Thursday, June 08, 2006

O Canada!
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Photos courtesy of Labor Law Talk
National Anthem

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! O glorious Canada! ‘Tis wonderful to see thee!

Canada is a country of contrasts and variety: gentle in nature; generous in spirit. Welcoming and hospitable, Canada has been built up by its immigrant population. Indeed, it is a nation made up largely of immigrants, just like its southern neighbour, the USA.

People have immigrated to Canada from all over the world, in search of a better way of life; and they have left many of their customs and traditions behind. And where they haven’t, till now they have integrated them into the Canadian way of life rather successfully.

I remember once being told by a Canadian Immigration Officer – yes, I was once destined to live in that beautiful country, but fate had other plans for me – that one of the greatest differences between Canada and the United States of America was in their approach to immigrants: “Canada”, he said, “promotes diversity; the US encourages its immigrants to blend together in the ‘melting pot’.”

That was so in the States once upon a time, but things in the USA have changed quite a lot, too. In recent decades, the US has encouraged diversity, encouraged people not to throw off their past, but to bring their past with them to their new homeland. Further, they no longer encourage immigrants from Europe, where people have much in common with them; rather they encourage immigrants from the Middle East, the Far East, and Asia.

But one thing should be considered: the promotion of diversity is wrong when it comes to immigration, especially when we consider the immigration of Muslims. When people immigrate from distant lands with exotic cultures, they should be encouraged to adopt the ways of their hosts. Only then can true integration take place.

Muslims, however, are a different case again, for they have a very different culture, one diametrically opposed to all the West stands for. In fact, Islamic culture couldn’t be more different from Western culture in any way. These two cultures are like chalk and cheese, day and night, flood and drought. They are so different as to be immiscible, just as oil and water are.

Canada has just experienced its first labour pains in the birth of that politically correct, multicultural country. If Canadians thought that they had a multicultural country before, having embraced all kinds of people from all over Europe, they had it wrong.

Most of those Europeans shared a common heritage – largely a Judeo-Christian heritage. The new Muslim immigrants do not share that heritage at all. Islam is different from Judeo-Christianity altogether.

Islam teaches Muslims that Islam is the perfection of religion for man for all time. Ad din al kamal, as they call it. Believing it is the perfect religion, of course, means that Christianity and Judaism are less than perfect, by definition. In this regard, Muslims are supremacist in their outlook. Further, they believe that Islam must supplant all other religions; for they consider people who follow other religions to be inferior. They call them infidels, or kuffar.

In Islam, there is no separation of religion and politics, no separation of the temporal from the sacred. Indeed, Muslims have no notion of the secular. Allah’s words must become binding on all people. They consider it their bounden duty to bring Allah’s will to all those who live in what they consider to be darkness, to all those who live in a state of moral chaos, to all those who live in a state of Jahilliyah.

Canada is in such a state. Canadians, just like their American and European cousins, are infidels, or kuffar, in the eyes of Muslims; so they must be brought to ultimate submission, total submission to the will of Allah.

The Muslim population of Canada has grown apace in recent decades. By allowing this to happen, Canadians have unwittingly fallen into a trap, and brought upon themselves many troubles they could well have avoided.

Canadians believe they live in a largely secular nation, in a nation which offers freedom of religion. In this respect, they think very much like the Europeans. Indeed, it may be said that Canadians, like their European and American cousins, cherish freedom of worship, cherish the freedom to choose one’s religion, or even not to choose one at all.

Freedom of religion is highly regarded by civilized people. No religion is to be given preference in such a system. The fact is, however, that Muslims do not believe in such a freedom of choice when it comes to religion, for they believe that theirs is the only religion worthy of anyone’s choosing.

Some people have said that politics has to be taken out of the mosque. Would that things could be so simple! The fact of the matter is that politics cannot be taken out of the mosque. To try and take politics out of the mosque would be like trying to take the ‘green’ out of grass, the steam out of boiling water, or the sweetness out off sugar! It just cannot be done! And even if it could be done, Islam would be de-natured. Islam, if it is anything at all, is politics – politics wrapped up in the clothes of a deity. In fact, Islam is nothing if it is not the politics of supremacy!

Nazism was also such a supremacist ideology: Nazis believed that they would inherit the earth. We stamped it out, because we considered the ideology to be abhorrent to civilized people. And it was! Anyone trying to form a Nazi party in the West today would be frowned upon in no uncertain terms, and the party would not be ‘in business’ for long. Westerners won’t tolerate such politics any longer.

The Ku Klux Klan was also supremacist. It has been trampled upon, and rightly, because it is seen - rightly in my opinion - as a dangerous ideology. Yet Islam is the supremacist ideology par excellence. (And its existence is not questioned.) I say par excellence, because it has been so successfully clothed in a deity that nobody, not even a Westerner, dare question its raison d’être.

Well, I’ll tell you what its raison d’être is. It’s quite simple. It’s to Islamize YOU, YOUR way of life, and YOUR country. And that goes for Canada every bit as much as it goes for anyone or anywhere else.

One can but wonder when Canadian politicians and the powers that be there in beautiful Canada will wake up to the harsh realities they face.

Their idea of creating a multicultural heaven on earth has some rather large question marks hanging over it at the moment. The recent wake-up call that has sent shockwaves through an otherwise rather tranquil and enchanting country is a warning that the liberal Canadians really cannot afford to ignore. The future of a free Canada lies in the balance.

Canadians really do need to ensure that God - and not Allah! - keeps their land glorious and free! O Canadians! You really do need to stand on guard for thee! O Canada! Stay free!

©Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Another outstanding essay! You're on a roll these days. :)

In many portions of this essay, one could take out "Canada" and substitute in the name of almost any Western nation.

Sound the alarm! There is no coexistence with Islam, a totalitarian and supremacist ideology. Freedom and Islam are incompatible. Here is some proof in a Muslim's own words.

cybercrusader said...

Mark, I agree with AOW, another analysis that is 'spot on'. Keep them coming.

Mark said...


Thank you very much!

I have read that piece you linked to. Frightening, isn't it? And in a Muslim's own words, too.

Mark said...

Thank you, too, US Iconoclastic Patriot. I appreciate your words a lot.

Mark said...

And I appreciate your compliment, too, Bld.

It doesn't surprise me that you heard Muslims on the BBC news defending Zarqawi. That's what Muslims do: Defend their aggression and jihad. When will Westerners learn that these people have only one intention: to destroy the West.

Our leaders are not only stupid to allow this, they are also negligent in the extreme for refusing to take any action to put a stop to it, once and for all!

It's no good their being tender-hearted only to destroy the lives of innocent Westerners. In taking no action against this evil, they are aiding and abetting the aggressors.

Always On Watch said...

One can but wonder when Canadian politicians and the powers that be there in beautiful Canada will wake up to the harsh realities they face.

At various sites, I've read comments from Canadians. One of those comments read "WE KNOW ABOUT ISLAM!" As to the leaders, well, that's another story; they don't want to see the truth. Steeped in pc and multi-culti?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Canada may have to re-think its concepts of diversity. The Islamofascists that were busted before they could execute murderous mayhem were to a large extent second and third generation Mohammedans. Their plot was evil and destructive. Regardless of what is "politically correct," Mohammedanism is a faith which has the ultimate goal of bringing Dar al Islam to Dar al Harb by any means necessary. This is not evangelism of spirit but of the sword. O Canada - beware!

Mark said...


At various sites, I've read comments from Canadians. One of those comments read "WE KNOW ABOUT ISLAM!" As to the leaders, well, that's another story; they don't want to see the truth. Steeped in pc and multi-culti?

Yes, Canadian leaders are "pc and multi-culti". They are also in total denial. It's such a pity. They used to be such good fighters during World War II. They need to re-learn that fighting spirit. If they don't, they'll go under.

An Islamized Canada will not be good news for the USA!

Mark said...


Canada may have to re-think its concepts of diversity.

It most certainly will.

The Islamofascists that were busted before they could execute murderous mayhem were to a large extent second and third generation Mohammedans.

It doesn't matter how long they will live in the West, they will always try and bring it down.

Their plot was evil and destructive.

No surprise here!

Regardless of what is "politically correct," Mohammedanism is a faith which has the ultimate goal of bringing Dar al Islam to Dar al Harb by any means necessary.

Who in his right mind cares about political correctness? The truth stands; and the truth is what you have stated. They are out to destroy us. And we had better get used to the idea. We haven't got half tough enough with these people yet. People need to brace themselves. Things are going to get a whole lot worse before there is any hope of things getting any better.

This is not evangelism of spirit but of the sword. O Canada - beware!

There is very little spiritual in Islam. Islam has always been spread by the sword; and here we are, 1400 years later, and we still haven't learnt the lesson!

Mark said...


mark, .. perhaps it would be more correct to say, we have forgotten the lesson our ancestors learned the hard way.

I stand corrected. Yes, we have forgotten, or one could even say unlearned, the nature of these people and their religion. Our ancestors certainly knew how to deal with them and their religion.

But in this 'touchy-feely' world we now inhabit, in this everything-is-right-nothing-is-wrong-it-just-depends-on-the-circumstances world, in this morally-relative, post-modern world, we have forgotten how to make judgements.

Our ancestors knew how to make them. Indeed, I need only go as far back as my parents' generation to find an ability to make judgements. They didn't lack the skill. Not at all! They knew what was right and what was wrong. And instinctively, too.

I remember when I was a student of economics, we were infected by the notion that we shouldn't make value judgements (sometimes called moral judgements). And I say "infected" deliberately. That characterized higher education in the Seventies for you. It's all balderdash, of course. That's where our problems all started! Then and in the Sixties.

Without the ability to judge, we are lost. We make judgements all the time: what to eat, what to buy, whom to mix with, whom to befreind, where to go on holiday, etc. Without that ability, we're sunk. Yet we are 'not supposed' to make them with people. When it comes to people, we are to be judgement-free. How ridiculous is that?

There is only one answer I can think of at the moment.. BAN islam. Just as Nazism is banned.

I agree with you, and wholeheartedy, too! Just as Christianity and Judaism are banned in Saudi Arabia. Why should we be any different?

Until the koran and islam is purged of it's violent intent, then it should be as illegal as a Nazi salute.

Yep, you've got it! That's exactly what we should do with Islam. It's only a form of Nazism by another name and in another guise, anyway.

Just as decommissioned Chuches are turned to housng, so too should moques be converted to sheters for homeless and drug users.

That's a damn good idea!

A fitting purpose, perhaps, as the moslim Countries send most of their heroin to uk and Europe for their bretheren to sell. Two faced bull**** artists.

Very true.