Saturday, October 21, 2006

Britain should ban the veil!
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Photo courtesy of the Daily Express
DAILY EXPRESS: PRESSURE was mounting last night for veils to be banned in Britain – just as they are in some Muslim countries.

And rebels plotting fresh court protests were given a blunt warning by lawmakers: "Carry on, and we will bar you."

The threat came amid a public outcry over the costs being racked up by teaching assistant Aishah Azmi as her lawyers, funded by taxpayers, continued their fight for her right to wear a veil in class.

Daily Express readers responded in massive numbers to a poll on the crisis, with 99 per cent calling for the veil to be banned in schools, increasing pressure on the Government to act.

A ban would see Britain following many of its European neighbours, along with predominantly Muslim countries like Turkey and Tunisia in outlawing traditional Islamic headscarves in public schools and buildings. Ban it!
Mark Alexander


Mark said...

This is what I'd like to know: Why are the feminists so quiet? Why aren't they burning their bras now?

cybercrusader said...

Mark, Good question. Wearing this absurd 'get up' is certainly denigrating to women. I am with you in wondering why the feminists are so quiet about this when they are so vocal about other things???

Eleanor © said...

Mark - I've always wondered why feminists haven't been up in arms about the plight of Muslim women everywhere on earth. That they don't speak out and create a movement is telling, don't you think?

youdontknowme said...

At last. People want this oppressive clothing banned. I doubt the government will listen though unless they have an agenda by losing the muslim vote

Mark said...


It's telling indeed!

leelion said...

Check out this article by Kay.S.Hymowitz called "Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam". Very insightful:

I've struggled to understand the thought processes of those who see no fault or danger in anything from a non-Western culture.

To many, criticizing any religion, belief or cultural practise is anatema - except Western culture and Christianity of course - they're fair game.

I think a lot of it is to do with guilt, shame and embarrassment they feel at being part of the "dominant West", and all that it encompasses - material success, imperialism, colonialism etc.

As Hymowitz says, many westerners practise "third world non-judgementalism" and actually seek to undermine their own western culture.

I think its a sort of envy appeasement thing. American commentator Jack Wheeler believes many westerners are terrified of being envied and rush around bagging America, Europe, western techology, capitalism etc as a way of deflecting this fear.

I'll try and find a link to Wheeler's article and post it though it may not be available for free.

L said...

Quite clearly, this awful woman wore this ridiculous costume to stir up unrest.

Sack her!

What's a church school doing employing such people?

Mark said...


Quite clearly, this awful woman wore this ridiculous costume to stir up unrest.

She's nothing but a troublemaker. A troublemaker pure and simple.

Sack her!

Of course they should sack her. I heard her speaking on a BBC video. Her English, the subject in which she was a language assistant, left much to be desired. How on earth she can teach English, I'll never know. I can tell you this: I wouldn't want her teaching any children of mine. And more than that: I wouldn't allow any children of mine (were I to have any) to be taught by her. She would be enough to give any child nightmares. She looks so sinister!

What's a church school doing employing such people?

Great question! A church school should be trying to inculcate Christian values. How can this woman do that? The answer is: She can't. And in any case, she wouldn't. So what, as you ask, is she employed by such a school for?

I know what the school board would say to that question. They would be politically correct and say that we try to be fair and diverse. Twaddle such as this is getting us into very deep water. It has to stop.

PS: By the way, Rockmother, I'm reading an interesting book at the moment. One you would approve of, I'm sure. It's called The God Delusion, and it's written by Richard Dawkins. I think you would really enjoy it.