Showing posts with label Ukraine.USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine.USA. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2022

Beyond Ukraine, the Target Is What Putin Calls America’s ‘Empire of Lies’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Russian leader is consumed by revanchist fury and convinced of a relentless Western plot against Moscow.

PARIS — President Vladimir V. Putin has ordered Russian troops into Ukraine but made clear his true target goes beyond his neighbor to America’s “empire of lies,” and he threatened “consequences you have never faced in your history” for “anyone who tries to interfere with us.”

In another rambling speech full of festering historical grievances and accusations of a relentless Western plot against his country, Mr. Putin reminded the world on Thursday that Russia “remains one of the most powerful nuclear states” with “a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons.”

In effect, Mr. Putin’s speech, intended to justify the invasion, seemed to come closer to threatening nuclear war than any statement from a major world leader in recent decades. His immediate purpose was obvious: to head off any possible Western military move by making clear he would not hesitate to escalate.

Given Russia’s nuclear arsenal, he said, “there should be no doubt that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.” He added: “All necessary decisions have been taken in this regard.”

Mr. Putin’s move into Ukraine and his thinly veiled nuclear threat have now shattered Europe’s notions of security and the presumption of peace it has lived with for several generations. The postwar European project, which produced so much stability and prosperity, has entered a new, uncertain and confrontational stage. » | Roger Cohen | Thursday, February 24, 2022

Leer en español:

Más allá de Ucrania, el objetivo de Putin es lo que llama el ‘imperio de la mentira’ de EE. UU. : El líder ruso parece consumido por la furia revanchista y convencido de la existencia de un implacable complot occidental contra Moscú. »