Thursday, November 08, 2007

Bush and Congress Bedazzled by Sarkozy; Sarkozy Aims to Be ‘Ally-in-Chief’

TIMESONLINE: President Sarkozy of France yesterday dazzled President Bush and Congress by proclaiming his love for America as he sought to rekindle a long alliance that turned soured over war in Iraq.

His address to both Houses of Congress was delivered in French. He began by breathing warm words of fidelity into the translation earpieces worn by almost all the US legislators.

To the first of many standing ovations he spoke of the shared values and history of the two nations, dating back to the War of Independence, and declared: “France is the friend of the United States of America.”

At a dinner held in his honour the previous evening, Mr Sarkozy had signalled his amorous intentions when he toasted President Bush, saying: “On behalf of all Frenchmen, I want to reconquer the heart of America.”

Mr Bush replied by making a rare foreign-language foray, welcoming his guest with the words “Bienvenue à la Maison Blanche.” The White House — as it is more usually known — has been enthralled by Mr Sarkozy, who appears ready to slip into the role of “ally-in-chief” so recently vacated by Tony Blair. Je t’aime, Nicolas Sarkozy tells America as he aims to be the ‘ally-in-chief’ (more)

France divided as Sarkozy woos US By Hugh Schofield

Sarkozy und Bush demonstrieren Geschlossenheit: Haltung gegenüber iranischem Atomprogramm bekräftigt

Sarkozy exalte l’amitié franco-américaine D’Alain Barluet

Mark Alexander