Tuesday, September 29, 2020

GOP Takeover of the Supreme Court: What You Need to Know

Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains what's at stake in the SCOTUS nomination fight to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Led by Mitch McConnell, Republicans are gearing up to reverse the precedent they themselves set in 2016, when they blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee for 293 days because, they said, “this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” They know if they let the people decide who should appoint the next Supreme Court justice, their last chance to implement minority rule could be lost.

Remember: Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million people. And he was impeached. If confirmed, his nominee would be approved by Senate Republicans representing 11 million fewer Americans than their Senate Democratic counterparts. That justice would join a Supreme Court alongside four conservative justices who were nominated by Republican presidents who also lost the popular vote. And these 5 would have the power to negate laws supported by a majority of Americans.

In other words, a president elected by a minority will appoint a justice who will be confirmed by senators representing a minority. That justice will have the power to subvert the will of the majority and possibly hand the election to a president who’s already been impeached.

The majority of Americans will not go down without a fight. First, we must defeat Trump and his Republican enablers in the upcoming election. Next, when Democrats have control of the Senate, the House, and the presidency, the top priority must be to restructure the Supreme Court so it better reflects the will of the people.

We must see the GOP’s exercise of raw power for what it is and meet it with even greater force.