Sunday, October 31, 2021

Brexit Is Harming the UK Economy, Say 44% of Voters

THE OBSERVER: Poll also shows that more than half believe it is affecting shop prices, as experts forecast it is likely to be twice as costly as Covid

51% of those surveyed think Brexit is adversely affecting the UK’s ability to import goods from the EU.Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

Almost twice as many voters now believe Brexit is having a negative effect on the UK economy as think it is benefiting the nation’s finances, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer, carried out during budget week.

The survey comes after Richard Hughes, the chairman of the Office for Budget Responsibility, said his organisation calculated that the negative impact on GDP caused by the UK’s exit from the EU was expected to be twice as great as that resulting from the pandemic.

Hughes said Brexit would reduce the UK’s potential GDP by about 4% in the long term, while the pandemic would cut it “by a further 2%”. “In the long term, it is the case that Brexit has a bigger impact than the pandemic,” he said. » | Toby Helm, Political editor | Saturday, October 30, 2021

Of course Brexit is harming the UK economy! And it will go on harming it, too. Brexit was, is, and will remain a BAD idea. We can thank the Conservatives for this half-witted idea. The current Conservative Party isn't fit for the twenty-first century. The clue of the problem with the Conservative Party lies in its name, 'Conservative'. Conservatives are inclined to live in the past, live on past glories.

What this country needs is a business-friendly party which is forward-looking, a party which has a deep-commitment to fairness for ALL, and which is PRO-Europe! I have said it over and over and over again that we Brits ARE Europeans. Our destiny lies in Europe. Being committed to Europe doesn't preclude a close friendship with the US, or Australia or Canada, or anywhere else. It is perfectly possible to be committed to Europe and be friendly with all. These relationships are not mutually exclusive. I stand by my commitment to Europe and the EU – unwaveringly.

The UK should re-enter the European Union and play its full part in the EU's progress and development. Along with our European brothers and sisters—our neighbours—we all need to to work hard to keep Europe whole and free and powerful on the world stage. With the inexorable rise of China, it is more important than ever.

History will not be kind to the characters who worked so hard to bring the UK out of the EU. We all know who they are. Chief among them are Farage (though not a member of the Conservative Party), Hannan, Rees-Mogg, Redwood, and a few others. But there many other fossils in the Conservative Party besides these. They have all played their part in weakening the UK. Ironically, they think they are patriots. In actual fact, they are not. Quite the opposite!

In the name of peace and prosperity, we need to cast these throwbacks aside. The European Union is good for us all on so many levels, not least of which is the maintenance of peace and stability in Europe – a continent which had historically been used to war and conflict.

Brexit has weakened the European Union; and it has weakened the United Kingdom, too. It has caused disharmony in our once proud and united United Kingdom: Brexit has caused unnecessary conflict between regions, families, friends and acquaintances. Only a fool would take the United Kingdom for granted any longer. In fact, there is a distinct possibility of the UK breaking up in the future. If it did so, iy would be a great pity. But if it does happen, we shall be able to blame Boris Johnson and his cohorts in stupidity for the tragedy.

The best place for the UK is in the European Union. Long live Europe!, Vive l'Europe ! Es lebe Europa! – © Mark