Saturday, November 18, 2006

Beburqahed and beniqabbed Muslimatoon debate women's rights in New York!
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
BBC: Muslim women politicians, business leaders, academics, cultural figures and activists are meeting in New York to try to improve women's rights. Muslim women debate more rights
Mark Alexander


Eleanor © said...

Muslim women will never be acceptable wandering the streets of America dressed in this manner for they suspicion upon themselves. They are dressed in a costume that conceals their identity.

In the United States, those that wear concealing costumes, even wearing sunglasses and hats, for fear that they have come to rob. Imagine seeing someone enter wearing a body-concealing bag that reveals only the eyes. How can the institution know whether human underneath is male or female, carrying a purse, a gun or a bomb? Shopkeepers will have the same reservation adding the possibility of shoplifting to their suspicion.

Those that dress in this costume would be a danger to public safety while driving as their costume would inhibit vision and indification by law officers who might have to stop them for a traffic infraction.

And as we saw recently in the UK incident with the veiled teacher's aide, the costume would inhibit communication by muffling the voice and preventing the one receiving the communication from using the all important and valuable tools of body language and facial gestures that Westerners use to grasp meaning and veracity of the speaker.

We all need more rights. However, the "right" to recognize who is coming at them on the street and what they have under that costume is important.

Which are our rights? The "right" to have competent drivers with unimpeded vision on the roadways is important. The "right" to be able to match the face with an I.D. is important. These and other "rights" are denied by the beburqahed and beniqabbed.

beakerkin said...

The notion of womens rights in Islam is worse than a WC Fields gag.
Women should not be seen or heard and beaten. This type of attitude is progressive somewhere but not on this planet.

leelion said...

There's no such thing as "women's rights", or "gay rights" or "black rights"... there's only individual rights for everyone regardless of race and gender.

It's interesting how the term "individual rights" is rarely heard. It's usually the collectivising term "human rights".

Mark said...


So right! We must never allow such grab to be acceptable, either.

Mark said...


Women should not be seen or heard and beaten. This type of attitude is progressive somewhere but not on this planet.

RAFL! :-)

Mark said...

Interesting point, but society has to group people together to function. It's a headache now. Imagine the headache of trying to give each an every indiviual rights! The mind boggles!

Mark said...


To me they look downright ridiculous. But they also look so sinister, so unfriendly, and so anti-social. In fact, that's what this form of dressing is: ANTI-SOCIAL.

Mark said...

Wouldn't it be nice, Qisabella, if they did burn those God damn awful garments? They are so anti-social.

Mark said...

Sorry, Eleanor! That should have been 'garb'!