Friday, February 23, 2007

Virgil Goode in Congress on the Surge Resolution and Muslims

With thanks to Always On Watch for drawing this powerful video to my attention:

Mark Alexander


Always On Watch said...

Thank you for the acknowledgement!

I was so happy to hear a politician proclaim anti-dhimmitude on the floor of Congress. Of course, his speech got next-to-no coverage in the media.

I've heard via the grapevine that many of his constituents are very proud of him. And well they should be!

mirrorman said...

Great to hear some straight talking about preserving America.
You have so many enemies, both from the ignorant and from the hateful.
Don't believe the lies and delusions of either unpatriotic religious nutters or radical liberals.
They stand united in determination to unhinge America.
Do not listen to their lies and hate-speech.
Go Virgil!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Don't believe the lies and delusions of either unpatriotic religious nutters or radical liberals - mirrorman

I thought radical liberals were religious nutters, for aren't they all members of The Church of The Holy Secular; well, at least most of them are, and I include those so called Christians who spend much of their time preaching the gospel of socialism according to their superior compassion.

I have to say I concur with some forgotten poster’s excellent analysis, (sorry, I have a memory like a sieve sometimes), as to the motivations and designs of the secularists, to use the heavy stick of Islam to eradicate the forces which stand in the way of their world vision, and to do damage control with the forces of Islam once their usefulness has ended. However I think that they have badly miscalculated, not only their ability to effect control of Islam once it gains ascendancy, at least to the point where it can be an effective club in the hands of the secularists, but also in their belief of a meek, acquiescent populace which will sit idly by while their schemes unfold. Yes the people appear docile, bovine even, but already there are rumblings of discontent, not loud yet, but getting more disturbed as each day brings new revelations of stupidity and perfidy. With the rise of the BNP, and yes they are gaining ground and will continue to do so, due to the outright betrayal of the people by the ruling classes and their quest for the New Utopia: though I suspect we are soon to see legislation outlawing them. After all, when demonization no longer has its desired effect, what is any self respecting, morally superior authoritarian supposed to do, gracefully retire in defeat and accede to the will of the majority, hell no, lets slaughter a few more millions to build the road to utopia - the highway whose foundations are the forgotten bones of superfluous citizens. After all, when all is said and done, it's in a good cause!

However, having said that, after having a conversation with a dear friend last night, I have to say we have a long haul ahead of us, for some people not only don't get it, they actively place obstacles in the path of their own understanding. I sat and listened speechless, as I was told that there was no way Islam could take over, and besides it is we who must adapt to change anyway. Even as in the very next breath she went on to complain of the changing demographic nature of the area where we live, (as a way of showing how we have to change in the face of real situations). Simple really, there is not enough love in this world. And this from a very intelligent woman; as I said - speechless. I should add that this very nice person, has not picked up any books or articles on the subject of radical Islam (too busy), nor been seen within a thousand miles of any history books upon any subject, let alone the depredations of Islam and its imperial quest, in fact I doubt that history was anything more than a passing inconvenience during her school years, so rationality does not come in to it, but her feelings do. Dismissive of all points of actual fact, but suffused with pious self righteous emotion, in short, the essence of moral relativist thought. The call to consider just what her refusal to deal with Islam’s encroachment into our Western way of life and its consequences for her children, fell upon stony deaf ears. I think because she herself has not experienced any consequence of Islam’s design, she feels that therefore no consequence could actually possibly exist. I mean, how could you possibly get a point across where facts are brushed aside, and the legacy of John Lennon's "Imagine" is the totality of a persons world view.

So to bring this back to the point of this post, while I and others who frequent this blog, applaud Virgil Goode and his stand in the senate, I think we must recognize that we all have a very big uphill battle gaining the understanding of many of our fellow citizens. Because the danger seems slight to many, therefore they feel it is simply no danger, all the while failing to realize, the potential danger posed by the growing incursion of a small, but focused group of religious nutters, and the historical record of just how such small determined groups gain power and control over societies. The history books are littered with example after example, but then again, who reads history books these days, certainly not the busy, nor the self important, its boring stuff and can't truly concern them. They will go to their grave in the sure knowledge that it is they who are right, the tragedy is that that may be where many will end up rather earlier than anticipated.

George Santayana must be mumbling in his grave.

Unknown said...

For those who find the reference to George Santayana a little too obscure - Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

leelion said...

Some excellent posts here.

This is a bit off topic but the following quote is from steve sailer at 6thcolumnagainstjihad:

"In Iraq, as in much of the region, nearly half of all married couples are first or second cousins to each other. A 1986 study of 4,500 married hospital patients and staff in Baghdad found that 46% were wed to a first or second cousin, while a smaller 1989 survey found 53% were "consanguineously" married. The most prominent example of an Iraqi first cousin marriage is that of Saddam Hussein and his first wife Sajida.

By fostering intense family loyalties and strong nepotistic urges, inbreeding makes the development of civil society more difficult."

Maybe I'm slow but I wasn't aware of the extent of this. I'd read that Pakastanis in Britain have an unusually high rate of certain medical conditions attributed to inter-breeding but I didn't realize the extent of this practice elswhere.

You'd never read this in the MSM.