Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thank You, Mr. President

YNET NEWS: Dan Calic says Obama doing great job convincing liberal Jews he's bad for Israel

As a G-d fearing conservative Jew I would like to thank President Obama. You might ask yourself why would someone like me wish to thank Mr. Obama.

When he became president I expressed concern to many in the Jewish community including family members that he would not act in Israel’s best interest. Since the majority of them can be described as "liberal," my concerns were not well received. “Let’s see what happens,” one said. “Give him a chance,” said another.

Since Obama has taken office he’s been “given a chance,” and we’ve “seen what’s happened.” His track record includes the following:
* Going to Cairo in the heart of the Arab world and making a personal appeal to reach out to the Muslims. Something no other president has done.

* Even though Iran has made it clear it intends to posses nuclear weapons and has publicly stated it’s desire to “wipe Israel off the map,” Obama has told Israel not to strike Iran

* He reportedly interrupted a shipment of bunker busting bombs destined for Israel

* He denies Israel’s right to maintain an undivided Jerusalem as its capital and wants Israel to give up all post ’49 land for "peace." Such a move on Israel’s part would bring terrorists committed to its destruction literally within a few meters of hundreds of thousands of Israeli civilians, creating indefensible borders

* He supports a contiguous land link between Judea/Samaria and Gaza, splitting Israel in two.

* Every Arab group, Hezbollah, Hamas, PLO and Fatah have charters which call for the destruction of Israel, yet he says nothing to them about amending their charters.

* Mahmoud Abbas routinely attends events where the Palestinian flag is shown covering not just the biblical heartland of Israel, but the entire country. Obama is silent.

* Abbas has named public places after terrorists who collectively murdered over 45 Israeli civilians. Obama is silent.

* Should the UN vote to criticize Israel for constructing homes in east Jerusalem Obama reportedly threatened to abandon the long-standing US policy of vetoing an anti-Israel resolution.

* He treats Israel’s prime minister worse than our enemies.
>>> Dan Calic | Sunday, April 11, 2010