Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sex Is for Married Heterosexual Couples Only, Says Church of England

THE GUARDIAN: Pastoral guidance also calls for Christians in gay or straight civil unions to be abstinent

The Church of England has stated that sex belongs only within heterosexual marriage, and that Christians in gay or straight civil partnerships should be sexually abstinent.

Bishops have issued pastoral guidance in response to the recent introduction to mixed-sex civil partnerships, which says: “For Christians, marriage – that is, the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows – remains the proper context for sexual activity.”

The church “seeks to uphold that standard” in its approach to civil partnerships, and “to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships” within such partnerships.

It adds: “Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.” » | Harriet Sherwood | Thursday, January 23, 2020

Good luck with that, bishops! So what these guys are saying is that fun is out for anyone who isn't straight and married. And this is God's will in the twenty-first century, you say? Conclusion: God doesn't do fun! – Mark

Meghan Markle's Brother Thomas Markle Jr Speaks Out on Australian TV | Sunrise

Meghan Markle's estranged half brother has spoken out about her decision to leave the royal family and the letter he famously sent Prince Harry.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Freedom From Religion Foundation Lecture

"Freedom From Religion in the Bible Belt” was the theme of FFRF's (Freedom From Religion) Raleigh Regional Convention, May 2-3 2014 conference in downtown Raleigh, N.C., at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, 421 South Salisbury St. In conjunction with the Triangle Freethought Society, FFRF’s active Raleigh-area chapter, the gathering “won hearts and minds for reason and secularism.” CNN was scheduled to cover some of the event for an upcoming documentary on atheism.' The interview will be part of FFRF and the Dawkins Foundation's Openly Secular coalition campaign. Presented by Triangle Freethought Society.

Criminalizing Reporting: Glenn Greenwald Faces Cybercrime Complaint after Exposing Scandal in Brazil

In Brazil, federal prosecutors have filed a criminal complaint against journalist and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald in connection to a major investigation he spearheaded that exposed misconduct among federal prosecutors and a former judge. Called “The Secret Brazil Archive,” the series of pieces published in The Intercept and The Intercept Brasil used a trove of documents to offer new and damning insight into the sweeping anti-corruption campaign that brought down former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and paved the way for the election of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro. The investigation used previously undisclosed private chats, audio recordings, videos and other information provided by an anonymous source to expose the wrongdoing of top officials, including Justice Minister Sérgio Moro, who oversaw the anti-corruption crusade known as “Operation Car Wash.” On Tuesday, a justice minister filed a denunciation of Glenn Greenwald, claiming he “directly assisted, encouraged and guided” individuals who allegedly accessed online chats related to Operation Car Wash. A judge will now decide whether to press charges. The move has sparked international outrage at what many are condemning as an attack on the free press in Brazil. We speak with Andrew Fishman, managing editor of The Intercept Brasil and reporter for The Intercept.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Harry and Meghan Threaten Legal Action over Canada Paparazzi Shots

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have issued a warning over continued harassment by paparazzi photographers as they start their new life in Canada out of the spotlight.

Monday, January 20, 2020

America's Great Divide: Anthony Scaramucci Interview | Frontline

Anthony Scaramucci served briefly as the White House communications director for Donald Trump in 2017. He is a founder and managing partner at SkyBridge Capital.

Scaramucci's candid, full interview was conducted with FRONTLINE during the making of the two-part January 2020 documentary series “America's Great Divide: From Obama to Trump.”

What Does the Future Look Like for Harry and Meghan?

It's still unclear what the new Royal arrangements will mean for Harry and Meghan's future life. From their security arrangements, to the use of their 'Sussex Royal' brand and even what they will be called with future titles are still under discussion.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Au Royaume-Uni, Harry Mountbatten-Windsor et Meghan Markle n’auront plus leur titre royal au printemps

LE MONDE: Le couple a donné son accord au remboursement de certaines dépenses passées, notamment pour la rénovation de leur cottage de Windsor, à l’ouest de Londres.

C’est la fin de dix jours de crise à Buckingham. Le prince Harry Mountbatten-Windsor et son épouse, Meghan Markle, renonceront à leur titre d’altesse royale et cesseront de recevoir des fonds publics, a annoncé, samedi 18 janvier, le palais britannique, après leur décision de renoncer à leur statut de membres actifs de la famille royale. « Ils ne rempliront plus d’obligations royales » et « ne peuvent plus formellement représenter la reine », ajoute le communiqué.

Le texte précise que le couple a donné son accord au remboursement de certaines dépenses passées, notamment pour la rénovation de leur cottage de Windsor, à l’ouest de Londres. Les travaux avaient coûté plus de 2 millions de livres (2,3 millions d’euros), ce qui avait été critiqué dans les médias. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 18. Janvier 2020

Harry and Meghan’s Hard Exit

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The couple’s wish to carve out more “progressive” roles led to the loss of perks, privileges and titles.

LONDON — There is no such thing, it turns out, as being a part-time royal. The severance deal that Buckingham Palace announced on Saturday for Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, is most remarkable for how clean a break the royal family is making with two of its most popular, if disaffected, members — much more severe than the couple apparently expected.

The British news media, which has likened the couple’s split with the royal family to Brexit, lost no time on Sunday in pronouncing the agreement the equivalent of a “hard Brexit,” similar to the uncompromising trade deal that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to pursue with the European Union this year.

Far from carving out a “progressive new role within this institution,” as the couple hopefully declared when they unexpectedly announced their plans to “step back” from royal duties this month, Harry and Meghan will lose most of the privileges and perks of royalty once they give up their full-time status and forsake Britain for an uncertain future in Canada and the United States.

Under the terms of the agreement, the couple will no longer use their most exclusive titles, His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness, will forgo public funding of their activities and will repay more than $3 million for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, their residence on the grounds of Windsor Castle. » | Mark Landler | Sunday, January 19, 2020

'They're Turning the Royal Family into a Walmart with a Crown on': Meghan Markle's Father Thomas Launches an Extraordinary TV Attack on Megxit as He Tells Channel 5 Documentary That the Sussexes Are 'Cheapening' the Royals by Quitting

MAIL ONLINE: Thomas Markle spoke exclusively to Channel 5 in a new television documentary / He describes Meghan and Harry's behaviour as embarrassing in the interview / He says: 'This is one of the greatest institutions ever. They are destroying it'

The Duchess of Sussex's estranged father has spoken in depth for the first time about the Megxit crisis – and accused his daughter of 'cheapening' the Royal Family and throwing away 'every girl's dream' for money.

In a TV documentary, Thomas Markle describes Meghan and Harry's behaviour as embarrassing, says they are 'turning into lost souls' and, in a reference to a discount American supermarket giant, adds: 'They are turning it [the Royal Family] into a Walmart with a crown on.'

He added: 'This is not the girl I raised.'

Mr Markle's intervention in the monarchy's worst crisis for a generation came as the Queen's top aides finalised a deal for the couple, who are quitting as frontline Royals and leaving Britain to seek financial independence.

He tells the Channel 5 documentary: 'When they got married they took on an obligation, and the obligation is to be part of the Royals and to represent the Royals. And it would be foolish for them not to.
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'This is one of the greatest long-living institutions ever. They are destroying it, they are cheapening it, making it shabby… they shouldn't be doing this.' » | Ian Gallagher for the ‘Mail On Sunday’ | Saturday, January 18, 2020

Royal pundits react »

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Inside Iran: What's Next? | The Economist

When Iran's military forces mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet it sparked widespread protests around the country. Iran's leaders face being overwhelmed by a crisis they created—how will they respond?

Read more »

People Who Remember Every Second of Their Life | 60 Minutes Australia

Imagine being able to remember every minute detail of your life. You can recall what the weather was like, what you were reading or what you wore to the shops at any minute, any hour or any day stretching back decades. It sounds like some kind of parlour trick, but it's actually a real and very rare medical phenomenon.

Luca Guadagnino on the Power of First Love in ‘Call Me By Your Name’

Based on a novel of the same name by André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name tells the story of two young men who fall in love in Italy in 1983. Director Luca Guadagnino discusses the film's dreamlike aesthetic and the power of first love.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Stevie Wonder: Love's In Need Of Love Today

Boris Johnson prépare la révolution de l’après-Brexit

LE FIGARO: À deux semaines de la sortie britannique de l’Union européenne, le premier ministre veut montrer qu’il compte profondément changer le pays.


À deux semaines de la date historique du 31 janvier, qui verra le Royaume-Uni quitter l’Union européenne, on ferraille désormais à Londres sur la façon de célébrer l’événement. Les brexiters veulent marquer le coup, si possible avec les onze coups de Big Ben. Or, la cloche de 13,7 tonnes de la tour emblématique de Londres est muette depuis août 2017, pour une rénovation qui doit durer quatre ans. Le coût d’une remise en service provisoire a été chiffré à 500.000 livres. Le nouveau président de la Chambre des communes a pris sa calculette: chaque «bong» marquant l’heure cruciale coûtera plus de 45.000 livres… » [€] | Par Arnaud De La Grange | vendredi 17. janvier 2020

Un tableau retrouvé en Italie est bien le « Portrait d’une dame » de Klimt, volé en 1997

LE MONDE: Le tableau avait été subtilisé en février 1997, alors que le Musée d’art moderne Ricci Oddi de Piacenza était fermé pour travaux.

Un tableau retrouvé par hasard il y a cinq semaines à Piacenza, dans le nord-ouest de l’Italie, est bien un original de Gustav Klimt, volé il y a vingt ans dans la même ville. « C’est avec une grande émotion que je peux vous dire que le tableau retrouvé est authentique », a déclaré Ornella Chicca, une magistrate chargée de l’enquête, lors d’une conférence de presse organisée vendredi 17 janvier. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 17. janvier 2020

Balearic Islands Pass Bill Targeting Boozy Brits Abroad

THE GUARDIAN: Law bans happy hours, free bars and makes it illegal to advertise pub crawls

The regional government in the Balearic islands has passed a bill aimed at clamping down on alcohol-fuelled holidays.

The law bans happy hours, free bars and two-for-one drinks parties and makes it illegal to advertise pub crawls. There will be no new licences for party boats and existing boats are banned from operating in designated areas.

Shops selling alcohol that currently stay open all night will have to close between 9.30pm and 8am or risk fines of up to €600,000 (£511,000) or the threat of being closed down for three years.

The restrictions apply to the worst affected areas of Magaluf and El Arenal de Palma in Mallorca as well as Sant Antoni de Portmany in Ibiza. » | Stephen Burgen in Barcelona | Friday, January 17, 2020

Meghan Markle's Sister's Message to the Duchess of Sussex | This Morning

Samantha Markle, the sister of Meghan Markle, shares her views with us on the shocking announcement made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex last week. They announced they were stepping down from full-time royal duties, but there was nobody less surprised than Samantha. She told us in this exclusive interview why she thinks Meghan is tarnishing the family name and also why her father’s willingness to testify against his estranged daughter in what is being billed as the 'trial of the century’ would allow the real truth to be heard. Broadcast on 17/01/20

Prince Harry and Meghan's UK Home Being Closed Down

THE GUARDIAN: Reports add to speculation that Duke and Duchess do not plan to spend much time in UK

Frogmore Cottage, the home of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, is in the process of being shuttered, according to reports, fuelling speculation the couple do not intend to spend any meaningful time in the UK in the near future.

Key live-in staff – a house manager and a cleaner – are being moved to other duties within the Queen’s household. Other staff members, used on an ad hoc basis and including chefs, maids and footmen, have been told their services are no longer required at the couple’s Windsor residence, the Daily Mail reported.

The claim comes as Harry and Meghan begin a period of “transition”, splitting their time between the UK and Canada, with the reluctant blessing of the Queen. » | Caroline Davies | Friday, January 17, 2020

It’s not just Meghan and Harry. I’d like us all to escape this dire royal circus » | Suzanne Moore

Heaven and Hell on Newstalk with Moncrieff

Seán Moncrieff hosts an eclectic Irish radio show on Newstalk which is operated by News 106 Limited, a subsidiary of Denis O'Brien's Communicorp. He interviewed Bart on January 13th, 2020 during a seven-minute spot in brief discussion about his new book, "Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife" to be published by Simon & Schuster. The interview asked questions like: Was Heaven and Hell discussed in the Old Testament? Does Judaism believe in the afterlife? Did the belief in Heaven and Hell exist during Jesus' lifetime? Did there exist an early belief that a deceased person entered limbo after death? Doesn't the physical depictions of Hell only make sense if a person is physically tortured? Why do more people in the U.S. believe in Heaven than in Hell? Other thoughts are considered during this succinct segment.