Happy Birthday, Holy Father!
Photo of Pope Benedict XVI courtesy of Google Images
Although I am not a Roman Catholic, I would like to take this opportunity to wish Pope Benedict a very Happy Birthday. Pope Benedict XVI was born in Bavaria on Holy Saturday, April 16, 1927. It is hard to believe, but his parents' names were Joseph and Mary. There is no doubt that Pope Benedict is a wonderful man. He is intelligent and erudite, understanding and compassionate, gracious and elegant. He is also a true aesthete. What more could we wish for in a pope? One can only wish him all the very best for today and for always. May he be blessed with a long and healthy life. Long live Pope Benedict!
Sun shines on Vatican for Pope’s birthdayKardinal Meisner vergleicht Papst mit JesusDer Stilist Benedikt XVI.
Georg Gänswein: Der Diener zweier HerrenL'Église catholique fête les 80 ans de Benoît XVI©Mark Alexander
I join you in wishing Pope Benedict XVI a very happy birthday. He is very bright, has great insight and is a potent spiritual leader of the world's Roman Catholics. Further, he 'gets it' as far as the political forces in the world are concerned and is not afraid to speak the truth. I sincerely hope his pontificate is long and blessed.
Is Dr Paisley reading this blog yet?
"I'm tellin yoose! Islam is just a Papish plot to drive us into the arms of Gerry Adams."
That's a credible conspiracy theory, Mirrorman. I wish I'd thought of that. :-)
Cybercrusader, welcome!
As I have said, although I am not a Roman Catholic, I am acutely aware of how wonderful this pope is. One of the things I like so much about him is his understanding of the threat coming from Islam. And as you say, he is not afraid to speak the truth.
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