Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ultimatum an die Türkei
NZZ: Spätestens nächste Woche muss die Türkei ihre Flughäfen und Häfen für Flugzeuge und Schiffe aus Zypern öffnen. Das fordert die EU, die ihren Zeitplan für die Verhandlungen mit der Türkei einhalten will. EU setzt der Türkei ein Ultimatum
Mark Alexander

1 comment:

Mark said...

I find it very interesting that the BBC has not reported anything about this ultimatum that the EU is supposed to have given the Turks over opening up their ports and airports to Cyprus. Apparently, the EU has given the Turks but a week to comply! Tough talk, especially since it's coming from the EU!

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by the BBC, however, since the people at the Beeb love all things Islamic, including Turkey.