Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Megan Phelps-Roper on Westboro Baptist Church and "Trying to Make Amends" - BBC HARDtalk (2019)

Holding placards outside the funerals of dead soldiers and celebrating the deaths of children after school massacres, Westboro Baptist Church has been called the ‘most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America’. From the age of five, Megan Phelps-Roper had stood on the picket lines, and carried those hate-filled signs. But, as an adult firing off tweets to her online critics, Megan began to doubt. Can she really still regard those who abused her mind and taught her to hate, as her ‘beloved’ parents? She talks to Shaun Ley.

Monday, June 01, 2020

Fire, Pestilence and a Country At War with Itself: The Trump Presidency Is Over

THE GUARDIAN: A pandemic unabated, an economy in meltdown, cities in chaos over police killings. All our supposed leader does is tweet

You’d be forgiven if you hadn’t noticed. His verbal bombshells are louder than ever, but Donald J Trump is no longer president of the United States.

By having no constructive response to any of the monumental crises now convulsing America, Trump has abdicated his office.

He is not governing. He’s golfing, watching cable TV and tweeting.

How has Trump responded to the widespread unrest following the murder in Minneapolis of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white police officer knelt on his neck for minutes as he was handcuffed on the ground?

Trump called the protesters “thugs” and threatened to have them shot. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” he tweeted, parroting a former Miami police chief whose words spurred race riots in the late 1960s.

On Saturday, he gloated about “the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons” awaiting protesters outside the White House, should they ever break through Secret Service lines.

Trump’s response to the last three ghastly months of mounting disease and death has been just as heedless. Since claiming Covid-19 was a “Democratic hoax” and muzzling public health officials, he has punted management of the coronavirus to the states. » | Robert Reich | Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Floyd: Donald Trump Under Fire as Violence Flares across America

THE GUARDIAN: President tweets from White House as cities struggle / Democrat Val Demings: ‘We need leadership’

The chaos and crisis engulfing America came to the president’s doorstep on Saturday night, as protesters chanting “I can’t breathe” and “Fuck Donald Trump!” clashed with the Secret Service and police outside the White House.

It was a visceral warning that after three years of relative peace and prosperity, Trump is in danger of being overwhelmed by cascading disasters: the coronavirus pandemic, which has taken more than 100,000 lives, an economic slump that has cost 40m jobs, and rising social unrest. » | David Smith in Washington | Sunday, May 31, 2020

For the sake of world peace (and our sanity), get rid of this orange monstrosity from the White House asap! – Mark

Sunday, May 31, 2020

How Divisive Is Politics in the United States? I Inside Story

Running battles with the police, fires burning, lootings and protesters arrested. Riots over the death of George Floyd have spread across dozens of US cities, and close to President Donald Trump's doorstep at the White House.

Governors have imposed curfews and dispatched National Guards. The Floyd case has reignited rage over the deaths of black Americans at the hands of police and racial inequality. It's also opened a divisive political debate between Democrats and Republicans.

President Donald Trump has promised to put an end to what he calls 'mob violence'. Trump says healing is needed, but he's accused of the opposite - igniting tension. So can America overcome its divisions?

Presenter: Kim Vinell | Guests: Maurice Jackson, an Associate Professor in the History Department and African American Studies at Georgetown University; Kevin Powell, author and civil rights activist; Sahar Aziz, professor of law & Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar at Rutgers University

Don Lemon Calls Out Hollywood Elite: Where Are You During Protests?

CNN's Don Lemon calls celebrities of all races to step up a show public support for protesters demonstrating against the death of George Floyd.

Trump Demands Protesters Be Murdered

Donald Trump demands protesters be murdered while addressing Minneapolis protests on Twitter. John Iadarola and Ana Kasparian break it down on The Damage Report.

In Days of Discord, a President Fans the Flames

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Trump has presented himself as someone who seeks conflict, not conciliation, a fighter, not a peacemaker. And he has lived up to his self-image at a perilous time.

WASHINGTON — With a nation on edge, ravaged by disease, hammered by economic collapse, divided over lockdowns and even face masks and now convulsed once again by race, President Trump’s first instinct has been to look for someone to fight.

Over the last week, America reeled from 100,000 pandemic deaths, 40 million people out of work and cities in flames over a brutal police killing of a subdued black man. But Mr. Trump was on the attack against China, the World Health Organization, Big Tech, former President Barack Obama, a cable television host and the mayor of a riot-torn city.

While other presidents seek to cool the situation in tinderbox moments like this, Mr. Trump plays with matches. He roars into any melee he finds, encouraging street uprisings against public health measures advanced by his own government, hurling made-up murder charges against a critic, accusing his predecessor of unspecified crimes, vowing to crack down on a social media company that angered him and then seemingly threatening to meet violence with violence in Minneapolis.

As several cities erupted in street protests after the killing of George Floyd, some of them resulting in clashes with the police, Mr. Trump made no appeal for calm. Instead in a series of tweets and comments to reporters on Saturday, he blamed the unrest on Democrats, called on “Liberal Governors and Mayors” to get “MUCH tougher” on the crowds, threatened to intervene with “the unlimited power of our Military” and even suggested his own supporters mount a counterdemonstration. » | Peter Baker | Saturday, May 30, 2020 | Updated Sunday May 31, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020

When You Believe ft. Mariah Carey (From The Prince Of Egypt) | Official Video

‘Trump Whisperer’ Explains How She Gets Inside Trump’s Head for Videos | The Last Word | MSNBC

Comedian Sarah Cooper joins Lawrence O’Donnell to explain her process behind making her viral lip sync videos of President Trump and how she believes she is clarifying the message the president is attempting to convey. Aired on 5/26/2020.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Is Assad Turning on His Cronies? I Inside Story

The inner circle of Syria's president Bashar Al Assad has always been tight, any disputes within the ruling family were kept strictly behind closed doors. Until recently. There's a rift between the president's cousin Rami Makhlouf and the Syrian government, and it's very public.

Makhlouf has long been considered untouchable, but now he's accused of owing millions of dollars in back taxes to the state... an indication the tycoon is being isolated from power. But in an unprecedented move, Makhlouf posted his views on social media, accusing government officials of trying to take over his telecommunications company and arresting his employees.

Makhlouf said he won't step down from Syriatel - one of Syria's biggest firms. But he's already been barred from traveling and his assets have been seized. So what's exactly triggered this now, after nine years of war?

Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria | Guests: Bassam Barabandi, former Syrian diplomat and a non-resident Fellow at the Center for Global Policy: Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma and Editor of the 'Syria Comment' blog: Alexey Khlebnikov, a Middle East specialist at the Russia International Affairs Council.

‘Trumpocalypse’ Author Predicts Trump Defeat, Says GOP ‘Reckoning Really Is Here’

David Frum, author of the new book “Trumpocalypse,” says President Trump is “careening toward electoral disaster” come November. He tells Lawrence O’Donnell it will be an ideal time for “practical, feasible reforms,” including the redrawing of controversial congressional districts. Aired on 5/25/2020.

Coronavirus: South Africa's Alcohol and Cigarette Lockdown - BBC News

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the world has seen lockdowns in many countries. In South Africa, not only have people been told to stay at home, but exercise outside was banned for some time - and cigarettes and alcohol still can't be purchased. What is the impact of such a ban and how do people feel about it? The BBC's Andrew Harding reports.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Reich at Home: Trump Golfing as the US Mourns 100,000 Dead

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich is discussing Trump's criminal negligence, as he takes to the golf course this Memorial Day weekend while Americans mourn 100,000 lives lost to coronavirus. So far his golf trips have cost taxpayers more than $134,000,000 — 335 years of presidential salary. This November 3, we dump Trump. In the meantime, pray for America.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Is Humanity Showing Through Everywhere Except in Trump? | MSNBC

The panel discusses a new Maureen Dowd column on President Trump and his handling of the coronavirus.

Middle-class Americans Queue at Food Banks as US Unemployment Hits 38 million – BBC News

In the United States another 2.4 million people have filed for unemployment benefits in the past week.

More than 38 million Americans have lost their jobs since the coronavirus pandemic struck in March.

Previously affluent middle-class Americans are now queuing for handouts at food banks, as America experiences the worst downturn since the 1930s and the Great Depression.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reporting from North America Correspondent Nick Bryant in New York.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bolsonaro's Foul-mouthed Rant to Cabinet over Security Forces

A profanity-laced video emerged on Friday showing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro expressing frustration at his inability to get information from police.

In the video released by the Supreme Court, Bolsonaro vowed to change Cabinet ministers if needed to protect his family.

The two-hour video of a Cabinet meeting, with portions redacted, was released as part of a probe into allegations that the president was trying to illegally interfere in a criminal investigation of his sons, a claim made by former Justice Minister Sérgio Moro when he resigned last month.

The former minister told investigators Bolsonaro openly demanded he make changes in key federal police positions, including the head of the agency as a whole.

Moro resigned after Bolsonaro fired the federal police director-general without consulting him.

Friday, May 22, 2020

FBI Accidentally Leaked Information on Saudi Arabia's Role In 9/11

Via America's Lawyer: FBI documents reveal Saudi embassy official Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah as a conspirator behind the 9/11 attacks. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mika Responds to Trump Tweet | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Mika Brzezinski responds to new tweets from the president on Wednesday, May 20. Aired on 05/20/2020.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hungary Votes to End Legal Recognition of Trans People

THE GUARDIAN: Activists say new law will increase discrimination, especially as Hungarians must often display their ID cards

Hungary’s parliament has voted to end legal recognition for trans people, passing a bill that rights activists say pushes the country “back towards the dark ages”.

The new law defines gender as based on chromosomes at birth, meaning previous provisions whereby trans people could alter their gender and name on official documents will no longer be available.

The votes of rightwing prime minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party pushed the legislation through by 134 to 56, with four abstentions. It is likely to be signed into law by the president, János Áder, a close ally of Orbán. » | Shaun Walker in Budapest | Tuesday, May 19, 2020