Sunday, November 19, 2006

Indonesians protest Bush visit
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Photo courtesy of BBC
BBC: Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, to protest against Monday's visit by US President George W Bush. Indonesia sees anti-Bush rallies
Mark Alexander


beakerkin said...

With all that face paint it looks like a football game is in progress.
Protests are not news as far left and jihadists gripe all the time.

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

To Mark: I got your book and also Darwish's book today. Thank you for writing in - i will learn a lot from it.

The demonstrators in Indonesia truley are government sponsored, and just like demonstrations from the crook Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are government sponsored. The citizens are told to demonstrate and fear of the government makes it safe to go along and demonstrate as the government ordered you to.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Concerned Mother of a 3 year old said...

Due to insomnia i did get to read some interesitng things in Ms. Darwish's book. I hope some of her observations could work to the advantage of the West. First of all Ms. Darwish's book "Now they call me infidel" mentioned [at least in Eqyptian society if not in islamic societies in general] that there is great concern about being victims of the evil eye.

Also i am parapharsing Ms. Darwish who mentioned on page 26 that [at least in Egyptian society and it may be true in all islamic societies] that there is no social cohesion but that everyone wants to impress others with appearences.

i think this is very valuable information that can be used for psychological warfare against alqaeda.

i once had an idea that went like this: since in islam, if a muslim had contact with pigs blood would deny him his 72 virgins even if he committed suicide as an act of jihad, why not Westeren nations place bags of pigs blood in public transportaion vehicles to deter the act of jihad since the person would never know for sure if he would be spattered by the pigs blood. i heard Israel considered this and i tried to let American political leaders know this idea, but they didn't use it. Maybe it is a crazy idea, but i wanted to mention it since maybe it could be improved and it could deter jihad.
i think the idea is worth mentioning because i have a 3 y o daughter and i know the way things are going jihad will exist for a long time and thus my daughter, hsuband and family etc will never be safe for a long time.

scary sexy chocolate thing

Mark said...


I agree.

Mark said...


Thank you for buying my book. I hope you enjoy reading it. Do let me know how you get on with it.

Mark said...


None of us will be safe for a very long time to come. That is the sad reality of it all.