Friday, November 10, 2006

Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the Director-General of MI5, paints a depressing picture
1,600 suspects under surveillance
30 plots to kill, maim, damage
200 terror groups or networks
THE TIMES: Hundreds of young British Muslims are being radicalised, groomed and set on a path to mass murder, the head of MI5 said yesterday.

In a stark public warning, Dame Eliza ManninghamBuller, the Director-General of MI5, revealed that the Security Service’s caseload had risen by 80 per cent since January and now involved about 30 “Priority 1” plots.

It has identified 200 terrorist networks involving at least 1,600 people, many under the direct control of al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.

“More and more people are moving from passive sympathy towards active terrorism through being radicalised or indoctrinated by friends, families, in organised training events here and overseas,” she said. “Young teenagers are being groomed to be suicide bombers.” More Britons are turning to terror, says MI5 director by Michael Evans

But th editorial misses the main point. It's Islam, stupid! The al-Qaeda challenge

WATCH VIDEO: MI5 boss spells out UK threat
Mark Alexander


mirrorman said...

Haven't the authorities woken up to the facts that an all out war is being planned against all that we British hold dear?
The young jihadis are just puppets for those planners of mayhem that care not what they destroy or who gets killed in the process of destabilising Civilisation.
The megaphones of religious terror stand atop the minarets of the Mid-East and chant their call to the faithful, throughout Europe and the West.The arabSats beam the messages of hate and seperation into the living rooms of the outsiders within, who are willing to profit from the economy, but want no part of the culture that created it, and which they would cheer the destruction of.
The Liberal/Marxist agenda of the likes of Red Ken Livingstone, Mingy Cambell and the hatefilled George Galloway, are steering Society towards the confrontation that will end the period of economic stability and progress through which we have been living.
The war will start on some pretext or another (it only takes a cartoon too far!) and we will see our streets throughout Europe explode into simmering running battles with random racist attacks against white and Jewish targets alike, the burning of iconic buldings and the homes of innocents.
The police will be so overstretched that they will want to call in the army, but the army will be stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq and God knows where.
Society will polarise almost beyond repair and the Economy will be paralised.
What is being done to stop the spread of the infective call to terror?
The MI5 are chasing 1500 young people.
What a joke.
There was many times that number burning down large chunks of Bradford just a short time ago.
Imagine that spread through maybe ten cities and towns.
It will be a black day indeed. Blackened by the charred ruins of our towns.
If they succeed at letting free just a few specks of some terrible pathogen, which any college kid could breed from samples sent from where such things are common, then we are stuffed.
It is time to crack down now.
It is time that our political masters stop trying to keep the lid on what is uncontainable.
It is time they acted on behalf of the people common, and arrest every last man-Jack who uses religion or any other cause as an excuse for evil actions.
They know who they are following, and it costs many millions to do so, so let out a few harmless petty-crims from our over crowded jails, send back to their Country of origin some of the TEN thousand foreign criminals blocking our jails, costing the tax payer £350 a DAY to keep, and replace them with those known "1500" terrorist sympathisers, suspend their human rights under existing Sedition laws and hey presto, that is 1500 less to worry about. Of course it will upset those who prey upon the freedoms given by our Democracies to it's citizens, and when they stick their heads above the parapet, arrest them too.
Stop talking tough to people who do not care about their future (or ours)and start acting tough before the flames are ignited.
See that's the trouble with Liberals, head stuck in the sand (or up their
backsides) they brand as racist those with strong views who want to preserve the dignity of our People, our great Nation, but they give succour and support to our enemies, in so doing.
They refuse to recognise that a concerted long-term attack has been going on for years and will only intensify as the enemy sees our weaknesses and inability to act.
I ask, who are the real threat to Britain? The bnp that are branded as "evil" by the politicians of left and right, but have done little except stir up some sense of an alternative to the forces of multicult and political correctness?
Or those that openly call for our destruction, whose sympathisers have actually killed more than 50 innocents in London already?

Evil is as evil does.

Mark said...


All hell is going to break loose. We can be sure of that. This problem will never be solved the way we are going about trying to solve it.

These people don't belong in the civilized, enlightened world we have here in the West. Therefore, they need to be thrown out. You might like to read my essay, 'R' is for Repatriation. I think you will probably agree with the sentiments expressed therein.

It is absurd to try and deny the war that is being waged against us. Our enemy is Islam. Our enemies are Muslims.

There is no such thing as moderate Muslims. A so-called moderate Muslim is a Muslim who doesn't practise his faith properly. He doesn't follow its teachings.

In any case, when I worked in the Middle East, I learned pretty quickly that today's 'moderate' Muslim can rapidly morph into tomorrow's radical one. Islam is a very potent, deadly poison! How do the authorities suppose that they are going to be able to control this?

The editorial in today's times (to which I have placed a link in the blog) is assinine. It asks what are the causes of this terror. If they don't know them at The Times then it's shame on them! I'll tell them what the cause of this terrorism is, it's Islam. That pseudo religion created by their pseudo prophet!

Until the West stops calling Islam a great and noble faith, until it stops labelling it as an equal "Abrahamic" faith, a faith equal to Judaism and Christianity; and until our politicians and leaders start to realize that we are, in actual fact, engaged in a religious war to the death, then we have no hope of overcoming the evil being perpetrated against us.

I am sick to death of listening to twerps making excuses for Islam; and I include Prince Charles, President Bush, and Prime Minister Blair among the twerps! They are all doing ordinary people a great disservice, because they are endangering the lives of the good people of Great Britian and the United States, and elsewhere, with their stupid talk.

If there is an atomic attack, will it not be fair to blame these twerps for it, just as much as Al-Qaeda, for their unwillingness to act in the face of the obvious? Why? Simply for refusing to accept the reality of what we are faced with, and for refusing to deal with grave problem head-on. These people are CRAVEN to a man (and woman).

It's time to quit the talking; it's time to take action. BEFORE disaster strikes. And one of these fine days, it most surely will!

mirrorman said...

mark, qoute from Manningham-Bullers speech; "Tomorrow’s threat may, and I suggest WILL, include the use of chemical, bacteriological agents, radioactive materials and even nuclear technology,” she said.

So their answer is to give speeches to "select" audiences?
Do you remember what happened to the would-be Gibralter bombers?
We have the means, our leaders lack the will, or the guts.
Their prevarication will be our undoing.
What is the point of following these people, and analysing the fact that they are from one of our old colonies, influenced by AQ and their like from bases abroad?
That has been common knowledge for ten years at least.
Do they really think that all this can be contained by pussy-footing around?
Are they waiting for us all to be sacrficial victims on the altar of political correctness?
Why waste so much time and money recruiting ethnics, do they really think that they will act against their own kind?
Can you imagine the farce of all those mi5 agents (God bless em, one an all)sitting in vans outside susects houses and businesses?
Sitting in GCHQ listening to all those mobile phone calls, trying to decipher what the next outrage will be?
It only takes one to slip the net.
As always the footsoldiers are hamstrung by the old school Officers who obey the dictat of their oh so clever political masters.
Do these great minds think that they are dealing with a controllable, knowable foe as was the ira?
Rude awakenings for them, I fear.

Mark said...


We have the means, our leaders lack the will, or the guts. Their prevarication will be our undoing.

Yes indeed!

Do they really think that all this can be contained by pussy-footing around? Are they waiting for us all to be sacrficial victims on the altar of political correctness?

Pussy-footing around is exactly what they are doing. Pussy-footing around with the enemy! And yes it does indeed look as if they are waiting for us to be the sacrificial victims of pc.

Why waste so much time and money recruiting ethnics, do they really think that they will act against their own kind?

I know from my own experience of working with Muslims in the Middle East that you will never get a Muslim to speak against another Muslim brother. Never! These idiots are deluding themselves if they think that Muslims will ever be loyal to anything else other than Islam or to anyone else other than another Muslim brother. That's the nature of the Muslim.

Can you imagine the farce of all those mi5 agents (God bless em, one an all)sitting in vans outside susects houses and businesses? Sitting in GCHQ listening to all those mobile phone calls, trying to decipher what the next outrage will be?
It only takes one to slip the net.

Yes indeed I can.

As always the footsoldiers are hamstrung by the old school Officers who obey the dictat of their oh so clever political masters.

I'm sure there are many, many good people working for MI5; but the policy of dealing with this problem is wrong from the very top down to the very bottom. The establishment is in denial.

Do these great minds think that they are dealing with a controllable, knowable foe as was the ira? Rude awakenings for them, I fear.

It would seem that they have no conception of the kind of enemy we are dealing with. We have been engaged in trying to re-invent the wheel, I'm afraid. Our ancestors knew exactly whay Islam was all about: Blood and thunder and world domination!