Monday, September 14, 2020

Don Winslow Films: Trump-Style Chain Migration

At the same time Donald Trump was ripping families apart at the border, caging children and screaming about chain migration, he was using chain migration and a big $$$ lawyer to get Melania Trump's family into the USA.

Israeli Government to Impose Second Covid-19 National Lockdown

THE GUARDIAN: Three-week lockdown will make Israel the first country to reimpose such stringent restrictions on a national scale

Israel’s government has decided to impose a lockdown lasting three weeks, the first country to reimpose such severe restrictions on a national scale, after a dramatic resurgence in coronavirus cases.

Fearing mass gatherings during a string of national holidays over the next month, the cabinet decided to shut down the country as of Friday, the Jewish new year, until 9 October.

Speaking at a press conference shortly after the vote, the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said hospital heads had warned the healthcare system would be overburdened if infection rates continue to rise. “They raised a red flag,” he said.

Netanyahu said people will be forced to remain within 500 metres from their homes, with exceptions for lone exercise. Schools and all but essential shops will be shuttered. A gradual loosening of the rules would only be implemented if the rate of infection drops. » | Oliver Holmes | Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Paris. So schön war die Belle Époque! | Doku | ARTE

Der Regisseur Bernd Boehm erweckt die einmalige Sammlung historischer Fotografien Werner Bokelbergs vom Paris des Fin de Siècle zum Leben und gibt den Menschen jenseits von Sorglosigkeit, Cabarets und Salons eine Bühne. Er zeichnet ein facettenreiches Sittenbild der Hauptstadt des Einzelhandels und dokumentiert mit Fotokarten des „petit commerce“ den Alltag der kleinen Leute. Der Zuschauer erhält Einblick in die Entstehung eines neuen fotografischen Genres und die Entwicklung der Konsumkultur im 19. Jahrhundert. Er lernt Arbeitswelt, Ethos und Kultur der Ladenbesitzer und ihrer Mitarbeiter kennen, die sich ernst und voller Selbstbewusstsein vor ihren Geschäften fotografieren ließen. Zwar sollten die historischen Aufnahmen als Werbeträger für die Läden und ihre Produkte fungieren, doch die Faszination dieser Fotografien entsteht vorwiegend durch die Menschen. Sie verleihen ihnen Ausdruck und rücken die Schaufenster, die mit ihren Geschäftsauslagen an eine Warenbühne erinnern, in den Hintergrund. Sie verkörpern den optimistischen Zeitgeist der Belle Epoque und erzählen von dem harten, entbehrungsreichen Alltag, von der Würde der Arbeit und der Rechtschaffenheit ihres Standes. Die Fotokarten erlauben eine intime Sichtweise, die bislang eher aus der Interpretation Intellektueller jener Zeit, Malern und Schriftstellern, bekannt war. Die Sammlung versteht sich als eine Chronik einer vergessenen Zeit und liefert ein soziologisch interessantes und authentisches Gesellschaftsporträt, das von Fotohistorikern und Kuratoren diskutiert und in den soziokulturellen Kontext eingeordnet wird.

Blair and Major Hit Out at Boris Johnson's Plans to Override Brexit Deal

THE GUARDIAN: Former prime ministers urge MPs to reject legislation, saying it endangers Irish peace process

Boris Johnson is facing mounting criticism over his plans to introduce legislation to override his Brexit deal, as former prime ministers Sir John Major and Tony Blair criticised the threat to break international law.

Major and Blair united to urge MPs to reject the legislation, saying it imperils the Irish peace process, trade negotiations and the UK’s integrity – despite the prime minister saying that Brussels could “carve up our country” without his new bill.

The former Conservative and Labour leaders united to condemn Johnson’s UK internal market bill in an article for the Sunday Times.

“We both opposed Brexit. We both accept it is now happening. But this way of negotiating, with reason cast aside in pursuit of ideology and cavalier bombast posing as serious diplomacy, is irresponsible, wrong in principle and dangerous in practice,” they said. » | Staff and agencies | Sunday, September 13, 2020

Roger Stone to Donald Trump: Bring In Martial Law If You Lose Election

THE GUARDIAN: Trump meanwhile promises to ‘put down’ leftwing protests and says US Marshals killing Portland suspect was ‘retribution’

Roger Stone, whose 40-month prison sentence for lying to Congress and witness tampering in the Russia investigation was commuted by Donald Trump, has said Trump should seize total power and jail prominent figures including Bill and Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg if he loses to Joe Biden in November.

The long-time Republican strategist and dirty trickster, who has a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back, lied about contacts with WikiLeaks during the 2016 election regarding emails hacked from Democratic party accounts.

In turn, special counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate intelligence committee suspected Trump lied when he said he could not recall discussing the leaks with Stone. » | Martin Pengelly | Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Main Principles of Nazi Ideology

Dr. David Silberklang and Prof. Dan Michman discuss the main principles of Nazi Ideology and the place of antisemitism in it. On this topic and more in Yad Vashem's new online course: "Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present".

Rechte Milizen in den USA | DW Reporter

"Black Lives Matter": Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt halten die USA in Atem. Wie in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Als dort Polizisten einen Familienvater verletzen, brechen Unruhen aus. Auf der anderen Seite marschieren Milizen auf, etwa "American Wolf".

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Waldbrände in den USA: Über 500.000 Menschen auf der Flucht | DW Nachrichten

An der Westküste der USA, in den Bundesstaten Kalifornien, Oregon und Washington, haben die Waldbrände einen traurigen Rekord erreicht: Allein in Kalifornien sind schon mehr als 12.500 Quadratkilometer verbrannt in diesem Jahr. Dabei hat die Waldbrand-Saison gerade erst begonnen. Zahlreiche Menschen sind ums Leben gekommen, viele werden noch vermisst. Und selbst die Menschen, die in den Wohnungen der Großstädte vor den Flammen sicher scheinen, sind bedroht: durch gefährliche Rauchentwicklung. Und US Präsident Donald Trump schweigt.

Kristof: Trump Bragging about Protecting Saudi Crown Prince over Khashoggi’s Murder Breaks | MSNBC

Nicholas Kristof, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, who had known Jamal Khashoggi for more than 15 years, tells Ali Velshi that he is "outraged" that Donald Trump would reportedly brag about protecting the Saudi Crown Prince after the gruesome murder of U.S. resident and American-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Aired on 09/11/2020.

Velshi: QAnon’s Conspiracy Cult Has Infiltrated the White House | MSNBC

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi responds to Vice President Pence’s plan to attend a fundraising event hosted by QAnon supporters.

Top Lawyers Slam Suella Braverman for Wrecking UK’s Reputation

THE OBSERVER: Attorney general faces fury of Bar Council as revolt over internal market bill spreads

The attorney general, Suella Braverman, was on Saturday accused of sacrificing the UK’s reputation, sidelining legal advisers and bypassing the ministerial code during an extraordinary confrontation with some of the country’s top lawyers.

During the annual general meeting of the Bar Council, the professional association for barristers, Braverman was asked how Britain could retain “a shred of credibility” in imploring other countries to follow international law after revealing its own willingness to breach agreements.

The criticisms came after the government last week unveiled plans to give ministers sweeping powers to “disapply” part of the Brexit deal that Boris Johnson signed in January. » | Michael Savage and Toby Helm | Saturday, September 12, 2020

Johnson's Hard Brexit Is About to Deliver a Devastating Hit to Our Covid-struck Economy

THE GUARDIAN: With its international reputation in tatters and businesses in despair, Britain has painted itself deeper into a corner

No one I know has a clue what the current row over last year’s Brexit withdrawal deal really means. All they see is another mess from a dysfunctional Downing Street.

One thing should be clear. The argument has nothing to do with the UK leaving the EU, which has already happened. It has to do with a different but related decision, Boris Johnson’s belief that the UK should also leave Europe’s single market, the lasting talisman of his “hard Brexit” bid to appear a macho Tory leader.

The UK leaving the single market had always carried a nightmare consequence, that of a hard border of some sort between northern and southern Ireland. Such a border would not just be near impossible to erect and unpopular across Ireland, it would be a gross breach of the 1998 Good Friday agreement, which pledged open trade. » | Simon Jenkins | Thursday, September 10, 2020

Johnson: EU plant „Lebensmittelblockade“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der britische Premierminister Johnson behauptet, die EU wolle den Transport von Lebensmitteln zwischen Nordirland und dem restlichen Königreich erheblich erschweren. Damit habe ihm Chefunterhändler Michel Barnier gedroht.

Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hat im Brexit-Streit schwere Vorwürfe gegen die EU erhoben. Brüssel plane, eine „Lebensmittelblockade“ zwischen Nordirland und dem Rest von Großbritannien zu errichten und damit die Lieferung von Lebensmitteln zwischen den Landesteilen deutlich einzuschränken, schreibt Johnson in einem Gastbeitrag für die britische Zeitung „Telegraph“ (Samstag). Das Austrittsabkommen gebe der EU in seiner derzeitigen Form die Befugnisse dazu. Der Chef-Unterhändler Michel Barnier habe gedroht, diese auch auszureizen, heißt es darin weiter. Das würde die Souveränität und den Zusammenhalt Großbritanniens gefährden, so Johnson. » | Quelle: dpa | Samstag, 12. September 2020

Boris Johnson's New Bill Will Damage the Union, and with It Devolved Government

THE GUARDIAN: Nicola Sturgeon has called it an ‘assault on devolution’, while Mark Drakeford, the Welsh first minister, says it’s a ‘power grab’

The government’s new “internal market” was initially portrayed as a means to allow for the “seamless functioning” of commerce between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. So it’s paradoxical that the presentation of the internal market bill to parliament this week cast fresh doubts over not only this “seamless” functionality, but on the sustainability of the devolved settlement itself.

The bill had already sent shockwaves through the north and south of Ireland before it was published. Rumours circulated that Westminster intended to unravel legally binding arrangements for Northern Ireland, prompting new anxieties about the prospect of a hard border. The shock resignation of the permanent secretary to the government legal department over the legal consequences of the bill heightened fears. Brandon Lewis, the secretary of state for Northern Ireland, admitted prior to publication that the Brexit strategy breaks international law. » | Miriam Brett | Saturday, September 12, 2020

Family Members, Politicians Pay Tribute to 9/11 Victims

Politicians gathered at the Sept. 11 memorial in Lower Manhattan to remember a national crisis on the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Watch The 11th Hour with Brian Williams Highlights: September 10 | MSNBC

Coronavirus: England 'On Knife-edge' as Cases Rise and Lockdowns Grow

THE GUARDIAN: Former chief scientific adviser issues warning to government after huge surge in cases

New cases of coronavirus are doubling almost weekly across England, figures revealed, as Birmingham became the biggest local authority to announce a tightening of lockdown measures and health officials flagged “worrying signs” of infections in elderly people.

The measures to be introduced in Birmingham next week mean more than 7.3 million people – 11% of the UK population – will be living in areas affected by some level of local lockdown, according to a Guardian analysis.

After signs that the number of virus infections is accelerating sharply, the former UK government chief scientific adviser Sir David King urged ministers to improve the NHS test-and-trace system. He said England was on a “knife-edge”. » | Robert Booth, Nicola Davis, Nazia Parveenand Pamela Duncan | Friday, Sptember 11, 2020

Trump Admits to Watching 9 Hours of Fox News a Day

During his rally in Michigan on Thursday, Donald Trump bragged about consuming 9 hours of Fox News in the 24-hour span prior to his rally. Once again, this is not normal behavior, nor is it something that anyone should ever consider boasting about. The President of the United States is a lazy, incompetent buffoon. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.

Vietnam Vet and Ukraine Diplomat Talks Voting against Trump as a Republican

Donald Trump: This Pennsylvanian Tells It Like It Is

"In the name of God, I tell you, you've got to wake up and smell the coffee. This man is a great danger to our nation."