Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Multiculturalism officially dead in the UK!

As I argued in my book, multiculturalism is a nonsense. Multiculturalism was doomed to failure from the start. One culture will always dominate in the end; and that will be the strongest one. With Islam, a very strong geo-political system clothed in a deity, growing apace here in the West, and with our birthrate so precariously low, it was always extremely dangerous for us to embrace multiculturalism anyway. There was always the fear that the Muslim population would swamp the indigenous population.

I stated in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, that there was only ONE sensible policy for any Western government to adopt: the insistence on the integration of the immigrants into OUR culture.

It seems that the British government has at last seen the light. It is starting to come to its senses. It's a little late in the day; but it is welcome nevertheless. Now we need to hear from the government what it proposes to do about the people who will not integrate, the people who preach hatred, the people who demonstrate in favour of beheading the people who insult Islam, the people who are here illegally, and the people who want to introduce Shari'ah law.

Governments around the Western world desperately need to send a STRONG message to Muslim immigrants, namely that NONSENSE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, and that people who persist in behaving CONTRARY to the laws of the land will be DEPORTED. Not jailed, but deported. Then we might start seeing some different behaviour from the immigrants. The way things stand, they are running amok.

©Mark Alexander
THE TELEGRAPH: At his press briefing yesterday, the Prime Minister made it clear his Government's approach to cultural diversity had changed. He may have couched his position in careful language, but the conclusion was inescapable: integration, rather than multi-cultural separatism, is now official policy. By saying that he "fully supported" the decision of Kirklees council to suspend the Muslim teaching assistant who had refused to remove her veil at work, and then reinforcing this point with the observation that the veil was a "mark of separation", Mr Blair removed any doubt about the Government's position.

He was, in effect, affirming that the contentious views expressed over recent weeks by Jack Straw, Ruth Kelly and John Reid were not maverick individual opinions, but part of a larger, concerted revision of the Cabinet's stand. Mr Blair, unsurprisingly, wanted to avoid the appearance of an outright volte-face: at one point, he suggested that there should be "a balance between integration and multi-culturalism". This would be a logical impossibility, since the policy of multi-culturalism, as it has been understood and practised, is antithetical to integration. Labour loses faith in multi-culturalism
Mark Alexander


cybercrusader said...

AT LAST! It certainly took long enough for our stupid, incompetent politicians to kill off multiculturism. Why do you suppose they suddenly decided to reverse course? Maybe the dimwits figured out that if they didn't kill off multiculturism, we the people were about to kill them off (speaking metaphorically, of course...).

mirrorman said...

Mark, I always suspected that your book, and your blog, amongst others, has been on the breakfast table of a few of our politicians.
It has long been obvious that their multi-cult dreams were fading fast, and were becoming an obstacle to the wider plans of a pan-Euro state.
(TB's next job?)
This seemingly laudable objective, placed as it was in the hands of one of Blairs closest closet deputies is running into strong headwinds with the Euro Constitution rejection, the Turkey issue, and the yearning of much of Europes people to establish a Right of centre (to say the least) outline of the future.
With the ever incessant clamour of Muslims to always be in the headlines, pushing their Sharia agenda, how could the Euro politicians pose substantial objections to those whose agenda is to preserve the status quo of a pre-mass immigration European identity?
How could they continue to push for their tainted insistance on prostration to the multi-cult faith, when the main beneficiaries in the shape of Islam, stuck two fingers up in the face of Blair and Jack Straw.
No, it now seems that Nu Labour has tasted the bitter herb of their likely defeat, and sensing the stench of the mire-pit, they have scrambled to dance the passe-doble no more.
In fact they are now becoming like the tale of the HMS Bounty, a scurvy crew, addled by drinking the salty water of failure, with the Captain swerving from one phantasm to another, as his officers are torn between loyalty and the wish to put him aboard a life-boat and make fast their own survival.
YO HO me hearties, we are bound for stormy seas.

By the way, Mark, have you noticed that there are fresh rumblings amid the Parisian ghettos.
The yoots are starting to attack police and citizens once more.
It seems like the deportation of 25000, by Sarkosy, has not in itself, rid them of the problem.
One to watch, maybe.

cybercrusader said...

mirrorman. How interesting that you should suspect that Mark's book and blog have "been on the breakfast table of a few of our politicians." I had the very same thought just yesterday and I think we are right about this.

European Kafir said...

Good to hear that Mr. Blair finally woke up! Lets hope this will also have some effect on other European governments.

Mark, I sent you an e-mail (hope it didn`t land in cyber-space again...;-D).


mirrorman said...

usicp,, Great minds etc! ha ha!
I think our politicians are waking up to the power of the bloggers. One can get a taste of public sentiment in just a few brief minutes, and some are now realising that a blog is a political tool, in which it is possible to directly reach into the homes of the public. (look at all the fuss about our Tory leader, David Cameron and his new blog.) He can of course employ a web expert to do all his blogging for him, unlike us poor mortals!
With Cameron's background in PR, he has also identified the blog's importance as marketing tool, but one which has enough complexity to sell ideas, not just products.

Mark said...

USIP & Mirrorman:

Thank you both so much about your comments about my book and blog. I do hope you're right. :-)

Pastorius said...

What do you think will be the reaction of the Muslims to this new direction for the British government?