Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Will the US Try to Denuclearise North Korea by Force? - Inside Story

The US has rerouted several warships towards the region, after North Korea fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.

North Korea Warns US Over Aircraft Carrier Deployment

North Korea warns US over aircraft carrier deployment.

North Korea is vowing to respond to what it calls “reckless” US behaviour.

It's on edge over a joint military exercise by the US and South Korea, which is under way in Pohang.

Tensions have intensified after Washington deployed a naval strike group to the Korean Peninsula, over Pyongyang’s recent missile tests.

Al Jazeera's Craig Leeson reports from Pohang, South Korea.

Donald Trump Jr. Denies He Will Run for New York Governor But Hints at Future Political Career

THE INDEPENDENTE: President's son refutes rumours he intends to challenge incumbent Andrew Cuomo in 2018

Donald Trump Jr., rumored to be eyeing a move to follow his father's footsteps into politics, will not be a candidate for governor of New York next year but is not ruling out a possible run for office in the future.

The younger Trump, in an interview Monday with The Associated Press, categorically denied any speculation that he might challenge incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“I am not running in 2018,” Trump said in his first public comments about a possible candidacy next year.

But he acknowledged having been bitten by the politics bug and said that he could consider a run down the road. Read on and comment » | Jonathan Lemire | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

AM Joy: Jared Kushner Battles Steve Bannon for White House Power | April 8, 2017

Alt-Right Actually Believed Trump Was Anti-War

Published on 10 Apr 2017 You’ll never guess who the Alt-Right is blaming for Trump’s bombing of Syria… Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

Steve Bannon's Role Being Questioned: President Trump 'Never Needed' Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Is Steve Bannon backing down from his feud with Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner? The New York Times' Jeremy Peters discusses his reporting on Bannon's rôle in the White House.

Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag,’ More ‘Provocations’ Coming

BREITBART.COM: At a Tuesday press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed last week’s chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province of Syria was a “false flag” – a phony operation staged by enemies of Russia and Syria to discredit them. He said more such false flag operations were on the way.

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” said Putin, as reported by Russia’s RT.com. » | John Hayward | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vladimir Putin Claims the US Plans to Plant Chemical Weapons in Syria, Attack and Blame Assad

Putin Shrugs Off Criticism of Syria Ties before Tillerson Visit

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president calls for UN inquiry as he compares chemical attack claims against Syria to US accusations Iraq had WMDs

Vladimir Putin has shrugged off western criticism of his support for the Syrian regime, shortly after the top US diplomat said Bashar al-Assad’s days in power were numbered, ratcheting up tensions between the the US and Russia before talks in Moscow.

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, had hoped to underscore the US position with a unified message from the G7, which condemned the chemical attack at a summit in Italy on Tuesday. However, G7 foreign ministers were divided over possible next steps and refused to back a UK call for fresh sanctions.

Putin said western and Turkish accusations that Syria’s government dropped the nerve agent sarin that killed dozens of civilians in Idlib earlier this month were comparable with the now-discredited claim that Saddam Hussein’s had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Heather Stewart | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

La Corée du Nord prête à la «guerre» contre les États-Unis

LE FIGARO: Pyongyang a dénoncé l'envoi d'un porte-avions par Washington vers la péninsule de Corée et s'est dit prête à riposter ce mardi. Alors que le régime s'apprête à célébrer le 105e anniversaire de sa fondation, les observateurs internationaux redoutent le lancement d'un sixième essai nucléaire.

La Corée du Nord s'est dite prête à «la guerre» ce mardi après l'envoi ce week-end d'un groupe aéronaval américain vers la péninsule de Corée. Washington a en effet, dépêché dimanche le porte-avions USS Carl Vinson et son escadre qui devait initialement faire escale en Australie. » | Par Le figaro.fr et AFP, AP, Reuters Agences | mardi 11 avril 2017

Chechnya Opens World's First Concentration Camp for Homosexuals since Hitler's in the 1930s Where Campaigners Say Gay Men Are Being Tortured with Electric Shocks and Beaten to Death

MAIL ONLINE: Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler / Prisoners reportedly tortured with electric shocks and some beaten to death / One of those who fled said prisoners were beaten to force them to reveal other members of the gay community / Comes after 100 gay men were detained and three killed in Chechyna last week

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where homosexuals are killed or forced to promise to leave the republic.

One of the camps is reportedly at the former military headquarters in the town of Argun.

Svetlana Zakharova, from the Russian LGBT Network, told MailOnline: 'Gay people have been detained and rounded up and we are working to evacuate people from the camps and some have now left the region.

'Those who have escaped said they are detained in the same room and people are kept altogether, around 30 or 40. They are tortured with electric currents and heavily beaten, sometimes to death.' Read on and comment » | Thomas Burrows for MailOnline | Monday, April 10, 2017

Syria’s Government ‘Coming to an End,’ Tillerson Warns Before Russia Trip

THE NEW YORK TIMES: LUCCA, Italy — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said on Tuesday that the reign of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was “coming to an end” and warned that Russia was at risk of becoming irrelevant in the Middle East by continuing to support him.

Mr. Tillerson, in comments made just before he traveled to Moscow for a high-stakes summit meeting, sought to clear up the United States’ position on Syria while also declaring that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia needed to choose whether to side with Mr. Assad or the West.

Russia can be a part of the discussions “and play an important role,” Mr. Tillerson said at a Group of 7 meeting in Lucca, Italy, or it “can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.” » | Gardiner Harris | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

President Donald Trump To Save Syrian Babies But Cut Meals On Wheels | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panel discuss why Trump is suddenly inspired to intervene in Syria, after not being so moved in recent years, or in his current domestic policy.

US-Russia Tensions: How Is Moscow Likely to Respond to Tillerson's Latest Remarks?

Egypt Church Attacks: "The Target Is to Divide Muslims and Christians"

Monday, April 10, 2017

Four Way Race? Late Surge by Far-left Candidate Mélenchon

Blood Money: The Islamic Practice Turning Businesslike?

The Observers takes a closer look at "Blood Money": paid to spare the lives of those destined for execution, is the traditional practice becoming increasingly businesslike in countries with Islamic law?

Morning Joe: Steve Bannon Is Isolated In The White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: Two Senior White House aides held lengthy meetings at Mar-a-Lago in an attempt to mend a rift that has caused many to speculate a change in White House staff is imminent.

Russia's War of Words after US Missile Strike

Boris Johnson Slapped Down as Syrian Air Strikes Reverberate