Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Leaked UAE Emails: Yousef al-Otaiba Criticises Trump

The latest round of leaked emails of the United Arab Emirates' ambassador to the US reveal repeated criticism by the diplomat of then-US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The Huffington Post, the US media outlet that received the latest series of emails, said they showed Yousef al-Otaiba denigrating Trump and others with officials close to then-President Barack Obama.

UAE Email Leak: 'On What Planet Can Trump Be President?'

The latest round of leaked emails of the United Arab Emirates' ambassador to the US reveal repeated criticism by the diplomat of US President Donald Trump.

Trump le climato-sceptique

Le président américain doit se prononcer ce soir sur le retrait ou le maintien dans l’accord de Paris. Mais son indifférence face au climat est déjà notoire.

Trump le climato-sceptique by LePoint

La réaction d'Emmanuel Macron au retrait des États-Unis de l'accord de Paris

Emmanuel Macron réagit au retrait des États-Unis de l'accord de Paris.

La réaction d'Emmanuel Macron au retrait des... by LePoint

Pourquoi l'Arabie saoudite met au ban le Qatar

Riyad et ses alliés ont rompu leurs relations diplomatiques avec le petit émirat, accusé d'un double jeu vis-à-vis du voisin iranien.

Pourquoi l'Arabie Saoudite a rompu ses... by LePoint

Faithkeepers: Inspire the World to Stop Christian Genocide

Monday, June 05, 2017

Morning Joe & Mika's Epic Reaction To Trump's Latest Tweets

Trump Trolls London Mayor after Terror Attack

London Attack: Policing, Politics and the Response to the Latest Rampage (Parts 1 & 2)

Inside Story - What's Behind the Diplomatic Breakdown in the Gulf?

What's behind the diplomatic breakdown in the Gulf? – Inside Story This time it's more than just recalling ambassadors. Land and sea borders have been closed. On top of that, major airlines are cancelling flights to and from Doha. And Qatar residents have two weeks to leave the Gulf states in question.

Qatari leaders say they’re astonished at what they call the unjustified decision by seven countries to cut diplomatic relations. A cabinet statement said the aim is to strip Qatar of its sovereign decisions. The Foreign Ministry said: 'The aim is clear and it is to impose guardianship on the state. This by itself is a violation of Qatar's sovereignty as a state. So, how far will this crisis go? And what will mean for the Gulf Cooperation Council? | Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria | Guests: Abdulaziz Alhorr, Academic, researcher and contributor to the book: 'Policy-making in transformative state: The Case of Qatar'; Mahjoob Zweiri, Associate Professor in contemporary history of the Middle East, Qatar University; David Hearst, Editor in chief of Middle East Eye

Le Qatar face au défi de son isolement dans le Golfe

LE FIGARO: L'Arabie saoudite, les Émirats et l'Égypte rompent avec Doha, accusé de financer le terrorisme.

Rupture des relations diplomatiques, fermeture des espaces aériens et maritimes, interdiction de voyager au Qatar: la mise en quarantaine du minuscule émirat est entrée en vigueur. Appuyée par les Émirats arabes unis, Bahreïn et l'Égypte, l'Arabie saoudite a décidé lundi d'isoler son remuant voisin qu'elle accuse de financer le terrorisme. «Le Qatar accueille divers groupes terroristes pour déstabiliser la région, comme la confrérie des Frères musulmans, Daech et al-Qaida», souligne Riyad. À son tour, Doha, réagissant avec colère, a accusé ses voisins du Golfe de vouloir mettre le Qatar «sous tutelle» et de l'étouffer économiquement. » | Par Georges Malbrunot | lundi 5 juin 2017

Trump Attacks London's Mayor & Jeremy Corbyn Calls for Theresa May's Ouster After Terror in London

Should Internet Be Regulated in Effort to Prevent Terror?

Jun. 05, 2017 - 4:08 - Debate gets heated on 'Outnumbered'

Diplomatic Spat: Several Gulf States Cut Ties with Qatar for Allegedly ‘Supporting Terrorism’

The Middle East has descended into a huge diplomatic row. Four Gulf countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE have severed diplomatic ties with Qatar. While Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have also closed their borders with the country. They accuse Doha of supporting terrorism and interfering in the internal affairs of Arab states.

GCC Rift: Five Nations Cut Diplomatic Ties with Qatar

The Qatari government says it regrets the unjustified decision by four countries to cut diplomatic ties. Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are also imposing an air, sea, and land embargo. The Saudis accuse Qatar of supporting extremism and radicalism as well as media incitement, which Qatar denies. Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra explains.

Here's What's Behind the Qatar Diplomatic Split

Four Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and moved to close off access to the Gulf country, escalating a crisis that started over its relationship with Iran and its support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Bloomberg's Mohammed Sergie reports on "Bloomberg Markets."

Iran's Leader Lashes Out at Trump, Saudis for Anti-Tehran Alliance

REUTERS.COM: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei lashed out on Sunday against U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's leaders for their new regional alliance against Tehran, saying it would bear no fruit.

Trump singled out Iran as a key source of funding and support for militant groups during his visit to Saudi Arabia in late May, two days after the Iranian election in which pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani won a second term.

During Trump's visit to Riyadh, the U.S. sealed a $110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Iran's regional arch-rival.

Khamenei called the visit a display of brazenness.

"The U.S. president stands alongside the leaders of a tribal and backward system and does the sword dance, but criticizes an Iranian election with 40 million votes," the supreme leader said in a speech broadcast live on state TV.

"Even with a multi-billion dollar bribe to America, the Saudis cannot achieve their goals in the region," he said. » | Reuters | Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday, June 04, 2017

What's the Reason behind Recent Media Attacks against Qatar? – Inside Story

It's been a week of tension in the Arabian gulf. Last week, Qatar's official news agency was hacked. Then, fake remarks critical of US foreign policy were posted on its website and wrongly attributed to Qatar's leader. Now, a series of e-mails belonging to the UAE's ambassador to the US have been leaked. They reveal a close co-ordination between the diplomat and a pro-Israeli Think tank in Washington DC. The e-mails also show how Ambassador Youssef al-Otaiba and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies or FDD lobbied in the US against Qatar and Kuwait. So, how will this impact US policy in the Gulf? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Saad Djebbar - International lawyer; Ian Black - Visiting Senior Fellow at the Middle East Centre at London School of Economics and a former Middle East Editor for The Guardian newspaper; Mohammed Cherkaoui - Professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University.

London Attacks: Police Arrest 12 after Terror Attack - BBC News

Twelve people have been arrested after the London terror attack which left seven people dead and 48 injured. The arrests in Barking, east London, followed a raid at a flat belonging to one of the three attackers.

No Ma’ame, It’s Not a Perversion of Islam!

Our prime minister has come out yet again with the trope that this is a “perversion of Islam.”

I am sick to death of listening to our so-called leaders’ twaddle about these terror attacks being a “perversion” of the 'peaceful faith of Islam.' How stupid do they think the electorate is? As I tweeted today: ‘Jihad is to Islam what Coke is to cola. It’s the real thing!’ Beat that, Mrs. May! That would be a good soundbite for you!

Our politicians will never get a grip on this problem, because they simply refuse to confront the truth. As I have told you before, this is not a law enforcement issue, which they insist it is; rather, it is a war – a war on the West. The Islamic State has already come out and called for ‘All Out War’ on the West during Ramadan. Islamic State is the real thing, too. Not much different from the version of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia. In fact, one could say it is identical. The only difference is that what is pracatised in Saudi Arabia is state-sanctioned rather than rogue. But the end result is the same.

How many more innocent people are going to have to be killed and maimed before our weak leaders change the narrative and accept that they have made a mistake allowing all these people into the West? When will our politicians come to their senses? They need to stop talking nonsense and start talking sense for a change.

Sad times!

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