Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Belarus Is Isolated as Other Countries Move to Ban Flights

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The extraordinary forced landing of a commercial flight with a Belarusian dissident aboard escalated into one of the biggest flare-ups in East-West tensions in recent years.

MOSCOW — The tray tables were being raised and the seat backs returned to their upright positions as passengers on Ryanair Flight 4978 prepared for the scheduled landing in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. Then the plane made an abrupt U-turn.

For many passengers, it initially seemed like one of those unexpected delays in airline travel. But after the pilot announced the plane had been diverted to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, one passenger — Roman Protasevich, a prominent Belarusian opposition journalist who had been living in exile since 2019 — grew terrified, certain that he faced arrest.

“He panicked because we were about to land in Minsk,” Marius Rutkauskas, who was sitting one row ahead of Mr. Protasevich, told the Lithuanian broadcaster LRT upon arrival in Vilnius.

Sunday’s ordeal — described by many European officials as an extraordinary, state-sponsored hijacking by Belarus to seize Mr. Protasevich — quickly led to one of the most severe East-West flare-ups in recent years.

Meeting Monday evening in Brussels, European Union leaders called on all E.U.- based airlines to stop flying over Belarus and began the process of banning Belarusian airlines from flying over the bloc’s airspace or landing in its airports — effectively severing the country’s direct air connections to Western Europe. » | Anton Troianovski | Monday, May 24, 2021

A State-Sponsored Skyjacking Can’t Go Unanswered »

Israël-Palestine : changer de paradigme

LE MONDE: Editorial. Une nouvelle approche du règlement du conflit, fondée sur des droits égaux pour les deux peuples, s’impose si l’on veut éviter une cinquième guerre à Gaza.

Editorial du « Monde ».
Et maintenant ? Au lendemain du cessez-le-feu qui a mis fin, jeudi 20 mai, à la quatrième guerre de Gaza après onze jours d’hostilités, Israéliens, Palestiniens, diplomates arabes et occidentaux sont renvoyés à cette question lancinante.

En 2009, 2012 et 2014, à l’issue des trois précédentes confrontations, les uns et les autres ont paru prendre de grandes résolutions : conférence pour la reconstruction de l’enclave, mesures de desserrement du blocus pesant sur ce territoire, pourparlers en vue d’une réconciliation du Hamas et du Fatah. Mais faute de détermination véritable de la part des intéressés, ces initiatives louables ont à chaque fois fini par péricliter, ouvrant la voie à l’escalade suivante.

Pour en finir avec ce rituel macabre, il faut rompre avec les formules toutes faites, quasi pavloviennes, auxquelles la communauté internationale se raccroche par peur du vide et manque de courage ou d’imagination. Sans une levée rapide et intégrale de l’embargo – égyptien et israélien – qui étrangle les 2 millions d’habitants de Gaza, le « retour au calme » dont se félicitent les chancelleries est une sinistre illusion. Il n’y a pas de calme possible dans un ghetto à l’agonie. » | Éditorial, Le Monde | samedi 22 mai 2021

Super Blood Moon 2021: Total Lunar Eclipse Will Bring Cosmic Show across Pacific on Wednesday

THE GUARDIAN: Hawaii will have the best view of May’s full supermoon, followed by California, the Pacific north-west, New Zealand and Australia

The first total lunar eclipse in more than two years coincides with a supermoon this week for quite a cosmic show.

This super “blood” moon will be visible on Wednesday across the Pacific – offering the best viewing – as well as the western half of North America, the bottom of South America and eastern Asia.

Better look quick: the total eclipse will last about 15 minutes as Earth passes directly between the moon and the sun. But the entire show will last five hours, as Earth’s shadow gradually covers the moon, then starts to ebb. The reddish-orange color is the result of all the sunrises and sunsets in Earth’s atmosphere projected on to the surface of the eclipsed moon.

“Hawaii has the best seat in the house and then short of that will be California and the Pacific north-west,” said Nasa’s Noah Petro, the project scientist for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. New Zealand and Australia also will have prime viewing. » | Associated Press | Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Céline Dion - All By Myself (Official Remastered HD Video)

Abba - Thank You For The Music (Official Video)

Abba - Super Trouper

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Beach Boys: I Can Hear Music

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Scottish Independence: 'Queen to Head Charm Offensive to Save Union'

THE NATIONAL: THE Queen is to lead a Royal "charm offensive" to help save the Union – with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge expected to play a key role, it is being reported.

The strategy, which is said to be discreetly backed by Downing Street, received its effective launch on Saturday when Prince William described the "special place" Scotland has in his heart.

He made the comments in his address to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh as he and his wife embark on a week-long campaign in Scotland to win over hearts and minds. » | Kathleen Nutt | Chief Political Reporter | Sunday, May 23, 2021

Royals have dropped any pretence that they are neutral on independence »

Definitely, Maybe (3/9) Movie CLIP - Smoke-Off (2008) HD

Naughty, but nice! Those were the days! Not so many health Nazis around in those days! People had foibles, they knew they had foibles, and they enjoyed their foibles, too! Then came the Puritans! The rest, as they say, is history.

Back in the day, it was cool to smoke. These days, to be cool, you have to be anti-smoking, anti-meat-eating, pro-vegan or at least vegetarian. You mustn’t smoke, you mustn’t drink milk (only processed milk substitutes will do), and you have to jog or go to the gym. Oh, and you have to be a killjoy, too! You can’t be cool if you aren’t a killjoy.

Welcome to the new world!

San Francisco - Scott McKenzie

1967: The Counterculture Year That Changed the World | Summer of Love | Timeline

In 1967 an expressive, colourful musical force painted a backdrop of social change, fashion, love, turmoil and war. The world remembers the Summer of Love in 1967 as one of those moments when a unique and creative explosion of music and popular culture arrived in the UK and USA.

Boris Johnson to Marry Fiancée Carrie Symonds in July 2022, Report Says

THE GUARDIAN: Couple have been engaged since late 2019 but had put their marriage plans on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic

Boris Johnson is reportedly to marry his fiancee [sic], Carrie Symonds, in July 2022 after sending save-the-date cards to family and friends, according to the Sun.

They have been engaged since late 2019 but, like many couples, had put their marriage plans on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic with numbers able to attend ceremonies curtailed.

While this will be Johnson third marriage, it will be the first for Symonds.

It is unknown where exactly the couple will celebrate the occasion. However, the prime minister’s Buckinghamshire residence, Chequers, is tipped to host the wedding. Another possible venue is said to be the Port Lympne safari park in Kent, as Symonds works for the conservation charity. » | Edna Mohamed | Monday, May 24, 2021

Who is Boris Johnson’s first wife, former Tatler cover girl Allegra Mostyn-Owen? »

Marina Wheeler opens up about life post-Boris Johnson »

People in England ‘Face Three-year Waits for Dentist Appointments’

THE GUARDIAN: Damning report shows surgeries have ‘thousands’ of people on waiting lists

People are being told to wait until 2024 for dentist appointments while others are being removed from their practice lists for not making appointments sooner, according to a damning report into the state of dentistry.

Dental surgeries have reported that they have thousands of people on their waiting lists, while patients are unable to access care after ringing round numerous dental surgeries, a watchdog has warned.

Delays have resulted in the worsening of painful symptoms and in one instance even led to a patient needing hospital treatment after overdosing on painkillers, it said.

But Healthwatch England said that some people are being offered swift private care as an alternative at the same dental practice, with some patients reporting that they felt pressured to pay for their treatment.

Some practices appeared to be prioritising private care, it added. » | PA Media | Monday, May 24, 2021

Belarus Accused of ‘Hijacking’ Ryanair Flight Diverted to Arrest Blogger

THE GUARDIAN: Roman Protasevich is wanted for organising last year’s protests against Alexander Lukashenko

Belarus has been accused of hijacking a European jetliner and engaging in an act of state terrorism when it forced a Ryanair flight to perform an emergency landing in Minsk after a bomb threat and arrested an opposition blogger critical of authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko.

Roman Protasevich, a former editor of the influential Telegram channels Nexta and Nexta Live, was detained by police after his flight was diverted to Minsk national airport. Minsk confirmed that Lukashenko ordered his military to scramble a Mig-29 fighter to escort the plane.

The Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, said the plane had been “hijacked” and accused Lukashenko of a “reprehensible act of state terrorism”. He said he would demand new sanctions against Belarus at a European Council meeting scheduled for Monday.

Tom Tugendhat, the chair of the UK foreign affairs select committee, said: “If aircraft can be forced to the ground … in order to punish the political opponents of tyrants, then journalists here in the UK, politicians anywhere in Europe will find it harder to speak out.” » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Sunday, May 23, 2021

US joins global outcry at Belarus over seizure of blogger from Ryanair flight »

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Brexit Chaos - Clueless Lord Frost Talks Gibberish about Looking for Opportunities Going Forward

Every day we learn more about the damage to our economy caused by the unnecessary self-inflicted madness that is Brexit. At the same time it is becoming clear as evidenced by his appearance before the House of Commons EU Scrutiny Committee, that even Lord Frost, the man elevated to the peerage and made a cabinet minister for negotiating the TCA and Withdrawal Agreements which he now wants to change that he does not have a clue. Instead he talks of an opportunity to find opportunities and a new philosophy to take forward broadly.

Trump's Legal Nightmare Coming True? Criminal Probe Opened

The Trump Organization is now under criminal investigation after the New York Attorney General joined the Manhattan DA’s probe into Trump’s business dealings and finances. Up until this point, the AG investigation into the former president was a civil probe. Trump denies all wrongdoing and calls the probe "corrupt." MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber discusses the significance of this step and Trump’s reaction to the probe with former SDNY prosecutor John Flannery, MSNBC’s political contributor Dr. Jason Johnson, and The New York Times's Emily Bazelon.

Trump Cornered? Feds Trying to Flip Trump Organization Executive in Criminal Probe

Citizen Trump is facing serious legal heat now that the Trump Organization is officially under a criminal probe. Prosecutors are targeting Trump's top executive Allen Weisselberg, who is also now under criminal investigation over taxes. Weisselberg has obtained his own legal counsel. MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber discusses the latest updates in the case with Washington Post reporter Libby Casey, former federal prosecutor Dan Alonso, and former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman. (This interview is from MSNBC’s ‘The Beat with Ari Melber’.)

Petition Calls for Smoking Ban on All Spanish Beaches

THE GUARDIAN: More than 283,000 back call to rid Spain’s coastline of smoke and discarded cigarette butts

A petition signed by more than 283,000 people calling on Spain to ban smoking at all its beaches has been delivered to the country’s environment minister.

For more than two years the organisation No Fumadores (No Smokers) has been gathering signatures aimed at transforming Spain’s 3,084 miles (4,964km) of coastline into areas free of cigarette smoke and discarded cigarette butts.

The petition, delivered to the minister Teresa Ribera, calls on the government to introduce national legislation on the issue, Raquel Fernández Megina of No Fumadores said in a statement published on Friday. The hundreds of thousands of signatures gathered, she added, “send the message that we can’t wait any longer”. » | Ashifa Kassam in Madrid | Sunday, May 23, 2021

Lock Him Up! Why Is Repeat Offender Donald Trump Still a Free Man?

THE GUARDIAN: The ex-president is accused of abuse of power, fraud, tax evasion and more but he has not been charged with anything

A sudden fall from power always comes hard. King Alfred was reduced to skulking in a Somerset bog. A distraught Napoleon talked to coffee bushes on St Helena. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia hung around the haberdashery department of Jolly’s in Bath. Uganda’s Idi Amin plotted bloody revenge from a Novotel in Jeddah. Only Alfred the Great made a successful comeback.

All of which brings us to Donald Trump, currently in exile at his luxury club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Whingeing amid the manicured greens and bunkers of his exclusive golf course, the defeated president recalls an ageing Bonnie Prince Charlie – a sort of “king over the water” with water features. Like deposed leaders throughout history, he obsesses about a return to power.

Yet as Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell moves to kill off a 9/11-style national commission to investigate the 6 January Capitol Hill insurrection, the pressing question is not whether Trump can maintain cult-like sway over Republicans, or even whether he will run again in 2024. The question that should most concern Americans who care about democracy is: why isn’t Trump in jail? » | Simon Tisdall | Sunday, May 23, 2021

Long Slide Looms for World Population, with Sweeping Ramifications

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Fewer babies’ cries. More abandoned homes. Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom.

All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore.

Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea can’t find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties have been razed, with the land turned into parks.

Like an avalanche, the demographic forces — pushing toward more deaths than births — seem to be expanding and accelerating. Though some countries continue to see their populations grow, especially in Africa, fertility rates are falling nearly everywhere else. Demographers now predict that by the latter half of the century or possibly earlier, the global population will enter a sustained decline for the first time. » | Damien Cave, Emma Bubola and Choe Sang-Hun | Saturday, May 22, 2021