Thursday, February 23, 2012

Syria: French Journalist Appeals for Evacuation

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Edith Bouvier, a French reporter for Le Figaro, has appealed for urgent medical attention and asked to be evacuated quickly from the Syrian flashpoint city of Homs.

Her appeal came as the Syrian information minister claimed the governor of Homs had been told to try to evacuate Western journalists killed or wounded in the besieged Baba Amr district, following the deaths of Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik.

Adnan Mahmum, the information minister told the AFP news agency: "For humanitarian reasons, and although they entered the country without a permit to go to an area controlled by terrorists, the governor of Homs has been told to exert every effort possible to evacuate the journalists."

Veteran Sunday Times reporter Colvin and French photojournalist Remi Ochlik, with the IP3 Press agency, were killed on Wednesday when a rocket hit a makeshift media centre in the rebel district.

Ms Bouvier, a reporter for French daily Le Figaro and Sunday Times photographer Paul Conroy were wounded.

Syrian rebels posted a video on YouTube today in which she said she needed urgent medical attention and asked to be evacuated quickly.

"My leg is broken at the level of the femur, along its length and also horizontally. I need to be operated upon as soon as possible," said Bouvier, who appeared calm and coherent, even occasionally smiling weakly.

"The doctors here have treated me very well, as much as they are able, but their are not able to undertaken surgical procedures," she said.

"I need a ceasefire and a medically-equipped vehicle, or at least one in good condition, that can get me to the Lebanese border so that I can be treated in the shortest possible time," she said, lying on a sofa under a blanket. »

LE FIGARO: Blessée à Homs, la journaliste française appelle à l'aide : Édith Bouvier, la collaboratrice du Figaro qui a été blessée aux jambes dans les bombardements de Homs mercredi demande «au plus vite» un cessez-le-feu pour pouvoir être opérée. » | Par | jeudi 23 février 2012