Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why President Donald Trump May Be Willing To Push Brett Kavanaugh Aside | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While the president defended Brett Kavanaugh, his pick for the Supreme Court on Monday, there is reason to believe he would 'nominate a carbon copy of Kavanaugh in a second, as the Washington Post reports.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — September 18, 2018

Lawrence: What Is Standard Of Proof On Brett Kavanaugh Allegations? | The Last Word | MSNBC

During the Anita Hill hearing, there was no standard of proof that the Senate Judiciary Committee had to determine the veracity of her claims. 27 years later, Lawrence wonders if the Committee will have a standard for evaluating Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Brett Kavanaugh during their expected testimony next Monday.

Monday, September 17, 2018

China's Harassment of Muslims | DW Documentary

The UN accuses China of detaining a million Uighurs, Kazakhs and people from other Muslim minorities in the region of Xinjiang. Most have not been accused of anything let alone sentenced.

The international NGO Human Rights Watch accuses China of violating human rights in re-education centers where people are forced to learn Mandarin and sing songs praising the Communist Party. Those who fail to subject themselves to political and cultural indoctrination are punished. Mathias Bölinger accompanied Khairat Samarkhan, a former Kazakh detainee trying to build up a life for himself who is also trying to get others out.

Trump Defends Kavanaugh Amid Sexual Assault Allegation

President Trump defends his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh following a sexual assault allegation.

Big Money Republican Donors Fleeing The Party Weeks Before Midterms | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

We are 50 days away from midterms and some of the GOP’s biggest donors are fleeing the party. Stephanie Ruhle breaks down whether or not it is too late to swing the party. Weighing in: GOP Strategist Evan Siegfried, Sirius XM Progress radio host Mark Thompson and the U.S. Editor of Financial Times Alphaville Brendan Greeley.

Exclusive: Saudi Crown Prince 'Not Well Advised', Former Qatari PM Tells France 24

JFK to 9/11 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick | Full Documentary

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Avenatti Fires Back at Fox's Tucker Carlson: He Doesn't Want to Debate Me

Michael Avenatti, attorney for Stormy Daniels, fired back at Fox News host Tucker Carlson using an on screen graphic to insult Avenatti during an live TV interview.

Wealthy People Buying MORE Private Jets Thanks To Republican Tax Cuts

According to a new report in The Wall Street Journal this week, more and more wealthy Americans are upgrading their private jets thanks to a special tax cut that Republicans worked into last year’s tax cut package. If you still think that this tax cut money is going to trickle down to you then you are absolutely dreaming, and this new report shows us EXACTLY who the Republicans had in mind when they passed this legislation. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Stelter Rips Trump's Embrace of Conspiracy Theories

CNN's Brian Stelter says President Donald Trump embraces conspiracy theories to evade responsibility, deflect blame and fire up his political base.

Peter Hitchens on Re-issue of 'The Abolition of Britain'

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Is the FDA Crackdown on Vaping Politically Timed?

Is the crackdown by the FDA on the use of e-cigarettes to combat a public health crisis, a political maneuver, or both? CNN's Michael Smerconish reports.

Trump ‘Doesn’t Understand the Basics,’ Says 'Fear' Author Bob Woodward

Bob Woodward says key people in the White House say they spend a third of their time preventing bad things from happening. In his new book, the veteran editor and reporter delivers a stunning and disturbing look inside the Trump presidency, exposing a chaotic White House, lead by a man who has said he believes the key to power is "Fear." Woodward joins Judy Woodruff to discuss his reporting.

Manafort Guilty Plea Could Reveal Truth About Trump Tower Meeting | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

President Trump’s former campaign chair, Paul Manafort, has flipped, pleading guilty in the Mueller probe and agreeing to cooperate fully with prosecutors. Manafort is the highest-ranking former Trump official to plead guilty and was involved in the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians.

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Rise of the Far-right in Germany

Nowhere is the rise of the far right more poignant and alarming than in Berlin, Europe's powerhouse. This city is pockmarked with the bitter lessons of history.

Germany has worked hard at what they call "Vergangenheitsbewältigung", or overcoming the past.

There are strict laws against hate crimes. And yet the city of Chemnitz saw mass rallies with neo-Nazi overtones in August and last week there were similar but smaller marches in Köthen.

What's more, the anti-immigrant AFD is now the official opposition party in the Bundestag with 92 MPs. They deny any links with extremists but we spoke to one extreme right-wing leader who believes it opens doors to his kind of views.

This film shows the extent to which fringe figures now feel they can speak out and also the public following they are gaining. It also contains themes some may find offensive.

Whitewashed Saudi 'Reformer' Prince (MBS) Boosts Authoritarian Crackdown on Dissent

The regime of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is punishing satire on social media with 5 years in prison and sentencing women's rights activists to death. CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin speaks about the Western whitewash of MBS.

Supreme Court Nominee Accusations Put Senate GOP In Spotlight | The Last Word | MSNBC

Accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are reminiscent of the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas accusation. How will Senate Republicans react? David Jolly and Jonathan Capehart join Lawrence.