Monday, November 13, 2006

Mubarak: Carrying out the death sentence on Saddam "will explode violence like waterfalls in Iraq"
BBC: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned that hanging former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein will lead to even more bloodshed in Iraq.

A Baghdad court condemned Saddam Hussein to death on Sunday for the killing of 148 Shia Muslims after a 1982 assassination attempt against him.

Mr Mubarak said hanging the former president would only exacerbate ethnic and sectarian divisions between Iraqis. Mubarak warns on Saddam execution
Mark Alexander

1 comment:

Mark said...

Well, one thing is for sure: We haven't really achieved very much by taking Saddam out. As brutal a man as he was, at least he understood how to control 'his' people. The killing hasn't stopped at all since we took him out; indeed, it has increased. So I think we must ask ourselves two very important questions: What have we achieved? Was it worth it?