Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More distemper on order to whitewash Islam for Europeans
ZAMAN ONLINE: Following the cartoon crisis and Pope Benedict XVI’s offensive remarks on Islam, many European state-owned TV channels have launched new initiatives to disseminate more information on Islam.

Inspired by the TV programs on Islam broadcast by state-sponsored TV channels in France, the Netherlands and Denmark, Germany and Belgium are also now considering starting programs of the same kind.

The lack of accurate information on Muslims, which became clearer following the cartoon crisis, and the pope’s contentious remarks, has led some European countries to introduce TV programs on Islam and its fundamental precepts. It is already expected that the Islamic programs, which will be prepared in the native language of the country, will contribute to social cohabitation. European Television Hosts more Programs on Islam
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

I am completely in favor of disseminating more information on Islam as long as the information is true and not misleading. Having said that, it will be a great disservice if these agencies try to 'whitewash' Islam by saying it is a religion of love and peace, which is an outright lie; it will be a great disservice if they try to mislead people on the true intent of the jihad; it will be a great disservice if they minimize the mistreatment of women, the anti-Semitism, the barbaric penalties prescribed by Islamic law for relatively minor offenses; it will be a great disservice if they attempt to hide the fact that those who convert to another faith from Islam come under a death sentence. If the TRUTH is told, one finds it difficult to believe that this will lead to more congenial relationships!

mirrorman said...

BTW, ric ottiano, great blog and Radio!

John Sobieski said...

PBS in America has been feeding us propaganda about Islam for years. Fortunately they are the only state funded (ergo corrupted by Muslims and their socialist and liberal allies who have taken control of it and national radio)TV broadcaster. But they don't have a large audience and they are recognized as dhimmis by most Republicans. In Europe, the govt has much more control and that means they'll be teaching the Europeans how to bow and grovel at their new master, Mohammed.

Always On Watch said...

Here in the States, immediately following 9/11, we actually got to see some TV programs which didn't whitewash Islam. But the further we go from 9/11, the more we get propaganda on our screens.

Now, almost 16 months after the London bombings--the same propagandizing.

John Sobieski mentioned PBS. I happen to have seen the the DVD version of a PBS program on Islam. What a bunch of nonsense that DVD contains! And the DVD is shown with regularity in classrooms all across America as part of the World History curricula. Of course, these same schools dare not show Obsession nor Islam: What the West Needs to Know and not even Not Without My Daughter. Various Muslim groups have seen to the latter's not being shown as the film might offend Muslims.

How stupid the West is to promote its own destruction! Why? Why? Why? Do the media not realize that much of what we love as Western art would be haram as far as Muslims are concerned? Have they not bothered reading materials which show up Islam for what it is?

The entire scenario is disheartening to me. Bad enough having the threat of Islam. But watching our leaders and our media PROMOTE the destruction of freedom? Some days I want to crawl under a rock so as not to watch what's happening!

Mark said...


How could anyone say it better?

But you can bet your bottom dollar, Islam will be whitewashed! The weak and ignorant will be fooled, and many of them will convert.

Mark said...


It will all be propaganda for Islam. Why are we doing this to ourselves?

Mark said...


In Europe, the govt has much more control and that means they'll be teaching the Europeans how to bow and grovel at their new master, Mohammed.

Yes indeed! This is very, very bad news for everyone. But the majority of the people don't yet realize it. Governments should be subject to the laws of treason too!

Mark said...


Ric's blog is great. And his radio 'station' too.

Mark said...


Here in the States, immediately following 9/11, we actually got to see some TV programs which didn't whitewash Islam. But the further we go from 9/11, the more we get propaganda on our screens.

Now, almost 16 months after the London bombings--the same propagandizing.

What you say is so right. What's the matter with these dorks? Can't they see that, in allowing this, they are going to hasten the destruction of Western civilization?

John Sobieski mentioned PBS. I happen to have seen the the DVD version of a PBS program on Islam. What a bunch of nonsense that DVD contains! And the DVD is shown with regularity in classrooms all across America as part of the World History curricula. Of course, these same schools dare not show Obsession nor Islam: What the West Needs to Know and not even Not Without My Daughter. Various Muslim groups have seen to the latter's not being shown as the film might offend Muslims.

I can well imagine what that PBS program is like. It would sicken me to watch it. It would turn my stomach! The fact that they are showing that to children, especially without showing something to balance it out, is a disgrace. Children are impressionable. Once the seed is sown, once they have been indoctrinated, it's too late to turn the clock back.

How stupid the West is to promote its own destruction! Why? Why? Why?

The West is indeed STUPID to promote its own destruction. Why this is being done is nothing short of baffling! Furthermore, it is CRIMINAL!

Do the media not realize that much of what we love as Western art would be haram as far as Muslims are concerned? Have they not bothered reading materials which show up Islam for what it is?

I don't know, Always. That, too, is baffling. It is baffling that the liberals in the media don't seem to realize that all they hold so dear will one day be destroyed by Islam. Art, as we know it, will become a thing of the past. So many of the things we hold dear will become haram!

The entire scenario is disheartening to me. Bad enough having the threat of Islam. But watching our leaders and our media PROMOTE the destruction of freedom? Some days I want to crawl under a rock so as not to watch what's happening!

Some days I want to crawl under a rock, too. It's so damn depressing. I can honestly say that I lose a lot of sleep over what is happening to our wonderful civilization. One feels so HELPLESS.