Showing posts with label Jizya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jizya. Show all posts

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Convert, Pay Tax, Or Die, Islamic State Warns Christians

Islamic insurgents in Mosul are consolidating control over
the civilians, warning any Christians remaining in the
city to agree to certain terms – or face death.
THE GUARDIAN: Insurgents issue ultimatum to Iraq's dwindling Christian population to abide by 'dhimma' contract or face the sword

Islamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq's dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement issued by the Islamic State (Isis) and distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul. The al-Qaida offshoot that led last month's lightning assault to capture swathes of northern Iraq said the ruling would come into effect on Saturday.

In the statement, Isis said Christians who wanted to remain in the "caliphate" declared earlier this month in parts of Iraq and Syria must agree to abide by terms of a "dhimma" contract – a historic practice under which non-Muslims were protected in Muslim lands in return for a special levy known as "jizya". "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the announcement said.

A resident of Mosul said the statement, issued in the name of the Islamic State in Iraq's northern province of Nineveh, had been distributed on Thursday and read out in mosques. It said that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which the group has now named Caliph Ibrahim, had set a Saturday deadline for Christians who did not want to stay and live under those terms to "leave the borders of the Islamic Caliphate". "After this date, there is nothing between us and them but the sword," it said. Read on and comment » | Reuters | Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, June 01, 2012

Brotherhood Candidate: Convert to Islam, Pay or Leave

TIMES 24|7: According to the popular Egyptian website El Bashayer, Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate, just declared that he will "achieve the Islamic conquest of Egypt for the second time, and make all Christians convert to Islam, or else pay the jizya," the additional Islamic tax, or financial tribute, required of non-Muslims. » | Raymond Ibrahim | Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lien en relation avec cet article »
Egypte - Mohammed Morsi voudrait faire convertir tous les coptes à l’Islam

SLATE AFRIQUE: Info ou intox? Selon El Bashayer, un site web populaire égyptien cité par le Washington Times, Mohammed Morsi, le candidat des Frères musulmans à la présidentielle arrivé en tête du premier tour de l’élection, aurait déclaré que sa confrérie va «parvenir à la conquête islamique de l'Egypte pour la deuxième fois, et de faire convertir tous les chrétiens à l'islam, ou bien les contraindre à payer la jizya», le tribut financier dont doivent s’acquitter les non-musulmans selon les préceptes de la Charia.

Le deuxième tour de la présidentielle se tiendra les 16 et 17 juin. » | vendredi 01 juin 2012

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Indian Muslim Leaders Issue Declaration Against Taliban's Imposition of 'Jizia' (Islamic Poll Tax) on Pakistani Sikhs

MEMRI: After the Taliban militants recently ordered Sikhs in Pakistan's tribal region to pay Jizia (Islamic poll tax on non-Muslims), a number of Muslim leaders in India issued a declaration criticizing the militants for not following the true spirit of Islam.

"Imposition of … Jizia is Nothing More Than Extortion By an Armed and Lawless Gang Which Does Not Constitute a Sovereign Government or State"

"We, religious, political and community leaders of the Indian Muslims, are alarmed at the reports coming out of Pakistan's tribal areas about the Pakistani Taliban's kidnapping, extortion of huge amounts of money from their Sikh compatriots as Jizia, and demolition of the houses and shops of those who fail to pay the demanded sums.

"We would like to say that Jizia is a tax paid in an Islamic state for exemption from military service by healthy non-Muslim adults who are free to follow their vocations without restriction or fear, and that there is no other tax payable by them after paying this tax - unlike Muslims who have to pay various taxes including Zakat and who have to perform military service as well.

"Jizia was payable by non-Muslims only in lands conquered by Muslims, like Egypt, Syria and Iraq, but not in unconquered areas like Madina, where, during the time of the Holy Prophet, no Jizia was ever imposed on non-Muslim citizens, who enjoyed equal rights and duties under the Constitution of Madina. >>> | Sunday, July 5, 2009