Saturday, June 24, 2017

Assad Say’s “Trump's a Puppet”

Arab States Issue Qatar Demands | World

The Arab states that have cut ties with Qatar have given the Gulf nation 10 days to comply with a series of demands, including the closure of the Al Jazeera satellite television channel.

13 Demands on Qatar Escalate Saudi-Led Stand-off

Saudi Arabia and its allies' list of far-reaching demands for Qatar--including cutting ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, reducing cooperation with Iran, and closing news channel Al Jazeera--is "absurd," says CODEPINK's Medea Benjamin

View from Iran: Saudi Arabia – Qatar Crisis

Saudi-led countries list of demands from Qatar begins with “end relations with Iran” & closes with a distrustful, pompous, demand for alignment to their policies within 10 days. It is also hypocritical that Qatar is being called out for supporting terrorism by the very Persian Gulf dictators who are just as guilty in that regard. Qatari media influence, too, is a thorn in the side of its neighbors, with them calling for a shutdown of Qatar-affiliated media, a judgment on their view of free media & speech. The Saudi-led alliance also wants Qatar to end support for pro-Palestine resistance, while they sing their own praises for seemingly standing for the Palestinian cause.

Historic Rivalry for Regional Dominance at the Root of Saudi-Qatar Crisis

The battle for regional power between Saudi Arabia and Qatar dates back to the very creation of the State of Qatar; back then, just as it is now, it was about regional dominance, explains Professor Seif Da'na

Qatar Given 10 Days to Comply with Saudi-led Bloc's 'List of Demands'

Qatar has reportedly been given 10 days to comply with a list of demands from Arab nations which have imposed a blockade on the Gulf nation. News agencies say the Saudi-led bloc is demanding financial compensation and wants Qatar to downgrade its relations with Iran. It has also called for the closure of Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera’s Tony Birtley explains.

BBC Question Time | June 22, 2017

Question Time BBC 22.06.2017. David Dimbleby chairs topical debate from Plymouth. On the panel are Conservative justice secretary David Lidington, Labour's shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth, the SNP's new Westminster leader Ian Blackford, businesswoman Gina Miller, and Daily Mail columnist Peter Oborne.

France's New Frontman, America's Absent Center, May's Brexit Gambit, Saudi Royal Reshuffle

Saudi's Outrageous Demand! 'We Call on All Governments to Respect Media Freedoms': Al-Jazeera on Saudi Demands for Its Closure

Qatar-funded broadcaster al-Jazeera denounces the demand for its closure from Saudi Arabia and several other countries. They accuse the network of being a propaganda tool for Islamists intent on undermining other governments. Acting managing director Giles Trendle says the network will continue its ‘editorial mission’. The demand is part of a 13-point list that Qatar must agree to if it wants a diplomatic and trade embargo lifted

Read the Guardian article here

Friday, June 23, 2017

WWII Survivor Warns of Socialism and Gun Control – Must Watch

Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler's takeover of Austria. The similarities to today's left and their "progressive agenda", are staggering!

Qatar Blockade: Arab States Give Doha 10 Days to Cut Ties with Iran & Close Turkish Base

The Arab states which have imposed an economic blockade on Qatar over its alleged financing of terrorism have issued a severe list of demands, which includes giving Doha 10 days to cut ties with Iran, shutting down Al Jazeera, closing a Turkish military base and paying a fine.

America’s Missing Moderates: Could a Political Center Spring from the Republican Party?

Brexit Means Brexit - The Unofficial Version | BBC Documentary | June 22, 2017

Award-winning director Patrick Forbes goes beyond the headlines to film the bitter battle to govern Britain after 2016's referendum vote. Filmed over one extraordinary year, it's a story of low politics, high ambition and bitter personal animosities - at stake the biggest decision the UK has taken for decades. Can the prime minister tame the judges, the opposition and finally the public to deliver Brexit? One thing everyone involved agrees on, get this wrong and, 'we will see another even bigger seismic change in this country's politics'.

BREXIT Negotiations - Tusk: UK Offer for EU Citizens "Below Expectations" - BBC News

UK offer for EU citizens "below expectations" & "risks worsening the situation" - EU Council President Donald Tusk

World War II Documentary

Pakistan: Police Enforce Ramadan Fasting in Streets of Lahore

'Accusations of Terrorism Are False', Says Qatar's Foreign Minister

Thursday, June 22, 2017

As Yemen War Rages On, Saudi King Elevates the War's Architect—His Own Son—to Be Crown Prince

As the U.S. moves ahead with a massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Saudi’s king has deposed his nephew as crown prince and has replaced him with his son—the same man presiding over the devastating U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war in Yemen. The move comes a month after President Donald Trump signed a series of arms deals with Saudi Arabia totaling a record $110 billion during a visit to Riyadh. The arms deal includes tanks, artillery, ships, helicopters, missile defense systems and cybersecurity technology. We speak to Kristine Beckerle of Human Rights Watch.

Inside Story - What Can Be Done To Stop Cultural Genocide?

For nearly a thousand years Al Nuri Mosque has been the centerpiece of the Old City in Mosul - until Wednesday when it was blown up destroyed during fighting. The mosque's been added to a long list of ancient pieces of history destroyed during wars in Iraq and Syria. How can the destruction be stopped? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Ahmed Zaidan, Journalist and documentary filmmaker: Michael Danti, Academic Director, American Schools of Oriental Research; Amr Al Azm, Shawnee State University in Ohio and former head of the Centre for Archaeological Research, University of Damascus

Panorama : Putin's Secret Riches