Friday, May 12, 2006

Jean-Marie Le Pen goes to court again

The right-wing extremist Jean-Marie Le Pen has been in court again for inciting racial hatred. He has been fined €10,000 and ordered to pay a further €5,000 (with interest) to the human rights organization, Menschenrechtsliga, the organization which brought the charges in the first instance.

In 2003, in an interview with the newspaper Le Monde, he stated that if the number of Muslims in France reached 25 million, then the French would be taking orders from them, and that the French themselves would have to lower their gaze when passing Muslims in the street. To look them in the eye would mean that they would get a “thrashing”.

Le Pen has been charged on several occasions for anti-Semitic and xenophobic statements. In particular, he described the gas chambers of Nazi Germany as a “detail in the history of the Second World War”. This from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung

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Kassationsgericht in Paris bestätigt Urteil

(ap) Der französische Rechtsextremist Jean-Marie Le Pen ist in letzter Instanz wegen Anstiftung zum Rassenhass verurteilt worden. Das Kassationsgericht bestätigte am Donnerstag in Paris das Urteil der Vorinstanz, wonach Le Pen 10'000 Euro Strafe für seine 2003 in einem Zeitungsinterview gemachten Äusserungen zahlen muss. Weitere 5000 Euro plus Zinsen muss er an die Menschenrechtsliga zahlen, die die Klage eingereicht hatte. Rechtsextremist Le Pen wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt
Mark Alexander

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