.

Don't think the two aren't a future combined threat.

In fact, CAIR has teamed up with the Latinos. What does that tell you?

Furthermore, mosques are popping up all over the place in the Tri-Border area of Latin America: Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. And Hezbollah has a presence there as well!

The oft heard statement "America needs their cheap labor" is not true. The labor isn't cheap: our healthcare and education are inundated and going bankrupt over the matter of immigrants.

To close my comment here, I'd like to recommend this article, which dispels many of the myths about immigration.

I'll be back in a minute with another litte bit of info.

Always On Watch said...

This popped into my inbox this morning:


The following from a director with SW BELL in Mexico City.

I spent five years working in Mexico.

I worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months. After that you were working illegally. I was technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval.

During that six months our Mexican and US Attorneys were working to secure a permanent work visa called a FM3. It was in addition to my US passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country. Barbara's was the same except hers did not permit her to work.

To apply for the FM3 I needed to submit the following notarized originals (not copies) of my:

1.Birth certificates for Barbara and me.

2.Marriage certificate.

3.High school transcripts and proof of graduation.

4.College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of graduation.

5.Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at least one year.

6.A letter from The ST. Louis Chief of Police indicating I had no arrest record in the US and no outstanding warrants and was "a citizen in good standing."

7.Finally; I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why there was no Mexican citizen with my skills and why my skills were important to Mexico. We called it our "I am the greatest person on earth" letter.
It was fun to write.

All of the above were in English that had to be translated into Spanish and be certified as legal translations and our signatures notarized. It produced a folder about 1.5 inches thick with English on the left side and Spanish on the

Once they were completed Barbara and I spent about five hours accompanied by a Mexican attorney touring Mexican government office locations and being photographed and fingerprinted at least three times. At each location (and we remember at least four locations) we were instructed on Mexican tax, labor, housing, and
criminal law and that we were required to obey their laws or face the consequences. We could not protest any of the government's actions or we would be committing a felony. We paid out four thousand dollars in fees and bribes to complete the process. When this was done we could legally bring in our household goods that were held by US customs in Laredo Texas. This meant we rented furniture in Mexico while awaiting our goods. There were extensive fees involved here that the company paid.

We could not buy a home and were required to rent at very high rates and under contract and compliance with Mexican law.

We were required to get a Mexican drivers license. This was an amazing process. The company arranged for the licensing agency to come to our headquarters location with their photography and finger print equipment and the laminating machine. We showed our US license, were photographed and fingerprinted again and issued the license instantly after paying out a six dollar fee. We did not take a written or driving test and never received instructions on the rules of the road. Our only instruction was never give a policeman your license if stopped and asked. We were instructed to hold it against the inside window away from his grasp. If he got his hands on it you would have to pay ransom to get it back.

We then had to pay and file Mexican income tax annually using the number of our FM3 as our ID number. The companies Mexican accountants did this for us and we just signed what they prepared. I was about twenty legal size pages annually.

The FM 3 was good for three years and renewable for two more after paying more fees.

Leaving the country meant turning in the FM# and certifying we were leaving no debts behind and no outstanding legal affairs (warrants, tickets or liens) before our household goods were released to customs.

It was a real adventure and If any of our senators or congressmen went through it once they would have a different attitude toward Mexico.

The Mexican Government uses its vast military and police forces to keep its citizens intimidated and compliant. They never protest at their White House or government offices but do protest daily in front of the United States Embassy. The US embassy looks like a strongly reinforced fortress and during most protests the Mexican Military surround the block with their men standing shoulder to shoulder in full riot gear to protect the Embassy. These protests are never shown on US or Mexican TV. There is a large public park across the street where they do their protesting. Anything can cause a protest such as proposed law changes in California or Texas.

Please feel free to share this with everyone who thinks we are being hard on illegal immigrants.

So, what to say about the above?

Mark said...


That says it ALL!

Always On Watch said...

The following just this minute popped into my inbox. The author of this email is a good friend and a citizen of Austria. She's living and working in Austria now, and the topic of this email is immigration:

yes, I know..it's a tough call and it is catching up with Europe now too, especially now since we have opened our borders through EC even more. The need to integrate is getting bigger too because we missed or ignored the fact that we can't just have them come to europe (germany, austria and france in particular) to do the work that our workers are sometimes too "good" for, jobs we do not want to do anymore. It was a convenient thing to employ immigrants to fill positions the employment agencies couldn't find locals to do the work.

Now it backfired and immigrants got organized (mainly because our system provided them with social security, housing, benefits..etc) and they are asking for more and more.

nature of man??? I guess so. If I can have some things why not ask for more. And, due to the different cultures, not in a way we would do it, but more radical than good/healthy for society.

Solution: If I knew, I would go into politics, haha! Trying to solve it through diplomacy, maybe necessary since we are still shaken by the war we had and don't want it to happen anymore. Also the fact that we see that war doesn't lead anywhere but to more hate and destruction.

The world has become a big unity of different nations and cultures that can't be bound to certain areas anymore. People move, have or want to leave their countries for one reason or the other, try to find their luck or aim or goal or fortune somewhere else. Then they have kids, grandkids who have been born in that "new" country and are citizens and want their rights too, but still get the feel : you are a foreigner, an intruder...and then they snap. Just have to look at all the immigration demos they have in the States now....where does this initiate from. Not much different to the stuff that's happening here now. gang wars, fights against the system....and where does it come from? - we don't belong....not to the country their parents came from and obviously not to the country they are living at the very moment. Result: revolution!!!!

So....what do I think of all that? Being the permanent optimist and world traveller myself.....more tolerance, maybe? More communication than force. More openness than prejudice? And still the feeling: who do they think they are? come to our country and raise havoc....but then again....it#s the ones who have been born here and are citizens here. Didn't have to flee or move but are still foreigners due to their origins. wow.......I am at it and still could go on, but then again.....don't know where to and what???

One thing I can tell you for sure is that I don't think that aggression is the answer to aggression. I can see this in our schools as well....I don't have to go to Berlin to point my finger at. It's coming to us too, smaller schools even in the country.

Again, after my "psycholocial speech" now, I am still at a loss :)))) I am interested in your opinion and ideas for a better world :))))

The above is unedited by me, and I don't agree with more tolerance. But my friend's email points out the enormity of the problem and the lack of a quick and easy solution.

BTW, she responded in the above email to an article I send her about the violence in Germany's schools--in particular because of insubordinate Muslims.

Always On Watch said...

Change "insubordinate" to "incorrigible."

Bye for now.

Always On Watch said...

Judah Q has the philosophical underpinnings exactly right:

The problem is postmodernism, securely encapsulated by the liberals who are totally insightless to the damage that they are causing.

Mark said...


By all means.

Mark said...


I am surprised! I thought you would have been more circumspect than that.

Mark said...


I agree the illegal immigration and unsecured borders is a scandal and a stain on the President’s record.

President Bush seems to be going from bad to worse. I started off being a fan of his; but now I can see him for what he really is: Useless!

We have a crisis in leadership that includes both political parties. Quite simply, there is no leadership!

We have the same problem this side of the Pond, too. It's pathetic, isn't it?

People who run for office these days do so for the money and prestige and contacts that such a position can offer them. They certainly do not run for office to do their best for their country.

What's happened to the word 'honour'? It seems to have fallen out of the politicians' vocabulary; and they are all also spineless, bereft of even an iota of courage.

The whole thing has become a popularity contest. The opinion polls rule the roost.

Mark said...

This must be the digression par excellence! :-)

Yorkshire Pudding is a savoury dish made with milk, egg(s), flour, a good pinch of salt. A batter is beaten and poured over beef drippings. It is then baked in a baking tin in the oven till crisp (when roasting a beef joint), and is served with warm roast beef and gravy with your vegetables of choice (carrots, cauliflower, raost parsnips, cabbage, brussel sprouts, peas, swede [rutabaga], or other similar vegetables according to your fancy). Traditionally, on a Sunday lunchtime.

It really is quite delicious with roast beef. It complements it very well.

Here's a great recipe for Yorkshire Pudding from one of Britain's favourite cooks, Delia Smith.

Mark said...


I believe the fundamental problem is one of the philosophical underpinnings of this postmodern era. I am talking about the exaltation of "multiculturalism" - that it is fashionably good and politically correct (let alone virtuously tolerant) to uncritically accept others different from ourselves and tell them they are equal to us in every respect.

Yes, this is so well put. It would be hard to improve on that!

We are currently awash with this Hegelian philosophy which has stripped away the basic tenets of our Judeo-Christian heritage and malignantly infected all our thought processes.

I agree. Many people, it seems to me, are no longer able to think straight and clearly. This is not surprising, since it is very difficult, if not well nigh impossible, for people to think clearly when they have to concern themselves with complying with all this multicultural and politically correct dogma.

The problem is postmodernism, securely encapsulated by the liberals who are totally insightless to the damage that they are causing. The underlying problem is right there in the worldview of this current age, a matter of fundamental systems of belief.

Yes, and it has to be said that many do not know what they should believe anymore. Then they look for guidance from the leaders, but in vain! They only let them down badly, because they themselves are busy complying with the dogma, too.

Great article, Mark!

Thank you JudahQ. I'm so glad you liked and enjoyed it.

Mark said...


Those posts are so interesting and enlightening.

Mark said...


That link, the Westona Price Foundation is most interesting. Thank you for that. I, too, am not into starving the body of all animal fats. In my opinion, within moderation, they are a necessary component of the human dietary.

Eating 'the modern way', i.e. low-fat this and cholesterol-free that, is leading to the increasing incidence of many diseases. For example, have you noticed how many people suffer from osteoporosis these days? I believe that this is on the increase because people are consuming far too little foods rich in calcium, for example milk and cheese. So many people these days won't eat good, full-fat cheese because they consider it to be fattening and unhealthy. I believe this to be wrong. People need to eat most things, but in moderation.

Anyway, enough of this digression. This is not the forum for discussing food and diet. I shall take a look at this link at my leisure. It seems to be very interesting indeed. If you'd like to email me about this subject, you can do so here: Email Me

Mark said...


That link doesn't work for some reason. Try this one instead:

Email Me

Mark said...


I don't know if those links work for you, but they don't for me. That means to say that they do before I publish the comment, but they don't afterwards. It's very peculair. Is there something wrong with Blogger today, I wonder?

Jason Pappas said...

“What's happened to the word 'honour'? It seems to have fallen out of the politicians' vocabulary; and they are all also spineless, bereft of even an iota of courage.”

We, here in the USA, have trouble finding a man or women with honor who is willing to step into the political ring. And it’s not because we spell if differently!

Of course a rational immigration policy would have priorities and be vigorously enforced. One priority is allowing immigration from nations that have a history of shared values. Obviously that includes England along with her former commonwealth offspring. After that we’d allow immigration from nations where the track record for assimilation shows the ability to appreciate American values.

We’d have to restrict immigration where too great a concentration impedes assimilation. And, of courses, Islamic nations should have a zero immigration quota since they fail on multiple accounts.

To do all this we have to make cultural distinctions. This requires leadership that exhibits courage, integrity, wisdom, honor, and gravitas. And that is missing on both sides of the pond. So far! "The first step is to admit you have a problem!"

Mark said...


That's so beautifully stated.

"The first step is to admit you have a problem!"

The Germans have a wonderful saying for just that: Selbst-Erkenntnis is der Weg zur Besserung!

Mark said...

Excellent post, Bld.

Will someone please shut the doors now, has anyone the guts to do so?

The problem is exactly that: Who has got the guts to do so? It seems that our politicians today are sadly lacking in the guts department. These days, politicians just want to be popular. That's one reason why they follow the opinion polls so closely instead of getting on with the business of governing the country.

Mark said...


If what you say is true, and I have no reason to doubt your words, then it is VERY DEPRESSING!

Thank you for this wonderful comment.