Saturday, December 02, 2006

“We want Turkey to be part of the EU”, Pope tells Erdogan!
THE TIMES: In just three days on his first visit to a Muslim country, Pope Benedict XVI has transformed himself from a hate figure in Turkey into a model of tolerance and politeness spoken of with warmth and affection.

He returned to Rome yesterday, winning more praise for a parting shot that he had “left part of his heart in Istanbul”. Turks warm to model of tolerance and finally learn to love the Pope by Richard Owen and Suna Erdem
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

The "Rottweiler" is showing signs of the rot rather than the 'rott' in his thinking. Among our leaders, cravenness abounds! It beggars belief that a pope who has spent years being so opposed to the idea of Turkey entering the Union could now, all of a sudden, do an about face. Wie schade!

Eleanor © said...

Did the Pope really say this, or is this a quote attributed to him? I wonder if he's not involved in little Papal taqiyya of his own to preserve the lives of the Christians that are under the thumb of the Turks!

I don't like what the Pope is supposed to have said and the interpretation made by the Turks. Who knows what he really said. But a violent outcome would have resulted if he had remained silent or told them what they would to hear.

After all, considering the pattern of Cartoon Rage and Koran Rage, further "Pope Rage" would result in the death of more Christians, and the burning of their homes and business as well as the few remaining churches.

Mark said...

Well, apparently yes. It was reported far and wide; so one can only assume that he did. And it disappoints me greatly.

I realize that he now has to be very diplomatic; but there is no need to go that far. He could have said nothing, or he could have said that he doesn't get involved in politics.

But I agree with you: He now has to be very careful: for the safety of his flock, for the safety of the priests, and for his own safety.