Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Radical Muslims will take over America
THE CONSERVATIVE VOICE: By Sher Zieve – Appearing on Wednesday’s Laura Ingraham’s radio program, the author of “Now They Call Me Infidel” Nonie Darwish said the ultimate goal of radical Islam is to take over the US. Ms. Darwish, a Muslim, said that hundreds of Islamic mosques are being quickly built throughout the US, which currently have no attendees. Radical Islam Plans to Take Over America
Mark Alexander


Jason Pappas said...

Catch that last line: "she attempted to encourage Muslims in the US to demonstrate against the perpetrators of the carnage but, could find none to do so."

I was recently told a story of a WTC survivor who got most of his company out of the buildings before they fell. One of the employees was a Muslim who was distraught and ashamed that Muslims did this. The sad thing is that the other employees sought to relieve this fellow of the shame of being a Muslim by imagining that Islam had nothing to do with the act.

Our instincts were exactly wrong. It should have been the opposite; we should have said: how can you continue to embrace such a barbaric ideology? Instead of shaming Muslims … yes, even nominal Muslims … we shielded them from any pressure. After all, who would say to a Nazi “I know you personally don’t hate Jews but I have a problem with the bad Nazis.” Let’s face it; if some fool doesn’t know the evil at the core of their beliefs, we have to tell them. If they truly don’t embrace that evil, perhaps they should stop calling themselves Muslim or Nazi.

I was furious at my friend who thought the story was an example of tolerance and wisdom.

Always On Watch said...

Like Jason, I noticed that last part:

Darwish advised that after 9/11/2001, she attempted to encourage Muslims in the US to demonstrate against the perpetrators of the carnage but, could find none to do so.

That says it all!

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

I heard on talk radio today the author talking about her experiences. she said even as a child she was told don't take food from a stranger because it might be a Jew trying to poison her.

I want to get Mark's book and now in addition i want this book also.
Thank you Mark for writting the book, i look forward to reading it.

I found on the internet a list of the 164 verses on jihad. It can be found at:
search engine = google [not advanced]
search term = all verses in the quran about jihad.
result i looked at = 164 Jihad verses in the Koran - Passages in hte Quran about...

Those verses are taken from translation by M. H. Shakir
Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Inc.

The local library copy of the quran is by amana publications in beltsville maryland and doesn't present anywhere as many verses about jihad - obviously to make the unwary believe what is false to appear to be true.

happy Thanksgiving
scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...


Yes, that's the problem, isn't it? Politicians talk freely about Muslims in the main being moderate, but they won't demonstrate against their Muslim brothers. I believe in the old saying, Silence gives consent. Never were truer words uttered.

I was furious at my friend who thought the story was an example of tolerance and wisdom.

I can understand why you were furious, too. I would have been equally as furious.

These are tough times. But half of our problem is coming from the stupidity of our own people!

Mark said...

Yes, Ric, it's called prevarication. I believe that actions speak louder than words. I'm sure you do too.

Mark said...


The local library copy of the quran is by amana publications in beltsville maryland

I think you mean Brentwood, Maryland. If so that will in all probability be the version by A Yusuf Ali. That version could be considered the 'gold standard' of Qur'ans.

I think you'll find all the verses somewhere in that Qur'an referring to the jihad. Unless, of course, they've been expunged for reasons of political correctness. But you should be able to see that if that is the case.

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

hello Mark

I would like to make the following remarks regarding your last remarks to me.

In Yusuf Ali's Qu'ran there is only 6 locations of the word jihad:
25 v 52; 29 v 69; 49 v 15; 60 v 1; 61 v 11; 66 v 9;

Furhtermore in Shakir's Qu'ran there is the use of the word 'retaliation' used while Yusuf Ali's translation used the prhrase 'law of equality'. These changes are located in surah 2 verse 179 and surah 2 verse 194 [this is as far as i found at this time.]

Also Yusuf Ali's translation says its in Beltsville Maryland with zip code 20705-2223.

So methinks we might have a case of attempting to make what is false appear as true.

scary sexy chocolate thing

mirrorman said...

Mark, you have so many great commenters. Your column is an inspiration to free thought.
I would just like to congratulate the contribution here by M.S.Megallomatis.
He is a visionary seer. The "imaginary" events he describes are attuned to many predictions and foreseeable consequences of the Age we are entering.
I pray for us all. May the good survive and keep alive the hopes of Civilisation.