Friday, October 19, 2018

Paul Jay on the US-Saudi ‘Special Relationship’

The likely murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi has inspired a new debate about the US's "special relationship" with Saudi Arabia. TRNN's Paul Jay and Ben Norton discuss why America sees the Saudi monarchy as a key player in its global empire, and the key role of arms sales and fossil fuels in geopolitics.

US Intel Officials: Inconceivable Saudi Prince Had No Link To Khashoggi Death | Hardball | MSNBC

Critics of Saudi Arabia are concerned Trump is allowing the Saudis to come up with a cover story that will clear Saudi leadership of any responsibility.

Leaked: Jamal Khashoggi's Fingers Cut Off While Still Alive

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Saudi Crown Prince in the Spotlight after Khashoggi 'Murder' | Al Jazeera English

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s rapid ascent took the international community by surprise. In the past 18 months, he consolidated power and attempted to project himself as a reformer and moderniser. But the Khashoggi case has swung the spotlight onto areas in which the crown prince has been less than reform-minded. Al Jazeera's Dorsa Jabbari reports.

How Will the Khashoggi Case Impact the Reign of MBS?

Ahmed Bedier of United Voices for America tells TRT World that even within the Saudi monarchy, there are those who strongly disagree with the decisions of the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

How Dangerous Is It to Be a Journalist in the Arab World? l Inside Story

Turkish sources say investigators have found 'important samples' at the Saudi consulate in the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi.

The case of missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has shocked and capitvated the world, as information trickles out about his disappearance, and possible murder inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

Beyond the gruesome details, at the core of this story is a journalist, who had been threatened for his reporting and opinions.

Khashoggi wrote critically about the Saudi government, warning the world, that Saudi Arabia could never be a democracy under the current crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. He highlighted the plight and struggles of journalists in his country, saying there was no space for free speech since journalists and intellectuals are often jailed for expressing their views. So, how much of a threat are journalists to Arab governments?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Saad Al-Faqih - Saudi dissident; Ravi Prasad - Director of Advocacy with the International Press Institute; David Hearst - Editor in Chief of the Middle East Eye.

The White House Doesn't Want To Know The Truth: Richard N. Haass | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The government of Turkey let out details of details from audio recordings describing the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Meanwhile, recordings of President Trump in 2015 find him discussing his financial ties to Saudi Arabia. The panel discusses.

Ex-Saudi Princess Exposes Alleged Saudi Control over UK Courts, Sinn Fein MP on Brexit

On today's episode of Going Underground, Ex-Saudi Princess Janan Harb and alleged wife of the late King Fahd discusses her allegations of Saudi Influence over UK Courts and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Next, Paul Maskey from Sinn Fein joins Afshin Rattansi to discuss the ongoing Brexit negotiations, the confidence and supply agreement Theresa May has with the DUP and the future of Northern Ireland after Brexit. Also, Steve Topple joins us for Broken News where he and Afshin discuss Universal Credit causing a rise in prostitution, the Grenfell Tower area contaminated with high toxicity, Richard Branson on corporate welfare and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman allegedly moving to purchase Man Utd!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jamal Elshayyal: Response to Khashoggi’s Death Will Determine Future of Saudi Arabia & Middle East

New details have emerged in the disappearance and probable death of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was reportedly still alive when his body was dismembered inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul more than two weeks ago. A Turkish source says it took Khashoggi seven minutes to die. The New York Times reports four of the 15 Saudi men implicated in the killing are directly linked to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s security detail. We speak with Jamal Elshayyal, an international award-winning senior correspondent for Al Jazeera. He wrote a piece for the Middle East Eye last year titled “The rise of Mohammed bin Salman: Alarm bells should be ringing.”

How Will Jamal Khashoggi's Possible Death Affect MBS? l Inside Story

Saudis close to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman may be involved in what Turkish sources say is the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Al Jazeera’s been told that a bodyguard for the Crown Prince led the operation which led to Khashoggi’s torture and death in Istanbul.

He was last seen entering the Saudi consulate 15 days ago. A joint Saudi-Turkish investigation team searched the building. Turkish sources say there is further evidence that suggest Khashoggi was killed there.

The Saudis are continuing to deny any links to his disappearance; and Mohmmed Bin Salman is distancing himself from the scandal. But can he really? And will it affect his grip on power?

Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Mohammed Cherkaoui, Professor at George Mason University; Saeed Al Shehabi, Columnist with Al Quds newspaper; Soner Cagaptay, Director of the Turkish Research Program with The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — October 17, 2018

Trump's Saudi Defense Leaves Sanders Stunned

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reacted to President Trump's comments suggesting the criticism Saudi Arabia has received over a missing Saudi journalist is premature, comparing these accusations to the sexual assault allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Who Killed Jamal Khashoggi? l Inside Story

The joint Saudi-Turkish team investigating the case of missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has searched the consulate, and attention is now turned to the consul's home.

The Turkish Attorney General's office told Al Jazeera there is evidence Khashoggi was killed inside the consulate, something Saudi Arabia had consistently denied. But media sources in the U.S. suggest the Kingdom is preparing to acknowledge he died during an interrogation that went wrong.

King Salman said he didn't know anything about it in a phone call with President Trump who then suggested “rogue killers” may be to blame. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is now in Riyadh looking for answers as to what actually happened after Khashoggi was last seen entering the consulate on October 2nd.

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Osman Sert, Research Director at Ankara Institute; John H Jones, former US Senior Congressional Adviser; Selman Aksunger, lecturer at the Istanbul Center of International Law

Khashoggi Picked the Wrong Prince

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi should be denounced. Professor As`ad AbuKhalil says western media's uncritical praise of Khashoggi is unworthy, he was a loyal member of the Saudi propaganda apparatus and chose the wrong side of the House of Saud.

The Angry Arab News Service »

#democracynow : Former Saudi Political Prisoner: Khashoggi’s Disappearance Is Sending a Gruesome Message to Critics

Saudi Arabia will allow Turkey to search its consulate in Istanbul Monday afternoon, nearly two weeks after prominent journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared after entering the consulate on October 2. He has not been seen since. This news comes amid mounting international outcry that Saudi Arabia explain Khashoggi’s shocking disappearance, after Turkish officials accused the Saudis of assassinating Khashoggi, dismembering him and smuggling body parts out of the consulate. In an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes”, Trump said Saudi Arabia would suffer “severe consequences” if it was found responsible. But Trump has repeatedly said he opposes ending U.S. weapons sales to the kingdom, which he claims are worth $110 billion to U.S. companies. The Saudi Foreign Ministry has responded to Trump’s threats saying if it “receives any action, it will respond with greater action.” The Saudis deny Khashoggi was killed in their consulate. We speak with Ali Al-Ahmed, a Saudi dissident and founder & director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs. He was a political prisoner in Saudi Arabia when he was 14 years old—the youngest political prisoner at that time.

Turkey Searches Saudi Consulate in Khashoggi Case

Monday, October 15, 2018

Are Saudi Arabia and Turkey Looking for a Face-saving Compromise? l Inside Story

The proposed search of the consulate follows a phone call between Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

King Salman is committed to a joint investigation. The Saudis deny Khashoggi was murdered and his body dismembered and removed by a 15-man 'hit squad' which flew into Istanbul on the day he disappeared.

As international pressure intensifies for answers from the Saudis, Donald Trump is sending America's top diplomat to meet King Salman.

Why has it taken so long for the Saudis to open their doors?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Nihad Awad - Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations; Steven Schneebaum - International lawyer; Chis Phillips - Former head of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office in the UK

President Donald Trump Ditches 'Moralism' During 60 Minutes Interview | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president sat down for an interview with 60 MInutes' Lesley Stahl, which aired Sunday evening. During the discussion, Trump discussed North Korea's Kim Jong Un and why he's not a 'baby.'

Why Is the Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi a Challenge for the White House?

Susan Page, Jonah Goldberg and Susan Glasser join John Dickerson to discuss the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi and how the Trump administration could respond if Saudi Arabia had a hand in it.

Trump Voter: I'm Afraid of Dictator in White House

Independent voter Anthony Miles expresses regret for voting for President Trump in 2016, saying Trump doesn't have "empathy for anything."