Friday, March 20, 2009

P*** O**, Big Brother! I’ll Look After My Own Health, Thank You Very Much!

THE TELEGRAPH: Well-meaning 'snoops' are being recruited by the Government to nag their colleagues, family and neighbours into living healthier lives.

Photo thanks to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Public health "mentors" will be enlisted by the NHS to offer 'on the spot' advice in their local neighbourhood when they see people smoking, eating or drinking too much.

The Government hopes that the volunteers will help to get across its messages on healthy living in a new and influential way but the plans have been criticised as evidence of the creeping 'nanny state'.

Speaking at the Royal Society of Arts yesterday , Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, said mentors could be "amazingly successful" and that he hoped that they could revolutionise the nation's health.

The mentors, who as volunteers are not paid, are expected to work to influence the people around them, offering advice to workmates, family and friends about how they should change their unhealthy habits.

Eating a third fried breakfast of the week in the office canteen, having a drink 'for the road' at your local pub or chain-smoking another cigarette while waiting for the bus could all see the mentors spring into action to offer the Government's advice.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said that it was hoped that mentors would spread the word among "people they come in contact with on a daily basis, including their friends and neighbours, and also be able to point them to NHS services, such as smoking cessation services". 'Snoops' to Nag Their Friends to Live Healthier Lives >>> By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent | Thursday, March 19, 2009

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