Thursday, November 02, 2006

How shocking! Why doesn't she wear gloves, too? Ms Azmi must surely be in breach of Allah's injunctions!
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Photo courtesy of the BBC
What is it with these people? Don't they ever wear anything except black? Why do they always have to be so morbid? Black veils, black turbans, black abayas, black, black, black. Everywhere you look, they're dressed in black! Psychiatrists! Please get on their case. This has got to be indicative of something. I think I know what it is: It's a morbid outlook and a love of death and the so-called afterlife. But a more scientific opinion would be more than welcome.
BBC: Teaching assistant Aishah Azmi has no regrets about the huge controversy stirred by her refusal to take off her veil during lessons.

She is small in stature, but big on principle.

The Cardiff-born support teacher is unfazed by the national - and international - attention paid to her refusal to take off her veil when working with male colleagues.

The 23-year-old, married mother-of-one knows she could defuse the row by backing down, but will she?

"No" is her polite but firm reply. The woman at centre of veil case
Mark Alexander


mirrorman said...

I have changed my mind. Let them all stay veiled.
Let them remain the constant reminder of what we face.

Mark said...

Well, Mirrorman, it would at least be a constant reminder of what we are up against, wouldn't it? That much, I grant you.

mirrorman said...

"Veil teacher was obeying a fatwa"
Did you read this article Mark?
It would explain a lot about how she cares so much about education that she puts her own personal desires and foibles before the education of children in her care.,,2087-2426770,00.html

Mark said...


I hadn't read that article till you pointed it out to me. Thank you for doing so. The article just re-inforces what I always thought: Namely, that she should be sacked and that she should NEVER be able to return to any classroom to teach any children. She is so obviously unsuited to teaching children, especially teaching them language!

In actual fact, when I heard her speaking, she didn't seem to be in command of the English language anyway. So what the hell can she teach children anyway?

Fie on her!