Thursday, April 04, 2019

Police amass 10,000 Officers in Preparation for No-deal Unrest

THE GUARDIAN: Chiefs warn that inflammatory rhetoric from politicians could worsen Brexit tensions

Police chiefs have voiced fears that inflammatory rhetoric from politicians and activists could fuel Brexit tensions as they revealed they have amassed their biggest ever peacetime reserve of 10,000 officers to deal with potential unrest in the event of no deal.

The chair of the National Police Chiefs Council, Martin Hewitt, warned “prominent individuals” involved in the protracted Brexit debate should avoid inciting anger given the “febrile” and “emotive” atmosphere, amid concerns of violence and disorder.

Hewitt said: “This is highly emotive ... I think there is a responsibility on those individuals that have a platform, and have a voice, to communicate in a way that is temperate and is not in any way going to inflame people’s views or cause any actions out of there.

“I think we are in an incredibly febrile atmosphere. There is a lot of angry talk that you can pick up if you look across social media.” » | Vikram Dodd, Police and crime correspondent | Thursday, April 4, 2019