Monday, October 27, 2008

Verschwörung zur Ermordung Obamas vereitelt

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die US-Polizei hat nach eigenen Angaben eine Verschwörung von zwei Neonazis zur Ermordung des schwarzen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Barack Obama vereitelt. Das berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur AP.

Wie aus Gerichtsakten, die heute freigegeben wurden, weiter hervorgeht, wollten die zwei Männer laut Agentenberichten im Staat Tennessee einen Waffenladen ausrauben und dann eine vor allem von schwarzen Jugendlichen besuchte Schule überfallen. Ausserdem hätten die zwei Skinheads im Alter von 18 und 20 Jahren insgesamt 102 schwarze Schüler erschossen oder enthaupten wollen, hiess es.

Anschlag auf Obama als «finaler Akt» geplant

Ihr letztes Ziel nach dem Blutbad wäre Barack Obama gewesen. «Sie erklärten, das sei ihr letzter, finaler Akt, dass sie versuchen würden, Senator Obama zu töten,» sagte Jim Cavanaugh, ein Spezialagent der für Waffen, Sprengstoff und Alkohol zuständigen Bundespolizeibehörde, der Nachrichtenagentur AP. «Sie glaubten nicht, dass sie das schaffen würden, aber dass sie bei dem Versuch selbst getötet würden.» >>> cpm/ap/sda | 27. Oktober 2008

THE TELEGRAPH: White Supremacist 'Plot' to Assassinate Barack Obama Foiled

A neo-Nazi plot to assassinate Barack Obama has been uncovered days before the American presidential election.

US government agents say they have thwarted a plan by two conspirators to kill the White House front-runner and shoot or decapitate 102 black people.

Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, were arrested in Tennessee on Wednesday and charged with possession of firearms, threats against a presidential candidate running and conspiring to rob a gun store, the Department of Justice said.

The plot is understood to centre on Tennessee where Martin Luther King was assassinated exactly 40 years ago. >>> By Toby Harnden in Pittsburgh | October 28, 2008

MAIL Online: Can the ‘Black Jesus’ Escape and Assassin’s Bullet?

Excluding the sneaking suspicion that the American electorate has collectively lied to the opinion pollsters for fear of appearing to be racists, it seems that only one thing can now prevent Barack Obama's date with destiny: an assassin's bullet.

This might sound alarmist, but drive past Obama's £1 million mansion in the affluent Chicago suburb of Hyde Park - one of the few mixed neighbourhoods in a city still shockingly segregated four decades after Martin Luther King based his civil rights crusade here - and you realise how seriously the threat is taken.

To the anger of his neighbours, who can no longer park in their own driveways without being subjected to airport-style vetting, the house is protected night and day by a dozen armed officers with 'Secret Service' emblazoned on their bulletproof vests.

The road, off-limits to all but local residents, is blocked by huge concrete slabs which detract from the eye-catching display of pumpkins that Obama's wife Michelle and two young daughters have laid around their front gate for Halloween.

Is an audacious attack really expected? Given that Obama has an unprecedented level of protection for a Presidential candidate, it is clear the authorities believe his life is in danger.

Since Obama entered the race, 500 death threats have been intercepted, and though many have been almost laughably half-baked, about a dozen were sufficiently serious for the suspects to be traced and questioned. >>> By David Jones in Chicago | October 29, 2008

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